• This topic has 17,667 replies, 680 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by BillMC.
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  • Boris Johnson!
  • Poopscoop
    Full Member

    Lol, at the bake off vid.😂

    Very good.

    Full Member

    He really doesn’t give a toss does he?

    It’s The Labrador Paradox, Boris has just given up fighting with his inner Labrador. Just look at his face around food, you can almost see the drooling or how he skulks about when getting told off.

    Free Member

    I imagine the will be a fair few complaints about that, tbh.

    I really hope so. After all the morons claimed they didn’t want politics on tv they better. But we all know why they wont complain

    Free Member

    Yesterdays news that somehow passed me by – probably because it is the mail

    “EXCLUSIVE: In the week Boris told a battered Britain it was in for another six months of Covid winter misery, his partner Carrie Symonds enjoys five-star Italian holiday at £600-a-night Lake Como hotel with son Wilfred and three friends”. Shades of “crisis what crisis?” there and the coming winter of discontent for the premier as a no-deal Brexit and Covid adds to the general sense of a complacent government – prime minister especially – that has lost control of events.

    Could this be a ‘let them eat cake moment’?

    Full Member

    I hope so. I like cake.

    Full Member

    So far Marina Hyde has come up with the best description of Boris Johnson as “a fly-tipped sofa’ but I think Frankie Boyle May have matched her with describing him ‘looking like baffled loft insulation’ 😂

    Full Member

    But what the **** can we do about it? Precisely **** all.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    So far Marina Hyde has come up with the best description of Boris Johnson as “a fly-tipped sofa’ but I think Frankie Boyle May have matched her with describing him ‘looking like baffled loft insulation’ 😂

    Or a lost bale of hay

    Full Member

    But what the **** can we do about it? Precisely **** all.

    Write to your MP . Enough people moan he might start siding with someone who is not in dummings pocket.

    Full Member

    Every day some how he manages to surprise me.

    Really? He was always clearly a deeply unpleasant, sociopathic narcissist – even the Tory MPs who backed him knew it and know it – and he’s been completely true to that. Remember people who thought that his covid-19 close shave might ‘change him’, presumably into an actual human being with empathy and stuff? Not a chance. There never was.

    The only thing that surprises me is that he hasn’t tried to lever that experience for political capital along the line of ‘I beat covid, now it’s your turn’. Probably because he’s almost certainly still suffering the aftermath. But really, there’s nothing complicated or surprising about him, he simply is exactly what he appears to be once you realise the bumbling thing is all an carefully constructed persona he hides behind.

    Free Member

    But really, there’s nothing complicated or surprising about him, he simply is exactly what he appears to be once you realise the bumbling thing is all an carefully constructed persona he hides behind.

    Yep. A lazy, narcissistic, arsehole who is utterly contemptuous of ‘little people’ and is only motivated by his perception of himself and feathering his own nest along the way. He has never done a decent day’s work in his life and has never suffered any consequences of his reckless lifestyle.

    Full Member

    But what the **** can we do about it? Precisely **** all.

    Write to your MP . Enough people moan he might start siding with someone who is not in dummings pocket.

    Interestingly, the Tory poodle who got voted in to our occasionally Labour voting constituency does seem to respond to our concerns. Yes, she was pro-Brexit, but she spoke out on the Cummings affair, went against the whip on that Agriculture bill, has spoken against the changes to the Withdrawal Agreement.

    Full Member

    Did I really just hear the PM say…
    “the truth can set you free”?!?

    Full Member

    I also like the way he thinks we should stop comparing death rates… I wonder why?


    I bet the rest of the world listened to his speech and thought ‘there is a Statesman with lots of credibility’… Tosser.

    Full Member

    @MoreCashThanDash All right for some! Our red wall Tory is an utter plank, who by all accounts was an utter plank when he was a councillor. But seeing as I live in Brexit Central which came very close to having a Kipper MP…

    Full Member

    “We” voted the in first UKIP MEP back in the day, used to feature on BNP documentaries and their annual festival was just up the road. Pleased to say that it’s not quite that bad now, 20 years later.

    Full Member

    Until fairly recently the National Front used to put up candidates in the local elections.

    This, in metropolitan Greater Manchester…

    Full Member

    I gained an ex-UKIPer as an MP (Workington) so you can just imagine what a great job he does retweeting the current tory/UKIP party line and basically anything about how great Brexit is.
    **** loves Cummings too.

    Full Member

    Looks like he Cumstain intends to demolish the BBC from the inside. I don’t doubt similar appointments have been made by predecessors but this is oh so Trump with less blondes (other than the **** tosser in #10)


    Full Member

    The anti BBC appointments seem shortsighted, even for Cummings

    Climate sceptic & all round idiot Moore will screw up

    As much as anything it’s just signalling to his base

    A reaction to the polls & Starmer, so they stoke culture war issues

    Full Member

    The Paul Dacre/Charles Moore story is nothing more than a dead cat thrown on the table as a distraction from covid related issues (set up by dick dastardly/**** stain cummings & co), they’d never get passed the selection process.

    Full Member

    It looks like the marriage of convenience of the Tory old guard and Boris/Cummings is coming to an end.

    Brexiteer ERG numbskull Peter Bone has been on the radio denouncing. Even they seem to have had quite enough of government by dictat from number 10. Boris wanted an extension on his emergency Covid rules for another 6 months to be rubber stamped by parliament, but apparently there are now enough Tory rebels to overturn his majority.

    I know they’re only doing it because they’re all mental free-market libertarians who are demanding their god-given right to not wear face masks and invite all their friends round for large dinner parties, but it might be possible they could end up doing the right thing for all the wrong reasons.

    Given what they’ve been up to with the lack of oversight – handing out billions of pounds of contracts to Cummings mates, Boris does indeed need reigning in.

    Full Member

    Double post

    Full Member

    I know they’re only doing it because they’re all mental free-market libertarians who are demanding their god-given right to not wear face masks and invite all their friends round for large dinner parties, but it might be possible they could end up doing the right thing for all the wrong reasons.

    I think that’s our best case scenario.

    My worry is that they force Boris out without also removing Cummings. A Gove/Cummings axis could be an even more unpleasant situation to end up in.

    Free Member

    …like removing a tick too quickly and leaving the head embedded. Johnson as a bloated parasite works for me anyway

    Cummings would love Gove in the top job, if it wasn’t for those crappy little voters and their antipathy for possibly the most unctous, charmless, pitiful chinless wonder the world has ever seen. I might go off and watch is it ‘a feast at midnight’ where Gove had a bit part. Some proper hate watching right there

    Full Member

    Especially with Gove being sent off to the EU to move along the negotiations. As a secret weapon to drive things along, that seems quite counterproductive.

    Full Member

    Stephen Collins drew a cartoon years ago, in the old pre-Brxit world, highlighting the yawning chasm between Goves opinion of his own abilities and his actual abilities


    Full Member

    Double post

    Russian troll-bot is self aware 😉

    Free Member

    the daily fail are running with blowjo next to matt lucas with the byline
    “Spot the Comedian”

    Free Member

    Lack of testing is due to foreigners he says!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    My worry is that they force Boris out without also removing Cummings. A Gove/Cummings axis could be an even more unpleasant situation to end up in.

    Part of the evil genius of modern politics isn’t it? Just make sure the second in command is an even bigger **** than you. “We can’t impeach Trump, because then Pence will take over”

    Full Member

    Lack of testing is due to foreigners he says!

    It’s worse than that… he was also surprised at the lack of workers for care homes and construction for the same reason. Project Fear.

    Full Member

    Anyone link me to an article on this masterpiece of Boris Bellendery, or is buried in a BBC article on something else?

    Full Member

    I heard it on the radio.

    Free Member

    I also saw on twitter that the ‘Build back better’ name for covid recovery is directly pinched from Joe Biden’s campaign that was lauched a couple of months ago!

    Full Member

    Even by his own ridiculously high standards, that’s impressive 🤦‍♂️

    Full Member

    Free Member
    the daily fail are running with blowjo next to matt lucas with the byline
    “Spot the Comedian”

    Interestingly the Mail are pretty critical of the gov at the moment…. Whilst it suites them anyway. Whilst the Express are still full on Battle of Britain/blitz spirit….like they are trying to out DM the DM…. which I suppose they are trying to do.

    Free Member

    I also saw on twitter that the ‘Build back better’ name for covid recovery is directly pinched from Joe Biden’s campaign that was lauched a couple of months ago!

    Cheers for the heads up. It means I can seal all my windows this evening cos as soon as I see and hear that fat buffoon utter that phrase the TV is getting launched out the window. I wonder if him and the rest of the cabinet will hammer it for months with smirking faces just like ‘GBD’?

    Free Member

    I prefer the good ol’ days and snappy convention slogans made out of good quality seventies Fawlty towers/watery fowls sign

    Full Member

    Blojo gave a speech earlier transcribed here


    Probably not quite the click bait that you might have expected from up there but still an admission of the lack of people to fill ‘crucial roles’ commonly occupied by people from overseas.

    “In the last few months I have been touring labs where people, many of them young, are working flat out on testing samples – testing for the disease, testing for the efficacy of potential vaccines, testing the tests. And it is hard work. It requires endless patience, and good hand-eye coordination. It also requires an excellent grounding in lab techniques and in the science – and every time I have been fascinated to find that a sizeable proportion of the technicians are from overseas. And though I welcome that, because it is one of the glories of our education system that it attracts so many people from around the world, we have to face the fact – that at this moment when we need them so much, there is a shortage of UK-trained lab technicians, just as there is a shortage of so many crucial skills.

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