Home Forums Bike Forum Buzz Rack + Westfalia fail (?)

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  • Buzz Rack + Westfalia fail (?)
  • garage-dweller
    Full Member

    Evening all

    I’ve just gone to put the Buzz Rack on the new to me car, which has a Westfalia removable tow ball.

    The thing has always needed a spot of juggling on the old car (Tow Trust removable) so the pyramid of wedges sit correctly (inside the cup not level or below it).

    Even after 15 minutes of wiggle, lift, adjust, tweak I cannot get it to drop fully into place.  I got it really close but it still wouldn’t clamp tight laterally, which is the usual secondary sign it’s not right.

    The Westfalia ball seems to have an especially short and chunky neck just below the ball and I’m thinking this is the culprit.  But is it just me?

    Full Member

    I had a westfalia removable tow bar on my roomster and a buzzrack 2 cycle rack. Only once did I have a little difficulty putting the rack on. Took a little jiggle to sort out the clamp.

    Can you wind the clamp mechanism in without the tow bar in place?

    Full Member

    Can you wind the clamp mechanism in without the tow bar in place?


    Yes, everything closes up fine when it’s off.  It was only about 4 weeks ago I used it on the old car without trouble. Just the odd juggle and wobble on that and it’d clunk in place.  I suspect the leverage and bulk of the 4 makes it a bit more prone to the pyramid bits binding but never had this much agro with it.

    I might try putting the tow bar in it without it being on the car next weekend.  Maybe I’ll be able to see what the issue is then.

    Ride got canned as it was getting a bit tight for travel + twilight bash round the local trail centre with my son. Now face the prospect of watching England instead…

    Might end up digging the roof carriers out if I can’t crack this next week.

    Full Member

    Oh no, I’ve got a Buzz Rack and I’m having a very expensive Westfalia towbar fitted on Tuesday!

    Thanks for the warning though, I might get the rack out ready and check the interface before he starts pulling my car apart.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Westphalia vertically detachable (A40V) and a Buzzrack E-Hornet rack. All fits fine and very securely.

    Full Member

    I’ve got a Westphalia vertically detachable (A40V) and a Buzzrack E-Hornet rack. All fits fine and very securely.

    That’s reassuring.  I’ve always liked the buzz rack’s lack of complexity/mechanical simplicity.

    Do you get the pyramid bits sitting inside by a mm or 2?  That’s how they sat on the Tow Trust one.  Just a small lip.  On this the best I’ve had so far is flush but it didn’t seem to really be tight laterally when I did the pinch bolt up like that.

    Maybe I just need to tinker with angle it goes on or something.

    just tagging you so you might see the above post as it might just be me having a bad day. I’ve just pm’d you – if I get a chance I’ll have another look after work tomorrow.

    It would seem odd to me if it didn’t fit.

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    Book marking as I’m looking at buying a Buzzrack towbar platform (similar to a bike rack but for boxes) for use with my Westfalia detachable.

    Full Member

    @masterdabber thanks –  It’s been used on at least one (and I think it might actually be two) previous cars and it’s never been this much of a pain to get on.

    Mine is the old non tilting four bike one.  It’s great.  Lighter than a tilter, very little to go wrong but it just didn’t want to play nicely this evening despite my best efforts. It is also a somewhat awkward shape.

    I’m going to have another play with it after work tomorrow.  I’ll update here once I’ve done that (probably about 9/930ish).

    Full Member

    I don’t have a westfalia tow bar but I do have a buzz rack.

    When I first got the buzz rack, everything in the manual said it had to be perfectly level with the ground. Trying that meant it never fitted securely.

    Ultimately I worked out that with my towbar, the rack needs to be angled up very slightly. It’s the only way the clamp fits properly and securely.

    I lower the rack onto the towbar then turn the handle to tighten the clamp. As it’s gets stiff I then very slightly lift the rest of the rack to angle it up a bit. That then full retracts the wedges into the correct position and means there’s no lateral movement possible. I then use the handle but to fully tighten it up.

    Free Member

    I should have added what @BoardinBob says…..  I do exactly what he does with the tilting up a bit.

    Full Member

    Thanks all….

    It appears this is a case of PICNIC

    Problem Is Cyclist Not ‘is Cycle Rack aka operator error.

    Tow ball taken to shed went straight in and clamped up perfectly.

    No way I was trying that on the actual car as the rain is coming down in a manner that relatively speaking makes the North Sea look like the Gobi desert.

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