I had one onmy CV, wasn’t anything too specific, and yes it was written in the 3rd person 😀 I was asked about what i’d written in mine (it realy was worded quite pretenciously) and i could stand there with a straight face and justify every adjective i’d used. As for the 3rd person bit, im not sure its pretencious, just easier to sell yourelf from that perspective without sounding too boastfull.
General CV advice:
be specific, if the add asks for a team working, inventive person, then mentioning your presentation skills and charity work is pointless, there must be hundreds of “key skills” you could mentio, why talk about any other ones than what they’r asking for?
get someone to rip it apart, whatever you write WILL be rubbish, read poorly, and make no sense.
best advice i was given, if your not slightly embarrased reading it back, then its not selling you enough.
Dont rely on being able to talk the talk at an interview, they’ve got to invite you to the inerview for that, and if your CV doesnt grab their attention then thats not going to happen. You dont know the other aplicants, so unless its a team building excercise use every opertunity to sell yourself ahead of them.