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  • Brexit 2020+
  • tjagain
    Full Member

    lied to by a politician trying to get in to start working on undoing the damage of Brexit

    which politician is that? surely not Starmer as he has ruled out anything to undo the damage :-)

    *runs away*

    Free Member

    Starmer has painted himself into a corner, then.

    If you’re confident he’s doing a full on lie, then vote for him. If I could be happy he was definitely going to treat idiots like idiots, I’d be with you.

    But, word of warning, if you like the notion that Starmer is lying about undoing the will of the people* you will find some serious disagreement coming your way from our STW pet ultra-leftists.

    *The will of the people being to fully implement and perpetuate the myths around the biggest polirical victory in living memory for the far right in the UK. 🤪

    Free Member

    Liz Trusses economics advisor, making a brexit prediction back in 2015

    Full Member

    Ah but it all would have happened like that if not for the anti growth coalition

    Free Member

    anti growth coalition

    Indeed. That well-known hotbed of lefty activism that is the international money markets.

    Truss was too daft even for most of the ‘new tory’ voters to take seriously. She should have blamed brown people in dinghies – much more likely to ‘cut through’.


    Full Member

    Those of you who keep claiming brexit will not be an issue at the next election.  today I got a piece of propaganda ( leaflet) from the SNP

    1st piece.  labour tory coalition in Edinburgh council, second Brexit calling out labour for being brexiteers

    Labour are going to have to answer for their brexiteer stance at the next election and here at least its a huge vote loser for them.  70% rejoin. 15% stay out 15% do not know in my constituency – and its was not the most remain in the UK IIRC

    Labours brexiteer stance has cost them the chance of my constituency

    Full Member

    @klunk Good ol Paddy (a leading figure in the Economics department when I was at Liverpool University) first came to prominence supporting Maggie’s policies of “letting the markets do their thing”

    Free Member

    its a huge vote loser for them. 70% rejoin. 15% stay out 15% do not know in my constituency

    That’s people’s views on Brexit. But does it reflect how they will vote at the GE? Brexit isn’t the only issue. I’m very pro remain but I will still vote Labour because I know that rejoining isn’t happening this term anyway, no matter who I vote for. It is a very long game we will have to play.

    Full Member

    My point was that no matter how much labour want the next election not to be about brexit and I recognise why – it will be an issue because the pro europe parties will make it so.  Labour are going to have to justify their pro hard brexit stance and it will be a live issue

    Yes it will reflect how folk here vote in the GE and in other places as well.  Labours brexiteer stance has cost them the chance off taking my seat which was a trad labour seat.  IMO of course

    SNP have a 14000 majority.  previous election 7 000. ( so the SNP vote is “soft”.  SNP in disarray and Starmer has given the SNP a get out of jail free card.  Starmer has said he wants and needs to take SNP seats – but all his policies go against what the majority of Scots voters want and his disdain for Holyrood means he has blown his chance to do so

    Of course its different here with the much stronger pro EU electorate and 2 parties with a strong pro rejoin stance and one with a wishy washy pro eu stance

    I’d love to be able to vote labour again.  I did so for 30 odd years.  I cannot now.

    Full Member

     it will be an issue because the pro europe parties will make it so.

    SNP aside, so what? The papers won’t talk about Brexit, neither Labour or the Tories are talking about Brexit, that the L-D will is sort of meaningless in the grand scheme of things with the amount of coverage it’ll get.

    SNP have a 14000 majority

    Given that Labour overturned a 20,000 seat last week, I don’t think you can call any seat a certainty now

    Full Member

    Under campaign rules the neutrality is much more closely guarded.  When 2 or 3 political parties including the third bigggest by seats and the biggest by membership ( I think???) make it one of their main points they will have to get in the media.  Ok it will be ” in Scotland…” or “the SNP / greens…….”

    Oh my seat is as good a certainty as you can get.  Different labour policies that actually are in line with the voters here would change that but labours brexit stance and pact with the tories have ruined their chances.  Two really easy attack lines for the SNP that resonate with the voters locally.  labour brexiteers and two cheeks of the same arse along with their pro privitisation and anti democratic stance

    SNP and Greens will make sure that Brexit is a major point in the campaign – and then the express and mail will call them out as remoaners and then labour will have to justify their hard brexit stance.

    Free Member

    If only people voted on policies eh?

    Free Member

    TJ you need to realise that Scotland is politically a very small piece of the UK and quite frankly whoever we vote for will probably make SFA difference to the UK Parliaments’ overall makeup – try looking outside of your box.

    Full Member

    If only people voted on policies eh?

    Yup – I will be doing as will all my pals.  Hence not voting labour because of their policies. hard brexit, privitise the NHS, anti democratic.

    In the borders – yes indeed.  My point was a simple one.  the SNP and greens ( and I hope the lib dems) will ensure brexit is an issue at the election and that labour have to justify their stance

    I know it matters not one jot who we vote for .  thats not my point.  MY point is that brexit will be an issue at the GE UK wide because the pro europe parties will make it so.  todays SNP leaflet makes it clear what their main attack lines will be.  Brexit and two cheeks of the same arse

    Free Member

    Unfortunately rejoining is just not as important to the wider electorate as it is to some of us individually. The Lib Dems ran on a full-bore re-join the EU platform and they were wiped out. Rightly or wrongly the electorate just hasn’t had such a seismic shift since then to conclude that it is much more popular now. A couple of opinion polls showing marginally more enthusiasm for the EU just don’t cut it.

    Labour could promise full re-entry to the EU on the old terms by Christmas and Nicola Sturgeon could be unmasked as the secret shareholder in Newcastle United, but Labour would never get a 21% seing to overturn a 14,000 SNP majority.

    today I got a piece of propaganda ( leaflet) from the SNP

    1st piece.  labour tory coalition in Edinburgh council, second Brexit calling out labour for being brexiteers

    Surprised the SNP is not running a positive campaign on the basis of their track record of good governance, delivery and integrity in Scotland. 🤣 What happened to all the “politics in Scotland is different, you wouldn’t understand, it’s more consensual and less negative than Westminster” ****?

    Full Member

    When you are given an open goal………..

    Its such an easy and obvious attack line

    the polls do show a seismic shift.  2:1 in favour of rejoin now.  5:1 in my city

    Again – my point is simply that brexit will be a live issue at the election and a big one.

    Free Member

    Ahh, so the kinder and consensus-driven politics goes out the window when it’s easy and obvious? Good to know!

    Meanwhile, nice to hear that all of those people who really care about the colour of their passport will be served by Humza

    Full Member

    So the UKCA mark is a failure then.

    Plans to change the CE mark to the new UKCA one have been put on indefinite hold thanks to the cost and complexity of it. So where does that leave all the businesses that have sunk considerable cost into changing over? Have seen it appear on a few things I’ve bought over the last year or so.

    Full Member

    Yes, was going to post that. What a surprise. Not.

    It would have a problem when the UK regs moved away from the EU ones, which was all about ‘taking back control’. And was a problem trying to find space on a small product for the CE mark and the UKCA one and getting labels printed. Also a load of extra admin to manage.

    Unknown cost to companies over the last few years for exactly zero benefit.

    Full Member

    UKCA was almost certainly doomed for failure where global trends for manufacturers are for harmonisation of standards – it just doesn’t make sense to create additional costs for domestic producers and barriers to entry for importers, it just means prices go up. But this is what you get from politicians who don’t have a clue about business, only about dogma and the optics created by a client media.

    Full Member

    So… given ISO tend to be standards bubbled up from CEN, ETSI and the equivalents in USA etc… how do we, the UK, now inform future international standards that UK based companies are to design, develop and manufacture to?

    Taking back control my arse.

    Full Member

    Government website on UKCA, updated today.

    Interesting points:

    UKCA ‘cannot be used in Northern Ireland’, but is just ‘not recognised’ in the EU, I guess this is to do with the Windsor Framework, and

    The UKCA marking can be used now. However, to provide businesses with flexibility, the government will bring forward legislation that would continue to allow recognition of the CE marking and the reversed epsilon marking for most goods that are being placed on the market, or put into service before 11pm on 31 December 2024. You should check the sector specific set of regulations that apply to your product.

    Full Member

    Well, we don’t.

    It’s all well and good burning standards.. but every other country has standards and if we don’t meet them, then we cannot do business.

    Full Member

    before 11pm on 31 December 2024

    Is that another rolling deadline? A place marker? Or just not been updated yet? Where do the journalists get “indefinite” from?

    Well, we don’t.

    Indeed. These organisations work together where they don’t follow each other as well. So how do we get involved at all if we’re not informing and working within the European standards bodies, and yet don’t have our own? A minnow in an ocean of big players.

    Full Member

    So… given ISO tend to be standards bubbled up from CEN, ETSI and the equivalents in USA etc… how do we, the UK, now inform future international standards that UK based companies are to design, develop and manufacture to?

    I’d have thought it’s still up to the company to understand their market and comply to the applicable standards, so most will still utilise the CE marking for sales to the EEC, the US just don’t do conformity in this way and not struggled to sell goods in the EEC.

    When it comes to something like this i can see it quietly being realigned to CE, and left alone for a long time!

    Full Member

    I’d have thought it’s still up to the company to understand their market and comply to the applicable standards

    Yes, but how do they help set future standards? They’re not invented in a vacuum; trade bodies and companies are involved in developing and setting standards… how do UK organisations and companies help set future standards in the way they did before Brexit? Without standards organisations we’re involved with? Has the UK government been working to give us influence in CEN, ETSI etc if we’re not to have our own standards bodies updating and developing our own standards? (of course not, useless feckers)

    Full Member

    The UKCA mark is just an inflationary pressure.

    You make things for the bigger markets (US, EU) and the smaller markets are expected to buy things to those standards.
    Anything else means you are designing twice and add costs.
    Even failing to drive on the right side of the road is inflationary – though swapping would also have a big old cost.

    Full Member

    Politecameraaction – you seem to be mistaking me for an SNP voter ./ supporter / member.

    Full Member

    Its almost as if the booming fantasyworld rhetoric of the Brexiteers has once again come crashing into that uncomfortable ‘reality’ thing?

    So, all these big prophecised  ‘Brexit Benefits’ are being quietly dropped. You never even see the likes of Rees Mogg or Farage popping up to defend this nonsense any more

    What was that they used to bang on about? Something about ‘rule-makers’ and ‘rule-takers’ or something?

    Even the dimmest amongst the Brexiteers (and thats about as low a benchmark as you can get) must realise that we’ll still have to accept all EU standards, or else we won’t be able to trade, but will now have no say whatsoever in setting those standards.

    Why had nobody mentioned the possibility of something like this happening?


    Free Member

    As it goes binners, Rees Moggy Mogg popped up in May claiming that Brexit stopped Putin successfully invading Ukraine.

    At this point I’m assuming he’s just reading this stuff verbatim from a ChatGPT autocue.

    Free Member

    So where does that leave all the businesses that have sunk considerable cost into changing over? 

    Where?  Having spunked a load of cash on yet another Leaver promise that’s hit reality.

    Imagine those who supported Brexit AND and have wasted money – no sympathy whatsoever.

    Full Member

    This is going to be a mess of stratospheric? (is that a word?) proportions, when the EU border controls really kick in later this year.

    And we left the EU to control our borders, allegedly.

    Full Member

    I’d imagine, giving the implications of the full border controls coming in in October, that government officials are presently on their hands and knees in Brussels literally begging the EU for another extension

    If not, then they ****ing well should be!

    Or it’ll just be more needless damage to our bawked economy for the sake of this lunacy. Idiots!

    Full Member

    Where I think the import controls will really make a difference is small scale stuff like niche cheeses.  Also if there is product shortage as is going to happen with a lot of fresh fruit ad veg due to droughts in Spain then why would exporters pay extra to export to us when they can sell all their product without that extra expense.

    IMO this is going to create the most obvious bexit detriment – reduction in availablity out of season fresh food.

    Full Member

    Or worse, your cheese ration is limited to one of those plastic yellow slices, wrapped individualy in it’s own little plastic packet.

    That. Is. A. Disgrace.

    Free Member

    an insult to my palette

    Full Member

    Maybe french and dutch cheese will become some sort of black market commodity…

    Don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of strong cheddar, but it’s nice to have a bit of variety.

    And let us not forget the greek feta, the king of all soft cheeses.


    Actually no, French Roule is a better soft cheese than the greek stuff.

    Free Member

    More Brexit dividends: Eurostar trains from London to the European mainland were running with 30%+ of seats unsold…because there wasn’t capacity to ensure every UK passport was stamped in and out of the EU. 🤦 We’re trying to reduce carbon emissions and we are giving airlines a free kick on 1 hr flights from London to Brussels, Paris and Amsterdam. FFS,YFFs!

    Full Member

    It won’t embed?
    Anyway… UK to carry on recognising EU’s CE mark in stunning win for common sense shocker.

    Where does this leave the UKCA? Genuine question!

    Full Member

    I honestly think that’s UKCA done for. Why on earth would you put your widget through our regulatory testing as well as the EU’s.

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