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  • Bowel retraining
  • escrs
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    Anyone done it?

    Im a morning person which normally isnt a problem apart from when i go riding, i prefer to ride in the mornings, as early as possible to avoid the heat

    Now on the road bike it seems to be less of an issue (not sure but maybe its down to my position on the bike)

    But on the MTB its a big problem, i find whilst im out on a morning MTB ride i need to go and of course there are no toilets around (even if there were what to do with the bike?)

    Trying to go before a ride makes no difference, ethier i just dont need to go or ill still need to go when on the ride, it got to the point where i carry a doggy bag just in case!

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    Just get IBS / IBD (still not got to the “bottom” of mine yet).

    Then you´ll be pooping through the eye of a needle first thing every morning, ready for the ride.

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    I’ve heard wonderful things about this.

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    Get up earlier – I’m a morning person and things start to ‘get ready’ if I’ve been up a while. Think of the weight saving !

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    Coffee and a tab? :P

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    I was the same, suffering from constipation / IBS  would make morning motions a gamble! I now use a prebiotic (inulin powder) as a coffee sweetener in the morning and also take a large spoonful at night. When I get up, Im now pretty certain I can go on demand within the first 30 mins of waking.

    Full Member

    People go every morning? I’m the opposite of IBD. But apparently still in the normal range. The weight savings can be £500’s worth. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9818668/

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    15mins yoga or Pilates, usually starts things moving and you’ll be limbered for the ride.

    Or become a teacher, medic, police officer, fire fighter. Each will require only pooping when you have time not need.

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    I’m led to believe that taking up espresso coffee and smoking is a sure-fire way of ensuring you turn yourself inside out first thing in the morning.

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    Second coffee does it for me. No smoking required. OTOH once you’re in a profession where you can’t have access to a loo “as required” you soon adapt.

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    don’t drink coffee before you go out

    immodium instant


    retraining I have no idea about but a coffee is a sure fire way to get it all going albeit with a half hour delay.

    Free Member

    I was an evening go-er for many years until about 5 years ago, when I seem to have transitioned into a morning go-er. Every morning around 10. I don’t think I noticed it at the time, maybe one day I just woke up and needed to go, and that was it.

    Seemed to happen around the time or shortly after I swapped from an outside, active job to a desk job. Perhaps before my body was protecting me from needing to go in sweltering, fly-ridden portaloos.

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    Nature toilet

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    Nature toilet

    That’s the budget version of What3Words for Dewsbury…..

    Free Member

    But on the MTB its a big problem, i find whilst im out on a morning MTB ride i need to go and of course there are no toilets around (even if there were what to do with the bike?)

    Dont ride in the Malverns by any chance….


    Free Member

    People go every morning?

    You could set your watch by my movements

    Free Member

    Evry morning for me. Coffee and ciggy probably helps.

    My friend told me that a ‘herbal’ cigarette is the way to go – apparently there’s no keeping it in after that.

    … of course your ride might e about different if you try that method, it who knows? You might prefer it

    Full Member

    On a long road bike loop there has been the odd occasion after too many gels that I have had to make like a bear very quickly behind a hedge. No chance a doggy bag is coping with that. Nowadays I carry some emergency bog roll, dock leaves don’t really do the job.

    Curry and too much Harvey’s can also have the same effect on Sunday morning MTBs. You just hope Stanmer is sufficiently leafy so you don’t get spotted

    Haven’t retrained my bowel, just adopted a different snack regime on the bike

    Full Member

    Get your bike out, your kit ready and your bibs on under about 3 top layers.

    Just as you lock the door and step out into the sunshine you will feel the first rumblings.

    Full Member

    Coffee for breakfast and no food until after the ride. No eating after 8pm the night before either.

    Full Member

    Get your bike out, your kit ready and your bibs on under about 3 top layers.

    Just as you lock the door and step out into the sunshine you will feel the first rumblings.

    Especially if there was a failed attempt at a coffee jump-start half an hour before….

    Full Member

    Try doing a crossword first thing and see if you can work it out with a pencil.

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    Sainsbury’s Jordanian medjool dates.

    Take three once a day. Sorted.

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    Full Member

    Cod liver oil pill at night, your very own Jackson Pollock in the morning

    Free Member

    Cheers for all the replies but there dosent seem to be any real advice that could help lol

    Im always up early (5am most days) but that dosent help, my body seems to decide that i shall always go between 8-9am pretty much everyday which is always around an hour or two into an MTB ride, i cant go for a ride later in the day due to the heat ( i struggle with temps over 20+ degrees) plus family commitments mean i need to be back by midday at the latest

    Im wondering if an adult nappy maybe the solution lol

    Free Member

    You could set your watch by my movements

    Would it put you off if I made eye contact as I did so?

    Full Member

    Im wondering if an adult nappy maybe the solution lol

    Only if you’ve a long-drop dropper and don’t sit down.
    Take a spade and 7th tree rule?

    Full Member

    I usually find 2 strong coffees in quick succession (gotta be proper coffee though) then go up to my shed to do something, then 5 minutes into whatever job I’m doing up there will need to run back down to house again.

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    Start XC bike racing, I’m amazed to this day how a pending race start forces the portaloos to get an immense battering timed perfectly for people to be on the start line.

    Free Member

    “People go every morning?”

    Every morning plus every afternoon on work days.  It’s rather satisfying to poop whilst being paid.

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    @Kryton57 They’re reducing the weight they have to carry around the course. This is a planned poop

    Full Member

    Start XC bike racing

    Or join a band. I worked with a guy who played bass in a moderately successful band. Same story, huge shit just before going on stage.

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