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  • Club management tools
  • paladin
    Full Member

    Anyone involved in running a club have able to offer advice with club management tools?

    This is specifically for the junior section of our club.

    I’d like to be able to get parents to complete an online consent form. I’d like to be able to create an event and invite them to it. I’d like the responses to be automatically collated into an attendance list which would contain necessary info (from the consent form) for the leader such as medical info and N.O.K. Contact details.

    Could I do this with Google forms?

    Full Member

    Loveadmin but it’s far from perfect.

    Full Member

    Loveadmin is used by daughters gymnastics club and is a royal pain the ass, especially for payments.

    Our club use the Stack Team App. As a member I only use it to check ride details, so not sure what else it can do to meet your requirements.

    Full Member

    We’ve been using Spond and it’s been great, a real weight off the office holders.

    We use Spond group, there’s also Spond Club which has a few more features. Great App!

    Full Member

    We’re also using Spond. Fine for what we’re doing but I’m not sure it has all of the OPs requirements. Certainly worth a look though,

    Full Member

    As mentioned, Spond seems great – used it in it local junior bike club as both a parent and coach, so I saw ‘both’ sides of it.

    My kids’ swimming club uses OnDeck/TeamUnify which handles everything from consent forms to gala entries to recording PBs to fees etc. Not as slick but seems to have a lot of features. I’m only seeing it as a parent though.

    Full Member

    Great thanks, I’ll have a look at Spond !

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    We use Heja for Jnr’s rugby. Works well and does what you want (If Ive understood the brief)

    You’d still need to do the form itself in google or similar, but the collation of the attendance for the event etc. works well BUT its all app based so each parent will need the app, which is a challenge in itself.

    Full Member


    Thanks, that looks similar, but I think it would be necessary for it to be usable for parents who don’t have the app, and Spond wins there as they send emails to anyone who doesn’t have it.

    yeah the consent form I’ll do in Google forms, I’d hoped to have them in the same place but not an issue to have them seperate.

    Full Member

    Spond ‘app’ does most of what you want, other than the online consent form.  For that, you’d need to use a 3rd party form, such as Microsoft or Google Forms.  You could do it all within Spond if you used the ‘Club’ version, which is a more fully-featured admin tool (still free though), as that has the ability to create and use custom forms, including one for consent.

    Full Member

    Spond is good but I didn’t do the initial setup. It is free, but they take a cut from any fees collected through it.
    Got StackTeam and Heja for rugby as a parent…I prefer Spond.

    Free Member

    My running club uses Spond.

    As a member/user rather than an admin it’s great. No plans to change as far as I know so I guess the admins are happy with it too

    Full Member

    Spond here as well, not perfect but very usable and does most of what you want.

    Full Member

    +1 to @lunge. Another Spond user (Admin) here. Works well enough, decent web interface too for those of us still living in the dark ages. Not perfect, but it’s cheap/free so no complaints.

    Full Member

    Will have a look at the club version too, see what the differences are.

    Had a trial today using the team version and tried creating an event with 2 members/guardians, one with the app and one without the app. All gone well so far!

    The cost of using the payment system looks reasonable, it’d cost more than our current method of bank transfers, but if we’re getting a usable management system then I think it’s worthwhile.

    Full Member

    Club I am a member of uses a mix of Spond and webcollect.

    Spond is used for the volunteering part (safety staff) and webcollect for booking/paying for sessions.

    As I understand it (member not committee) webcollect is cheaper fee wise hence the two.

    Spond is nicer from a user perspective with a pretty good app vs webcollect with a clunky website.

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