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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    As for quotas

    We have the 2nd highest in the EU after Denmark

    Full Member

    foxy likes it hard

    he will ‘blow apart theresa may’s government apparently’

    I suspect he awaits another slapping down from number 10

    Free Member

    I think I actually heard Michael Howard on Today yesterday saying why would the EU would not want to cut a deal (back to the cheese and BMW line of thought) and went on to say why would the EU want to make sending cars produced in this country more expensive when selling into the EU – he used the example of the Mini produced by BMW in Oxford without seeming to take on board that BMW might up and move production to the EU as it would be cheaper. Brexiteers really are deluded. I know, why not hold a referendum on returning to the 19th century.

    Free Member

    @kimbers best way to get a good deal is to be prepared fo walk away, that’s the standard stw advice on car buying threads is it not ?

    Sarkozy has an election to fight and his Brexit remarks are aimed at a domestic audience but he has proposed the UK be offered a revised EU membership deal, this would be beneficial to France too as the changes he is looking for from the EU match what we wanted, eg end/suspend free movement etc. French are well aware that a hard Brexit is bad for them.

    Full Member

    @kimbers best way to get a good deal is to be prepared fo walk away, that’s the standard stw advice on car buying threads is it not ?

    I kinda assumed that advice would be slightly different if you’d already put down a few billion as a deposit. 😆

    he has proposed the UK be offered a revised EU membership deal

    Sadly we can’t possibly accept that deal, because it has been made abundantly clear that “brexit means brexit”.

    Free Member

    @kimbers best way to get a good deal is to be prepared fo walk away, that’s the standard stw advice on car buying threads is it not ?

    If we walk away we get nothing, no guarantee on UK nationals living in Europe, no guarantee for cross border trade and ownership etc. The mass displacement of people working around the eu. The eu will carry on without the UK.

    Full Member

    autotrader is full of cars

    I’m not sure that the world is full of 27 member state free trade blocs

    Free Member

    @Nipper it’s a trade off between

    Cost of moving production and the logistics and timing of doing so
    Trade tariffs saved by moving production
    Loss in sales due to trade tariffs (both ways, free trade deal vs tariffs paid by Brits vs tariffs paid by Europeans)

    As I said it’s relatively trivial to move a a booking office for financial services, you can’t easily move a car factory or a French farm.

    We have always said a free trade deal makes sense. What does not make sense is a budget contribution or freedom of movement

    Free Member

    @mike the rule of law underlies ownership, as I have posted many times Brits own property around the world including in countries where they have no right of residency like US and Australia. I have many friends in Singapore who own property in Margret River or Thailand for example with no right of residence.

    Tye Spanish economy is seriously f–ked, they are not going to kick out Brits spending money there and if they try their neighbours in Portugal will be more than happy to welcome them. The EU can grant freedom of movement to Brits or individual countries can effectively do the same.

    Full Member

    We have always said a free trade deal makes sense. What does not make sense is a budget contribution or freedom of movement

    its like joining costco

    you gotta pay the membership fee to get the bargains,

    Free Member

    Fox. I listened to His speech, it was outward looking and optimisitc. Press like Guardian are trying to paint a picture of conflict.

    Free Member

    @mike what is the basis of your residence in Austrlaia, it’s temporary right ? A time li ited period whilst you are employed ? What rights do you have to apply for a passport ?

    Free Member

    And I’m sure your friends in Margaret River know of the foreign ownership laws passed. It must be nice to end up owning property you don’t know if you can live in. That’s the sort of shit brexit could cause. No matter how much you shout they need us more we are looking at possibly booting out thousands of eu citizens. If people think playing hard ball with a weaker hand will work bring your cash round for a game of poker.

    Edit I’m a permanent resident applying for citizenship, but then I knew that whaler I moved. Brexit will change the situation of tens of thousands of people at least and you don’t know what will be the outcome. We know however it will lie somewhere between where we are now and getting sent home.

    Full Member

    Press like Guardian are trying to paint a picture of conflict.

    did u see the telegraph video in that link ^^

    fox’s speach was ludicrous, I genuinely wonder for his sanity

    apparently the EU is just like North Korea 😯

    Dr Fox added: “In 1945, both North and South Korea began from a very similar base, but while South Korea embraced open trade and free markets, Pyongyang turned inwards with the tragic consequences for its citizens that we see to this day.

    A pedestrian wears a suit, featuring the pattern of a British Union flag
    A pedestrian wears a suit, featuring the pattern of a British Union flag CREDIT: CHRIS RATCLIFFE/BLOOMBERG
    “Seoul is now at the heart of a thriving economy and dynamic democracy where freedom and prosperity are shared among all its people. It should come as no surprise that while over 80% of South Koreans have access to the Internet, less than 0.1% of North Koreans enjoy the same.

    “More tragically, there is a greater than 10 year discrepancy in the life expectancy of those north and south of the demilitarised zone. For the prize of free trade can be measured not simply in terms of economics but in human terms too.

    “There is a reason why those who wish to diminish political freedoms try to have closed economies because they know that, especially in the era of the technical revolution that is the Internet and social media, open markets will sweep in empowering and liberalising ideas.”

    edit was gonna remove those pic description from my telegraph cut n paste, but its better if I leave them in 😉

    Full Member

    Whatever side of the argument you are on we can all agree the negotiations will take forever, cost a fortune and not leave any of us better of. (Unless of course you are a lawyer or a politician. Surprise,surprise.)

    Full Member

    How long till Downing Street says that Fox spee was his own opinion and don’t represents the government view?

    Free Member

    Whatever side of the argument you are on we can all agree the negotiations will take forever, cost a fortune and not leave any of us better of. (Unless of course you are a lawyer or a politician. Surprise,surprise.)

    So you are saying it would be better to just cut all the crap, invoke article 50 now and hard Brexit as quick as possible?

    Free Member

    So you are saying it would be better to just cut all the crap, invoke article 50 now and hard Brexit as quick as possible?

    No, just give up and stay as were are. Cost £0.

    Free Member

    @kimbers 🙂

    you gotta pay the membership fee to get the bargains,

    Except France pays zero ? Only Germany and UK have made meaningful net contributions over the years. We understand why it makes sense to Germany a massive net exporter and with a currency much weaker that it wouod have otherwise (weak currency great for exports). It makes no sense to the UK

    @mike I bet also despite havng no long term right of residence in Australia you own a house ? You are making an educated risk assesment.

    Free Member

    Cost of negotiations, £65 million per anum. Gosh thats 2 days worth of our EU busget contribution. An absolute bargain.

    BTW never mind the Italian banks Deutsche in free fall and Commerzbank laying off 20% of it’s entire workforce and suspending it’s dividend again. All is not well in Germany.

    Full Member

    Cost of negotiations, £65 million per anum. Gosh thats 2 days worth of our EU busget contribution

    Less our rebate etc, (but if it’s good enough to write on a bus……)
    That figure* is on top of our contribution, which we’ll still be paying for at least 2 years and still will be on the cards if we want free market access

    * We all know how ambitious government spending plans are….add on another zero ?

    Full Member

    @mike I bet also despite havng no long term right of residence in Australia you own a house ? You are making an educated risk assesment.

    …as opposed to a random jump in the dark, which is what people are having to do at the moment given we know the rules are going to change but we don’t know how or when?

    Full Member

    so Nissan have put investment in Sunderland on hold ……….

    Full Member

    kimbers – Member

    so Nissan have put investment in Sunderland on hold ……….

    The tories’ll count this as a triumph, a new and exciting way to nationalise private sector risk!1!!oNE

    Free Member

    The tories’ll count this as a triumph, a new and exciting way to nationalise private sector risk!1!!oNE

    Does any of this not make sense?

    Free Member

    Hello Hyundai!

    Nissan is the least desirable car brand amongst the Japanese car brands in the far east so they can go if they wish …


    Datsun 120Y anyone?

    Full Member

    Don’t worry they could do another version of Auf Weidersein Pet where they all go off and work in a BMW factory………
    Shame,they voted against that as well.

    Full Member

    People in the north east voted for Brexit so they cant complain about it .

    Full Member

    Nissan is the least desirable car brand amongst the Japanese car brands in the far east so they can go if they wish ..

    but 1/3rd of all uk car exports

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member

    Nissan is the least desirable car brand amongst the Japanese car brands in the far east so they can go if they wish ..

    but 1/3rd of all uk car exports [/quote]

    Yes, where do all Nissan cars go? (can’t be arsed to google) 😆

    cchris2lou – Member
    People in the north east voted for Brexit so they cant complain about it.

    I think the people know what they want and certainly not for an organisation to dictate terms to a nation.

    Go Nissan … we will have horse cart …

    Full Member

    Go Nissan … we will have horse cart …

    5000 former nissan employees wont be able to afford the cart let alone the horse, still takebackcontrol etc

    Full Member

    Not just the Nissan employees. It’s all the corner shops they buy stuff from. And local tradesmen. And and and.

    I forget the ratio of direct employees to indirect dependents on monolithic employers like Nissan (10:1?), but it really is just about the only game in town round there. It’ll be like bits of Yorkshire when they shut the mines.

    Assuming it happens. But then it’s pretty easy for Nissan to switch manfacture of future models to a French plant.

    I think the people know what they want and certainly not for an organisation to dictate terms to a nation.

    Jobs? Money to buy the things they want/need? Enlighten me.

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    quote] Go Nissan … we will have horse cart …

    5000 former nissan employees wont be able to afford the cart let alone the horse, still takebackcontrol etc [/quote]
    They will have to walk don’t they? Exercise perhaps?

    igm – Member
    Not just the Nissan employees. It’s all the corner shops they buy stuff from. And local tradesmen. And and and.

    They just have to think of something else to do won’t they or they can move to London.

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    quote] Go Nissan … we will have horse cart …

    5000 former nissan employees wont be able to afford the cart let alone the horse, still takebackcontrol etc [/quote]
    It will be a slow wind down if that happens i.e. not instantly like “big bang” … plenty of time to prepare.

    igm – Member
    Not just the Nissan employees. It’s all the corner shops they buy stuff from. And local tradesmen. And and and.

    They just have to think of something else to do don’t they or they can move to London.

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member
    quote] Go Nissan … we will have horse cart …

    5000 former nissan employees wont be able to afford the cart let alone the horse, still takebackcontrol etc [/quote]
    It will be a slow wind down if that happens i.e. not instantly like “big bang” … plenty of time to prepare.

    igm – Member
    Not just the Nissan employees. It’s all the corner shops they buy stuff from. And local tradesmen. And and and.

    They just have to think of something else to do won’t they or they can move to London.

    Free Member

    Trying to delete the post but couldn’t for whatever reasons above.

    Free Member

    I hope they all get fired, the tears of the **** geordies will nourish me.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Hahah Aracer, this will be the reaction of Londoners to white Geordie immigrants.


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