Home Forums Chat Forum Elton John…yet another biography/money making scheme…

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  • Elton John…yet another biography/money making scheme…
  • unfitgeezer
    Free Member

    …give it a rest Elton, you’ve always been carp ( in my opinion)

    Harping on yet again…

    Elton John: ‘I still want my dad’s approval’ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-50003238


    Free Member


    Why do you want to talk about it then?

    Full Member

    Elton John singing recently

    Free Member


    When was the last time he released anything remotely interesting or relevant to anyone under 70? Repulsive little whiny nasal voiced twerp.

    Free Member


    Why do you want to talk about it then?

    Power of the media !

    Full Member

    As a massive fan (I know, I know), yes indeed at the age of 72 he has tailed off a bit in recent years in writing good stuff.
    However he is talented, unbelievably generous (does so much for charity), is witty and clever.

    Now I know he’s not in vogue atm but I will always stick up for him.

    I’ve seen him in concert during the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s. Have been lucky enough to meet him backstage in Lille, France 1984. He is the most charismatic person I’ve ever come across, also a little shy.

    If you don’t like him, which most of you don’t and you don’t know much about him, which most of you don’t, then just leave it.

    I haven’t read the article above because in the words of Elton 90% of stuff written about him is rubbish.

    His early albums are fabulous, especially those in collaboration with Bernie Taupin. Albums such as ‘Goodbye yellow brick road’ and ‘Capt Fantastic and the brown dirt cowboy’, are timeless.

    Free Member

    His early albums are fabulous

    70s yeah? and since then? Just one of the most overrated musical acts ever.

    Free Member

    70s yeah? and since then?

    That’s nothing. Mozart has been shit since the mid 1780s!

    Full Member

    DezB – He did quite well with ‘The Lion KIng’, collaboration with Tim Rice.

    Full Member

    When was the last time he released anything remotely interesting or relevant to anyone under 70?

    Most people who appreciate the music for the Lion King are under 70.

    I prefer…

    Free Member

    Watched Rocketman on Sunday which I thought was very good and gave a view into events in his life (wasn’t previously aware of it as not something I had looked into)

    And who cares if he tailed of mid 70’s, his early albums are still great.

    Free Member

    He (along with Taupin) has turned out some absolute bangers in the past.

    Yeah, given he’s supposedly worth £300m, I don’t know why he seems to be so greedy for a bit of retirement money now, maybe he wants to retire to Mars?

    The farewell tour is one thing, no one forced to go, but Snickers ads? Seriously, do you really need it?

    Free Member

    Elton John makes me think of smack the pony.
    All I can see/hear in my head is the dating video where the woman goes “Elton John down” at her dog (i Hope)

    Free Member

    The Lion King!

    Jeez. I’m so uncultured.

    I’ll stay away, for some reason he just winds me up. I’m the same with Leo Sayer.

    Full Member

    70s yeah? and since then? Just one of the most overrated musical acts ever.

    To be fair, that’s more recent than you making an original comment on popular music.

    Free Member

    70s yeah? and since then? Just one of the most overrated musical acts ever.

    That’s a shame. He speaks very highly of you

    Free Member

    He’s like a male version of Celine Dion.

    Free Member

    …give it a rest Elton, you’ve always been carp ( in my opinion)

    Harping on yet again…

    maybe he’s just fishing for compliments

    Free Member

    I agree with Bunnyhop, he has never made albums as good as Yellow Brick Road or Capt. Fantastic. But neither has anyone else really. Joseph Heller never wrote anything as good as Catch-22 and Michael Jackson never recorded anything as god as Thriller. That’s the nature of being at a creative peak.

    Free Member

    To be fair, that’s more recent than you making an original comment on popular music

    To be fair, someone said to Discuss Elton John, which I did. All you’ve managed to do is comment on my (imaginary) posting history. But you dun best, of course.

    Full Member

    Not really a fan but the wife is so I have seen him live a couple of times and he puts on a great show.

    Far more talented than many who have made a living through the music industry. I think his appearances in the Snickers ad and Kingsman film were quite amusing – I think he probably did them as much for fun as money.

    Free Member

    DezB in commenting on music he doesn’t like shock


    Full Member

    To be fair, someone said to Discuss Elton John, which I did.

    Well you dissed him, not discussed him…

    Free Member

    Well you dissed him, not discussed him…

    ..and cussed him. So… overall…

    Free Member

    Pretty sure everything released after “I’m still standing” has been garbage

    Free Member

    He’s like a male version of Celine Dion.


    Free Member

    He’s surrounded himself with a lot of fanboys and people who don’t criticise his work, thats why what he produces these days is just mediocre and bland.. like so many artists of his ilk/era.

    But he can write a damn fine tune when he want to, and I for one wouldn’t like him to return to the 70’s for inspiration because his life has moved on quite considerably. Thats would be like asking Freddy to write songs of the Night of the Opera era.. (obvz he can’t, but you get the gist)

    But he’s an old man now, leave him plink-plonk on his own.

    Free Member

    brown dirt cowboy


    Free Member


    That was a Phil Collins album. 😉

    Free Member

    Saw him this summer and he was amazing. Tumbleweed Connection is one of my favourite albums

    Free Member

    He did an hour solo set at a wedding I was at in Athens in the 90’s (lah de dah!)
    It was incredible.

    Just him on a grand piano and nothing else.
    Totally awesome, and I’m not even a huge fan.

    (He got paid £1.2M for the appearance apparently + a few nights on the father of the brides Luxury yacht and a helicopter transfer to the gig and back to the yacht)

    Full Member

    I’m not being forced to buy it so let him go for it. Fans will probably enjoy it and that’s more than likely who he wrote it for. Not a fan of his music personally, but he’s a talented songwriter and musician.

    Free Member

    I’m not being forced to buy it so let him go for it. Fans will probably enjoy it and that’s more than likely who he wrote it for. Not a fan of his music personally, but he’s a talented songwriter and musician.

    Agreed. Plus he allows DezB to feel superior.

    Full Member

    I doubt Elton will be keeping the book royalties. The money will probably go to his aides charities.

    Edit: Elton is really up to date with the latest trends in music and is very well respected by many young, new and up and coming artists, many of whom he has helped get a rung up the music industry ladder.

    Full Member

    I agree unreservedly with @DezB, and have always thought the Lion King insufferable.

    Free Member

    He’s a great pop musician. Taupin, on the other hand, is a terrible lyricist. Weird, really.


    Free Member

    Saw him at Uni in ’72 and thought him epic.
    Good songs since but never felt the need to buy an album or tickets. I bear him o ill will and he does seem able to laugh at himself. That goes a long way in my book.
    My mate Jess auditioned him as a keyboard player and turned him down. Well that worked out didn’t it?

    Full Member

    He made some incredible music in the 70s. Admittedly not much since then, but last time I checked Pele hasn’t set the world of footer alight for years. Regarding his appetite for moolah, Viz ran a series of cartoons a few years back featuring Elton running common or garden scams on unsuspecting punters. My favourite being when he sets up a present wrapping stall in a shopping centre at Xmas and swaps the stereos etc for bricks. And Viz are rarely off the money..

    In fairness he’s probably one step ahead of hmrc again and looking for some quick cash

    Full Member

    The money will probably go to his aides charities.

    He’s so rich even his aides have charities.

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