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  • Brexit 2020+
  • Greybeard
    Free Member

    A “what will serve me best here” approach from the managerial class, compared with the small company, what’s best for the organisation as this needs to pay the bills until I retire.

    Also the approach taken by our current political class and the wellbeing of the country.

    Full Member

    The only person whose name on that list that I recognise and who isn’t a raging psycho is Tom Tugendhat

    One only has to look at the speaker list at the recent National Conservative Conference to see which way the Tories are heading

    Free Member

    I think there was a book about 15years ago titled “no labels”

    25 years ago!

    Free Member

    As I always say, “Freeports, loved by criminals, disingenuous politicians and gullible voters everywhere”.

    Full Member

    25 years ago!

    Indeed. And I remember reading it and thinking how terrible it was that rich western governments and companies were so easily prepared to ruthlessly exploit the cheap (almost slave) labour and lax regulation supplied by corrupt authoritarian regimes

    Little did we know at the time that their ultimate aim was to replicate the same conditions here.

    I bet they still can’t believe that they got 52% of the****ing morons countries population to actually vote for it, by waving some flags and feeding them some old bollocks about sovereignty!

    Free Member

    I bet they still can’t believe that they got 52% of the****ing morons countries population to actually vote for it, by waving some flags and feeding them some old bollocks about sovereignty!

    Best sovereignty in the world!


    Full Member

    National Conservative Conference

    “National Conservatism” right wing group tells you everything you need to know about how these people actually think.

    Miriam Cates is an ex-tenant of mine and her husband was our lodger for a year when they first met. I am appalled by her values and attitudes now – it is not the person I recognise

    Full Member

    National Conservative Conference

    Apparently this has no connection to the Tory party at all, but is instead opaquely-funded by one of those right-wing libertarian organisations from the states. Which is the direction our politics is heading unless we can eject these clowns as soon as possible.

    Full Member

    Apparently this has no connection to the Tory party at all

    Yet a speech made there by the present Home Secretary, that could have been written by Tommy Robinson, was then duly fully endorsed by the Prime Minister.

    The holders of the 2 highest offices of state now openly and unapologetically flirting with the extreme right wing politics of the MAGA Trumpian headbangers in the US. This is where the absolutely corrosive, toxic, nationalist rhetoric of Brexit has got us.

    Full Member

    Is anyone able to explain the Cadwalladr ruling in really simple terms? Is it that the public interest defence she relied on only had a limited shelf life or something? How does that work? ‘Cause he did meet with Russian embassy staff, didn’t he? At least, there are still searchable mainstream media reports suggesting he did.

    Full Member

    From a purely selfish pov, what chance do you think I have in 10 years time of an extended 2yr sail in the med? Buying a little boat & heading south down the French canals for an adventure has long been my retirement plan….. Max 3 months doesn’t really cut it.

    Full Member

    Whats wrong with proper red, white and blue British canals and the North Sea, eh?


    Full Member


    couple of options – in theory you should be able to apply for a longer visa tho its not clear how or 2) no one will know until you return to the UK.  I have no idea what penalty there would be for overstaying.  I doubt the french would care

    Full Member

    The med ports are actually highly regulated & policed.

    Free Member

    Whats wrong with proper red, white and blue British canals and the North Sea, eh?

    I think you’ll find they’re mostly brown nowadays.


    Full Member

    I reckon you could do that retirement boat trip if you rush out and get yourself a Golden visa from Portugal, plenty of time to become a Portuguese citizen and meander across Europe at your leisure:-)

    What makes Portugal Golden Visa so sought after? In a nutshell:

    Portuguese Golden Visa provides a range of relatively affordable investment options for you to choose from in obtaining your residence permit.

    You are only required to spend a minimum of seven days in Portugal per year.

    Portugal Golden Visa Program gives you visa-free access to the Schengen states.

    You can become a Portuguese citizen within five to six years.

    Full Member


    Free Member


    Yeah, but the will of the people was totally frozen in time, immutably, on 23rd June 2016.

    By a supposedly advisory referendum.

    It’s all a bit like Leave voters were being played and the manipulators are trying to do everything in their power to suppress any subsequent revising of that vote.

    Weird, eh?

    Free Member

    @nickc that’s a bit of a loaded question as I’m sure you know. The referendum asked if you thought we would be better off out, which also has the concept of ‘could’ be better off out rolled into it. But that survey question is also a judgement on how it has been executed. So you could easily still be in favour of leaving, but just not happy about how it’s been done.

    Full Member

    Oh sure, It’s terribly loaded, I just thought it was interesting. After Nigel said that Berexit Had “been a failure” I wondered whether it would’ve had an effect on the population.

    Here’s the complete YouGov article  Most Britons say Brexit has been ‘more of a failure’ | YouGov

    Full Member

    Polling asking “was it a mistake to leave the EU” is 2:1 that it was a mistake.  similar numbers for rejoin.  Constant movement in that direction.  I do note that Starmer is making more positive noises about the EU now but still refusing to actually say he will do anything of significance.

    Free Member

    Oh sure, It’s terribly loaded, I just thought it was interesting.

    I agree, and I also think a lot of people other than die-hard brexiteers will be unable to separate the concept of potential from the actual execution. Which for remainers is a good thing.

    Free Member

    The referendum asked if you thought we would be better off out, which also has the concept of ‘could’ be better off out rolled into it. 

    I’m not disagreeing with your overall point but FTR the question was:

    Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

    Just because most people think Brexit was crap, that doesn’t mean most people want to reopen the issue immediately. I don’t think there is great enthusiasm in the wider population for this sort of stuff – example, Brenda from Bristol. But of course there is one way to find out…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    “I do note that Starmer is making more positive noises about the EU now but still refusing to actually say he will do anything of significance”

    I want him to say as little as possible on the matter, anything he says will be taken down and used as evidence against him by the right wing press. Even the Lib Dems aren’t pushing too hard with Europe questions.

    Both Labour and the Lib Dems are banking on the public to trust them to do a better job of negotiating with Europe than the current shower and leaving it at that for now.

    Full Member

    No one I know and have discussed this with will vote labour – even life long labour voters like me- because of Starmers attitude, cowardice and gaslighting

    Free Member


    I don’t know where you live and how safe the seat you live in is or not but I’ve voted not for Labour twice. Didn’t make any difference to the outcome though as I happen to live in the Socialist Republic of Manchester and because of our voting system, my contribution or not made little difference.

    I’m hoping for a hung parliament, Lib / Lab pact and a motion towards electoral reform and proportional representation. If this were to be achieved, I might even call it a Brexit bonus…

    Ultimately, those who start a revolution rarely get what they wanted. The Brexit revolutionaries have achieved nothing constructive, rather like the MAGA mob in America, (Even Tucker Carlson says so). Perhaps ironically, the Brexit vote may have made it more likely that electoral reform can be achieved.

    And to my mind, electoral reform would be a constructive thing. More constructive than had we stayed in Europe? Potentially yes.

    Free Member


    This isn’t the charge of the light brigade. He’s in a strong position; coming down heavily on one side or another could well blow up in his face and would be very foolish. That’s why he’s a prominent politician with a good chance of being the next PM, and we aren’t.

    The aim is to be PM, not enact your fantasy.

    Full Member

    No one I know and have discussed this with will vote labour

    Everyone I’ve spoken to is voting Labour.

    Full Member

    My seat is safeish SNP

    Its not a fantasy molgrips

    Starmers position is miles behind the electorate and he is not even following the public mood.  Ruling out any significant rapprochement with the EU will lose him votes I have no doubt and could well lose him a majority.  But I cannot vote for a brexiteer party under any circumstances.  Its utter cowardice to be so scared of the tory press that he will not even follow public opinion.  How much further will public opinion have moved by the time of the election?  How many seats will labour not take because of this?  How many with the lib dems take?  How many will the SNP take?  How much further would public opinion move if labour backed rejoin?

    Its also the gaslighting ” we will make brexit work”  utter nonsense

    I think being in Scotland where we have politicians who say ” brexit is a disaster we must rejoin” gives a different view on this.  Here and in many English seats there is a choice of a pro rejoin party – lib dems will make big gains as they did in the locals on the back of this

    Full Member

    coming down heavily on one side or another could well blow up in his face and would be very foolish.

    He has come down strongly on the brexiteer side – and yes I think that will blow up in his face

    Full Member

    No one I know and have discussed this with will vote labour –

    To be fair, that’s a very Scottish conundrum and is as much about Labour’s attitude to independence as it is Starmer or Brexit.

    Full Member

    many of them have been life long labour voters – like I was until 2016.

    Starmers adoption of brexit is hugely offputting

    Full Member

    Full Member

    apologies – I should have known better

    Free Member

    Starmers adoption of brexit

    That is just not what’s happening no matter how many times you repeat it.

    Full Member

    It is Molgrips.  No CU. no SM, no freedom of movement.  “Make brexit work”.  He is now a brexiteer and its nonsense to pretend otherwise  He has wholeheartedly adopted brexit and is refusing to make any significant steps to reverse it.

    Compare his stance to the SNP and Lib Dems ( I assume the welsh nationalists as well)

    Full Member

    Please. Just. Stop. You two will never agree on this and the whole world and their dog are painfully aware of the stance you both take. It doesn’t need repeating on every. ****. Page!

    Free Member

    No one I know and have discussed this with will vote labour

    This is the most anecdotal of anecdotal evidence!

    Free Member


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