I don’t think I’d jump on to IT/Programming, you’ll be competing with more cut-price, Spouse free graduates than almost any other profession these days…
I’d look at what skills you currently already have that you could transfer elsewhere, or setting up as self employed or a Contractor…
What CAD packages can you drive OP?
Looking at the people we employ, contract CAD monkeying can be better paid and obviously you’re not tied to the company like a Staffy…
Any FEA experience?
We also pay a fortune for Contracted Project planners, those that can operate Primavera seem to be more expensive than those who only use MSP… Essentially it’s a job that anyone can get away with doing badly for six months with almost zero repercussions, then their agent will find them another cushy number bolloxing up someone else’s project, good planners are harder to come by and keep IME…
Former engineers/technical people make better planners as they better understand the work they are planning, where someone with a business management BA will never get it…
What about the BIM/Revit gravy train?
Good suggestion, wangle your way into a big organisation trying to get their head around BIM, Learn some important sounding terminology and I reckon you’ll be set…