Home Forums Chat Forum Can we have a dog thread?

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  • Can we have a dog thread?
  • 13
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    We lost our beloved pebbles just after Christmas. Total blow to us. We thought for a while, if we could live without a furry beast in the family. We had pebbles for fourteen years seeing our son grow from a sprogget to adult. We all loved her so much and the whole family saw felt the same.

    Anyway in April we concluded another dog companion was what we needed again.

    Meet Edie, known now as Evil Edie, fang, Jekyl and Edie, pest…she’s settling in well


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    Sadly no longer with us but Izzy our Lakeland terrier taking a break near the end of a long day.

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    Sorry I don’t know how to post photos on the forum but, honestly, that’s probably a good thing.

    Mason left on Monday for guide dog school. There were obviously tears (mine) and the house seems so quiet and empty without him although he was not a vocal dog. His half brother, Herbert, is a bit mopey but better than we thought he would be and I’ve arranged some dog walks with friends to try and give him his doggy fix.

    We’ll be raising another puppy for Guide Dogs but will wait until after our holiday in September unless something unexpected comes up.

    We miss you Mason, you were a pleasure to raise

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    How is that comfortable?!

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    Oscar has had a sore leg so he’s been on crate rest, he wasn’t impressed.

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    1719659487589838643831205066016This is Lily and Rusty, both 11 year old cockers. Rusty was diagnosed with a nasal tumour on Tuesday and has 3-6mth expectancy. We’re in bits and the black one certainly knows there’s something wrong with him. It’s the worst bit about having them, but we owe it to them to not let them suffer.

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    Well thats my heart a bit 💔.

    Shower the both of them with lots of love!


    Ah, so sorry my dude. Dogs sadly are here for a good time, not a long time. Big hugs to you and yours.

    Full Member

    Ah sorry to hear that @brokenbanjo – we lost our 15 year old Lab last year and before then his 3 year old best mate. Tough times but after a week on hols, you realise how much of you life they are.


    Roxie (the retriever rug) nearly as big as Lola now. Also got most of her teeth which means a little less hanging off the labs face most of the day!

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    Cheers guys. Dogs are just ace.

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    Leo unimpressed by Glastonbury


    Much happier in his normal habitat




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    @brokenbanjo just remember your job is to have provided the dogs with best life they could have had. I’m sure you have done that. As much as it hurts to see them pass, just remember you’ve had a great life together.

    Give them both a big hug from me and your fellow dog loving friends here at STW who know how difficult your next few months will be x

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    Rusty has been trying to die since 6mth old. 4 years ago, we nearly lost him to pancreatitis. We’ve been managing that since then. The vet said that many would have given up on him years ago. We had a lovely walk with him yesterday and I had to run to keep up with him at one point. Initial shock has gone, just a lamentable sadness that he’s going too soon. Thanks all for your kind words, we’re making the best of him. Bb

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    Did we get a retriever or a fox? :)


    Took F(R)oxie swimming for the first time. She just dived in the deep part of the lake so we’re blooming glad dogs know how to swim from pretty much birth.


    Somehow ended up really muddy so had to endure the (warm) hose before the much loved towel experience!

    – our 3 year old Lab was in and out of the animal hospital in Bristol for weeks. It was heartbreaking, but we did all we could. And that’s all you can do. I wasn’t sure we’d get another one, but it didn’t take long before Lola joined the family. Defo agree make the most of the time you have with them.

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    @brokenbanjo –  so sorry to hear that.  Our angel of a lab got a tumour in the back of  his tongue 18 months ago. Surgery delayed things, but eventually it came back and not operable.  He departed a year ago.  Still miss him.   The next in line we subsequently got has definitely been a (mainly) much needed distraction.

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    My dog has turned two-tone in 🙈20240627_191827

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    Exercising the Franchise

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    Well that didn’t work.

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    Huh, no direct upload for members just now.

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    All chairs belong to me.

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    “Someone” may have slipped and fallen in the river today, I laughed, a lot :D

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    Our dog Ginness had a dental yesterday, 3 extractions! Poor boy is a bit sore at the moment.

    Apparently teeth problems are pretty normal in a 9 year old Greyhound.

    More alarming the mole on his nose turns out to be a Mast Cell Tumor. He’s got to go back urgently to have this removed! I am worried his recent dodgy tummy is related and this could be the start of a rapid decline.

    Anyone got positive MCT stories to share…?


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    Update on Rusty, his tumour has been hyper aggressive. We’re calling it today. He has lost interest in everything apart from food. We took him to say goodbye to the family on Sunday, we think it took it out of him. I’ve been up since 5am crying. Gonna miss him so much.

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    So sorry to hear that, you’re making thre right decision though.

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    Ah man I’m sorry.

    The cost of easing suffering is high for you but so worth the pain in the end.

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    Thanks guys. I’d rather do it a day too soon than a day late and his trajectory has been precipitous.


    Big love to you and yours mate.

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    We always forget to look at things as a dog would, every day is a new fun day with lots to sniff and get excited about.

    Even the mild thought that I one day won’t have a dog any longer makes me well up, I bloody love the total money pit, reactive little tool that she is.  Hugs to brokenbanjo.

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    My day didn’t start great, I’m on a Karelian Bear Dog FB group for this rare breed. One of the N.American admins posted that her elderly dog (Taiga) that I’m emotional invested in sadly went on the last great solo adventure that we all will do some day. Brokenbanjo and Rusty have added to that sadness.

    And oddly I’ve spoken to two random people recently that enquired what breed my dog is (Karelian Bear Dog as mentioned above) but then dropped in the conversation about life after your dog leaves you behind.  Bert has recently turned 10 and it’s struck me that there are more years behind us than in front. It almost feels like these random people are part of some sort of process to condition me for when Bert leaves us.

    We can’t have children so Bert gets the love that I would have given to my offspring. I’m not dreading the day as I know by then Bert would have had the best life I could have given him but its a thought that saddens me.

    Having a dog – other than marrying MrsRNP is the best thing I’ve done in life.

    Anyway on a positive note Bert fell in love this morning in our local park with a beautiful Malamute/GSD cross. Her Swedish owner knew of the KBD breed as they are native to Finland. The usual reply is “never heard of that breed”!

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    He passed peacefully in Mum’s arms this afternoon. He made us laugh one last time, he nearly took the vet nurse’s hand off when she offered him a cupcake. He started with discharge from his nose today, we think we called it perfectly for him.

    The anticipation was horrendous. The event, peaceful. We had to then collect miniBB from nursery. That was hard, explaining death to a three year old. We played it straight, told her he was dead and that she’d never see him again. She is adamant she will.

    Lily has been my shadow since. She was in the room with us and gave him one last sniff as we left. She has sad eyes. When her half Sister passed, 6 years ago, she stopped playing with any other dog, even Rusty. I hope she copes well.

    Now, despite a 13kg hole in our lives and a deep sadness, there’s also a strange serenity. He’s no longer suffering and that is all that matters. Our love for him is as strong as ever, but he is at peace. Rest well, Son.

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    Now, despite a 13kg hole in our lives and a deep sadness, there’s also a strange serenity. He’s no longer suffering and that is all that matters. Our love for him is as strong as ever, but he is at peace. Rest well, Son.

    You gave that dog a life full of love, hold on to that.

    Sadly dogs are here for a good time, not a long time.

    I’ve given up trying to post a cute picture of the hound. This sites functionality is as effective as indicators on a submarine. FFS.

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    I’m still just using https://postimages.org/

    And selecting “hotlink for forums” FWIW

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    This is our Huey, in the middle, with his brother and third cousin twice removed (or some such – she’s of the same line as the other two, but we’ve never really worked out quite how the relationship stands)

    This was actually taken a couple of weeks ago while the forum pictures feature was completely borked. I’m hoping it’s working again now… pressing Submit will be the judge of that.
    Edit – ooh yes, using the postimg ‘hotlink for forums’ option has indeed worked, well said @piemonster

    Double edit – not my garden, not my plastic grass. Go easy on my stepdaughter, she only bought the house fairly recently.

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    @fhelawman great pic, lovely looking dogs!

    My old house had a plastic lawn, it stink in the summer! Twice a day I’d rinse it out and spray it with all sorts of chemicals!!

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    My two;

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    My old house had a plastic lawn, it stink in the summer!

    My missis has been going on about getting a fake lawn because she’s fed up with piss holes in the grass, and I told her this is exactly what would happen.

    Anyway have a photo of the piss hole curator practicing his other hobby. :-)

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    Waffle is taking it easy after hurting her front leg, did it on her birthday as well jumping off a wall

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