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  • Brexit 2020+
  • Edukator
    Free Member

    I’ve lived in England, West Wales, SW France, Cataluna and Germany for long enough to have got a feeling for the collective think. People are individuals but groups of them have collective educational and cultural experiences which model their thinking an behaviour. Including their political beliefs and allegencies.

    I’m inclined to agree with TJ and Bruce Wee. Attitudes in Scotland are different to England and that is reflected in the legal differences made possible by devolution. When friends used to ask where would be a place to do Erasmus en Angleterre I used to reply “en Ecosse”.

    Full Member

    Edukator – you need to include ” on average across the population” in that with regard to attitudes really for clarity

    Yes we have numpties here as well and bams – but the right wing gets half the votes, anti immigrant sentiment does not gain any traction in political discourse and the racists are marginalised not a significant part of the political life

    Free Member

    The most accurate Brexit divide is between people who left home to go to college and people who didnt leave home.

    I think the key here is “left and didn’t go back”.

    I come from what was, in the 80’s, a grim Northern town – with boundary changes in the 90’s it became Tory and then voted heavily for Brexit. The folk I know that left are on the whole ‘educated’ and Remainers, the folk that stayed seem to blame everyone but themselves for their not so ideal lives. My in-laws came from South Wales, just that didn’t leave seem to be just like folk from my home town.

    I now live in Scotland, after a long stint in the Home Counties plus time abroad. Scotland really is different to England & Wales, IME.

    Full Member

    It seems the arch opportunist has seen Brexit, once again, as his golden ticket

    It looks like he’s going to publicly denounce any compromise Sunak has made with the EU as surrender and treachery then lead the bowler-hatred DUP useful idiots (do they never tire of being played by him?) and the ERG headbangers into an uprising, no doubt with the aim of restoring himself to number 10

    It’ll cause more economic chaos, poison EU relations even further and threaten the GF agreement but then when did he ever care about that?


    Full Member

    It makes me sad, Labour voters will vote labour instead of tories because they are not tory, and tory voters will vote tory because they are not labour.

    The brexiteer swing voters will vote for what ever party is the most racist and anti-immigration, whilst hating the lib dems as insignificant and propping up the status quo.

    And so the predictable binary party swing between useless and tired old ideologies will continue, like a particularly kind of stupid yin-yang doomed to failure.

    Full Member

    Cherish the Turnips

    Full Member

    She really is a turgid fat blimp,

    Full Member

    Good old Mrs Doubtfire

    Full Member

    > delete’s rude comment aimed at Binners… in case it’s not taken in the jokey spirit it was intended <

    Full Member

    > delete’s rude comment aimed at Binners… in case it’s not taken in the jokey spirit it was intended <

    Yes, best be on the safe side. binners has always struck me as a quiet sensitive delicate soul.

    Full Member

    TBH I just don’t get the having Farage picture on the wall, I like a lot of people but don’t tend to have their picture on my wall.

    TBH are Athena missing out on a new market.

    Free Member

    In that picture, I reckon the bloke on the right is thinking that he needs to find somewhere else to have a drink…

    Full Member

    Seems like the ERG is just mad dog Baker these days…

    Free Member

    Absolutely no shortages here in southern Spain.

    Are Brexiters twigging on yet?

    Full Member

    I think this is just a taste of what’s to come, tbh. Just come visit Norway if you want to get an idea of what food costs if you’re operating outside the Common Agricultural and Fisheries policy.

    It’s good from the point of view that your country is more self-reliant (assuming you’re set up to mostly produce food at home, which the UK isn’t).

    It’s bad from the point of view that food costs 3 to 4 times as much and there is nothing like the variety available that you are used to.

    It also helps if your country is the richest in the world, and has a heavily unionised workforce and strong social security safety net.

    Neither of which applies to the UK, I believe?

    Full Member

    Seems like the ERG is just mad dog Baker these days

    if only…

    It looks like the country is once again about to be held to ransom by Mark Francious and his motley collection of hardcore Brexiteer loons, propped up by the ‘no surrender’ bowler-hatted headbangers of the DUP

    The lunatics are once again calling the shots 🙄

    Sunak warned of Tory chaos over Northern Ireland protocol deal

    Some wishful thinking from Andrew Rawnsley

    Full Member

    And let’s not forget the beloved DUP who are doing most of the heavy lifting towards a united Ireland. The Wolfe Tones would be proud of them.

    Full Member

    @Caher the brothers still in NI have commented that the moderates in the Unionist population can see that they are going to re-unification. They both have purple passports from “The Free State” as my late FIL used to refer to the Irish State.I’m trying to persuade herself to get an Irish passport to facilitate our retirement.

    Full Member

    How many times have we got Brexit done now?

    Full Member

    Its deja vu all over again

    Its a good job theres nothing else important going on so that once again the various deranged factions of the Tory party can indulge in another civil war over how pure their personal visions of the cult of Brexit are

    Full Member

    Absolutely no shortages here in southern Spain.

    Are Brexiters twigging on yet?

    Or Ukraine apparently, which might be even more of a clue to the hard of thinking.

    TBH I just don’t get the having Farage picture on the wall

    I guess you’re joking, but that’s clearly a photoshop

    Full Member

    Apparently the Minister for Food* is hauling the supermarket bosses in to tell him why there is no fresh veg in the shops.

    Hope they offer him some possible explanations.

    *Who was surely only given the job because of his name.

    Full Member

    In my naivety I always have trusted the BBC news but their coverage of the fallout of brexit is woeful. Not once have they mentioned that low stocks of tomatoes is unique to the UK. Think I’ll stick to the Daily Mash.

    Full Member

    How many times have we got Brexit done now?

    As many times as I have had a BrexShit.

    Free Member

    To just blame Brexit for the “foot shortages” is hilarious.

    This is the thread that just keeps giving.

    Full Member

    To just blame Brexit for the “foot shortages” is hilarious.

    Brexiter in ‘can’t read’ shocker.

    No one is saying that the shortages are due to Brexit alone. But Brexit has made our supply chains more brittle, so when under pressure due to, for instance, weather conditions, they break. The UK is at the back of the queue for the currently scarce products, and that is 100% down to Brexit.

    Full Member

    Is everyone ready for the usual unhinged Brexiteer suspects to soil their collective petticoats in hysterical horror this afternoon then?

    I do find it amusing that the press are speculating about how the ERG/DUP axis of stupid will respond.

    Why speculate? We already know exactly how they’ll respond…

    Free Member

    To just blame Brexit for the “foot shortages” is hilarious.

    This is the thread that just keeps giving.

    The weather is the reason there are fewer tomatoes.

    Brexit is the reason everywhere else in Europe has them and we don’t.

    Full Member

    And energy prices. Homegrown salad is very energy intensive. Geography matters. One of the reasons that “sod Europe, we’ll do it ourselves” isn’t always a better way forward than “all of Europe is one big market, let’s specialise in what we can do best”.

    Free Member

    Brexiter in ‘can’t read’ shocker

    Oh the level of discourse. Good old circle jerk.

    Free Member

    Fruit and Veg wholesalers in Ireland are facing similar issues.

    Bad weather causing a shortage of fruit and veg

    Full Member

    Even that Ireland based reporter mentions the problems in UK supermarkets (which are worse than in Ireland, for whatever reasons).

    Full Member

    “let’s specialise in what we can do best”.

    Leave us to our the turnips. In my experience, I’ve never seen a turnip or parsnip on sale in a French, Spanish, Italian, German or Austrian supermarket

    Free Member

    Yeah, the parsnip is not appreciated much outside the UK.

    BTW, of the many big chain and independent shops selling greengrocery near greyspoke towers (North Cardiff), the only lack of tomatoes and salad veg I have noticed is at a pavement greengrocery stall. No doubt there are empty shelves in places, but I haven’t seen any.

    Full Member

    I do find it amusing that the press are speculating about how the ERG/DUP axis of stupid will respond.

    Or is this the time someone has the balls to call the ERG and DUPs’ bluff?

    Free Member

    I’m going to have to try a bacon, lettuce and parsnip sandwich now.

    Full Member

    DUP still won’t return to Stormont due to the outstanding issue of grass being green.

    Full Member

    Yeah, the parsnip is not appreciated much outside the UK.

    Possibly quite true, but we get through a bunch (no pun intended) of them when they are in season here in Sweden and the local supermarket is good at having stocks of them.

    Full Member

    The DUP only have two words in their vocabulary:

    NO! and NEVER!

    Full Member

    To just blame Brexit for the “foot shortages” is hilarious.

    I thought we left the EU so we could use imperial measurements? This isn’t the Brexit I voted for etc…

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