TiRed, my wording was a bit lazy but the link to Regeneron's site provided details of their EUA.
Subject to them receiving approval, demand - driven by trump's endorsement - will massively exceed their limited supply.
Polls, Polls......
With Joe on the other side I'm getting a 2016 déjà vu
More outpourings from trump, including criticising his two most senior appointments...
In other news, Pelosi moves even closer to calling for 25th amendment to be invoked...
The Trump team are complaining that those tasked with organising the debates are seeking to "protect Biden".... well they had better be! It's damn obvious that the President and his people can't be trusted to share a room with anyone... never mind an old man who is likely to be President next year.
That SNL sketch is damn good. I still fear that we may see that night stretched over weeks of postal vote count announcements this time.
"Mike Pompeo has been unable to get them out, which is very sad, actually," Trump said. "I’m not happy about him for that reason. He was unable to get them out. I don’t know why. You’re running the State Department, you get them out."
C'mon Mike, get them out for the President 😀
In other news, Pelosi moves even closer to calling for 25th amendment to be invoked…
Why does that feel like a nailed-on vote loser for Biden?
Why does that feel like a nailed-on vote loser for Biden?
It doesn't.
Loving his latest infomercial! It's got it all - great president, the direct link between him getting ill and the therapeutics going mainstream, some stock pushing, a sprinkling of god, a link to the timing of the election, dissing the Chinese and some weird thing about the Generals.
Where do I sign up?
...great president, the direct link between him getting ill and the therapeutics going mainstream, some stock pushing, a sprinkling of god, a link to the timing of the election, dissing the Chinese and some weird thing about the Generals...
Nuts, isn't it?
I imagine that the families of 7.58m Americans might want more than platitudes right now.
Surviving Coronavirus in America isn't cheap.
Anything that Trump says about "finally getting it", or invoking divine intervention will sound hugely tone-deaf. Remember that Trump's key voter demographics are often the most vulnerable to this insidious virus.
I’m not sure if the Regeneron arm is active yet but it’s coming soon-ish AIUI. I work with people who facilitate RECOVERY, so although I’m not involved at all I get some gossip intermittently.
I’d heard end of Sep but no sign at our place yet.
Regeneron’s antibody treatment was developed using embryonic stem cell research. Which will probably be glossed over slightly by the president, I’m guessing.
Did you tip off the NYT @martinhutch?
'The antibody cocktail for Covid-19 that President Trump touted on Wednesday afternoon was developed with cells originally derived from fetal tissue, a practice that the president had repeatedly condemned.
In June 2019, the Trump administration suspended federal funding for most new scientific research involving fetal tissue derived from abortions.
“Promoting the dignity of human life from conception to natural death is one of the very top priorities of President Trump’s administration,” the Department of Health and Human Services said in a prepared statement.'
I still believe that the real Trump died in 1987 or else is in hiding on an Island in the Sun. Whatever. The ‘Trump‘ that we see today is in reality a #deepcover animatronic puppet-suit-tank
i think a far more likely reality is on the 19th of jan 2021 ‘trump’ will pull of his mask and Andy Kaufman will the reveal the punchline to a gag he’s been working on since 19 May 1984
Even if Trump does it again & owns all us libs
At least we'll have had these ace Lincoln Project ads
Another from The Lincoln Project.
Microcephalous idiot...
And now for the punchline....
The Antibody cocktail Trump took and is touting...
.....was developed using Stem Cells originating from an aborted Foetus....
.....Technology And research banned by the Trump administration under pressure from the religious anti abortion lobby.
Microcephalous idiot…
I think you’ve mid-spelled ar****le
So...Pence had cleared his diary tomorrow, was supposed to be going to Indiana I think 🤔
Meanwhile, the Trump roadshow continues. I though Jr. was supposed to quarantine?
His doctor has said that trump has completed his treatment and can now resume public engagements!! Shortest covid infection on record probably!!
Are there any decent odds on Trump leaving the White House in one of those white jackets with long sleeves and lots of straps?
Hmmm. Just listened to an interview on Fox overnight.
Refused to say he'd tested negative, says a test is planned for today, then said they hadn't found much virus in him, if any?? He then had to stop to catch his breath and cough 🙄 Says he's cured and going to give the Regeneron treatment to everyone free of charge. He wants to do a rally in FL Saturday.
Then usual rant about the debate commission/Hillary/virtual debates/Virginia executing babies/guns/defund the police etc. etc.
I wonder if they've started tapering him off the Dexy yet? Guidelines say stop after hospital discharge, but the rules don't apply to him. Otherwise it's 10 days. The comedown (provided they actually take him off it at all) is going to be brutal.
His doctor has said that trump has completed his treatment and can now resume public engagements!! Shortest covid infection on record probably!!
Well if true, there is some good news to take away from this. Fat old man, gets what looks like a semi serious dose of covid. Throw a ton of expensive drugs at him and he's fine within 5 days. That's encoutaging for the rest of us further down the line with regards to future standard treatments imo
Are there any decent odds on Trump leaving the White House in one of those white jackets with long sleeves and lots of straps?
Having just read the NYT coverage of his ramblings last night, I'd say it was about evens.
Whether it's his mind or his meds, if he holds this rally at the weekend, it could be amazing to watch 🙈
Are there any decent odds on Trump leaving the White House in one of those white jackets with long sleeves and lots of straps?
If he's lucky, if unlucky it will be a zip-up enclosed bag.
The thoughts are the drug cocktail may not lead to a stable thought process. And he wants to release them free to the American population. Can someone remind me how many weapons they have in private ownership.
Well he'll certainly distract from the opiod crisis. American medical care is our future.
Whether it’s his mind or his meds, if he holds this rally at the weekend, it could be amazing to watch 🙈
Agreed. One way to find out if he has a respiratory disease I suppose. If he does, he won't be able to shout from a podium for 60 mins + without running out of breath or coughing.
Agreed. One way to find out if he has a respiratory disease I suppose. If he does, he won’t be able to shout from a podium for 60 mins + without running out of breath or coughing.
It'll be the political equivalent of an American Football match:
Trump: "I'd just like to say a few beautiful words"
Announcer: "And now a message from our sponsors"
Back from the commercial break
Trump: "blah, blah, blah"
Full Member
Are there any decent odds on Trump leaving the White House in one of those white jackets with long sleeves and lots of straps?Having just read the NYT coverage of his ramblings last night, I’d say it was about evens.
Just read the article - bloody hell!!
His doctor has said that trump has completed his treatment and can now resume public engagements!! Shortest covid infection on record probably!!
Well if true, there is some good news to take away from this. Fat old man, gets what looks like a semi serious dose of covid. Throw a ton of expensive drugs at him and he’s fine within 5 days. That’s encoutaging for the rest of us further down the line with regards to future standard treatments imo
fat old man doesn’t admit to symptoms until he’s unable to hide them. He convienienty arrived late to the wedsnesday debate and had to skip testing before going on stage. He’ll be one of the most frequently tested and monitored humans on the planet but strangely didn’t test positive until hours before he needed a helicopter ride to hospital. He hasn’t had a short dose / been cured in record time or released early - he’s been conducting business as usual knowing he was infectious and only revealed the diagnosis when he was advanced enough to be able to hide his need for treatment.
Holy heck!
what does she say around 40s, we call all [something] pregnancies to miscarry right now?
Who is she?
“Satanic pregnancies”
Whatever they are ??
Trump's disdain for those laying hands sessions was in the Cohen book.
'President Donald Trump’s personal pastor, the televangelist Paula White, is facing criticism after praying for the miscarriage of “all Satanic pregnancies” during a sermon earlier this month.'
“Satanic pregnancies”
Whatever they are ?
Its the result of when a democrat supporting, loving , consensual couple get up to the devil's business in their coastal condo
Shock, horror. Trump missed out on the Nobel Peace Prize 👎🏻 Waiting for the 'it's rigged' tweet, and how the UN World Food Programme are unworthy.
White House hosted Covide superspreader event says Dr Fauci
I figure that’s Dr Fauci struck off the White House Christmas card list.
Just watched this, pretty funny actually. And Carrey as Biden is spot on
so rumour is trumps gonna take a medical on tv. This year just gets more mental as the days go on. A president taking a medical because people dont believe hes recovered from a virus. https://www.axios.com/trump-interview-coronavirus-fox-news-0cd70c49-fd99-49e2-9248-349de3d988f5.html?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=organic
so rumour is trumps gonna take a medical on tv.
All aboard the presidential prostate.
Whenever you see any of Trumps 'interviews' now he just looks like some cheap huckster making stuff up as he goes along. When he first got voted in I sort of understood it but it is amazing now that such a large part of the population still buy it 🙁
All aboard the presidential prostate.
one occasion that’s not the president who has his finger on the button
"California is going to have to ration water. You know why? Because they send millions of gallons of water out to sea, out to the Pacific, because they want to take care of certain little tiny fish that aren't doing very well without water, to be honest with you. But it's a very sad thing that's happening."
Meanwhile, it turns out Mitch Mcconnell has refused to go into the white house for the last 2 months as he doesn't think their covid precautions are adequate. Stopped clocks, etc but still- if even this absolute wretch sees and admits to a problem, then there's a problem. And this is the environment that a still-infectious president's walked back into.
Not often I agree with Laura Ingraham.
Completely agree with Ingraham in saying...
...Democrats want to make sure that someone like Donald Trump is never elected again
Other than that she is a loathsome 'Conservative TV host'.
So the latest is Trump's rally will be from a balcony at the White House today, with 'hundreds' of guests on the lawn?
Have they given up on the Hatch Act, or do they save all the violations up and charge them later? In theory, any 'employees in the executive branch of the federal government' is not allowed to 'engage in any form of political activity'.
So McEnany for example, she should never stand up at a presser and mention the campaign or Trump's opponents and policies. Nobody should be tweeting stuff from official accounts is another example.
Sonny Perdue got done for it...
Have they given up on the Hatch Act,
If the DOJ is completely partisan, as it is, then it appears the president can do whatever the f he likes.