Home Forums Chat Forum Black Eye Friday – anyone risking it?

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  • Black Eye Friday – anyone risking it?
  • 4
    Full Member

    Decision made. Me and Mrs Binners are having a wander into town to meet some mates, under the proviso that ‘we’ll just nip out for a couple’. We’ve been down this road many, many times. See you at 3am! 😂

    Full Member

    is it just me or ez rocketdog pissed iz britches ?

    Free Member

    For some unknown reason, yes! My wife has organised going to see a mates band play….they’re a great band, I’ve played with them myself, but they’re at a venue that I hate 😕

    Vinyl DJ on at our fav Belgian bar too, so may head there.

    My first year as a ‘former’ professional musician….I’ll be honest, I’d rather be at home with my own selection of beverages and no interaction with the general public. I’ll be taxiing home solo early doors if it’s shit!

    Free Member

    Blimey i left my quiet corner of Norfolk to head into Camden for a leftfield gig at nearby Kentish Town at the weekend, the usual Camden “wreck heads”, but then mixed in with the “drink once a year to extreme” crowd, met a naked bloke playing a traffic cone and singing carols, a woman with her eyes going in different directions telling us she was going “kill you all, then find your families and eat them” and a group trying to steal a taxi!

    Normal night in Camden really…

    used to be a doorman many moons ago, we used to call today “f/cked up friday” and you knew you’d earn your money.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I overindulged ( well for me anyway) on holiday in Lanzarote in November now the small glass of Mulled Cider I previously mentioned is the first I’ve had since . What puzzles me is when I say I don’t want alcohol people ( my wife included 🙄) say don’t be so miserable it’s Xmas 🤔And ? 🤔

    Full Member

    @Drac no Bacon Fries for me, there’s something in them that causes me to inflate like a balloon and then belch the night away!

    @jamesco That was my thought too, always review the lighting before posting online.

    Full Member


    Got a mate coming over so we’re gonna cook some food and destroy a bottle of rum whilst watching random crap on YouTube /tv.

    More fun and much safer, not to mention cheaper!

    Full Member

    @sandwich They have Scampi Fries but that can lead to questions later. 

    Full Member

    Decision made. Me and Mrs Binners are having a wander into town to meet some mates, under the proviso that ‘we’ll just nip out for a couple’. We’ve been down this road many, many times. See you at 3am!

    Good on yer. Got a big club ride tomorrow morning and then will do similar on Saturday night.

    Full Member

    is it just me or ez rocketdog pissed iz britches ?

    Lolz..It’s not a good look,and he’s left it too late to photoshop out that ‘strange shadow’ .

    Free Member

    Going out out tonight, techno night, will be a late one…fourth night on the trot, double figures in the last couple of weeks. Yes, I need a rest!

    Full Member

    Been two murders in Ilkeston this week, I’ll stay home.

    Full Member

    Back home from The Farmacy in Matlock, excellent local beer, excellent atmosphere, happy people. No black eyes!

    Full Member

    Full Member
    leave him Binners – he’s not worth

    Thanks, I did have a giggle at that!

    Free Member

    Survived five hours in the Malt Whisky Society this afternoon. Black pudding supper and train home at a civilised time. What a properly grown up start to the festive break.

    have a lovely Christmas you filthy animals


    ps as per previous years let me know any issues with John Lewis/Waitrose customer services and I’ll have someone take a look next week but it’s too late for me to intervene pre chrimbo and I’m on the schoosh for the next two days.

    Full Member

    @Drac        Ale Gate…………… just ace.

    Full Member

    I’m off out but only to an proper real pub that will be largely full of middle aged blokes drinking slowly and standing or sitting in the same place they always sit or stand.  I’ll avoid the centre of town and get the Missus to pick me up before the craziness begins.

    Good luck out there people,  stay safe!

    Full Member

    Bugger going out20231222_184653

    Full Member

    Not done a ‘Mad Friday’ in years and dont miss it TBH, too bloody busy even if you avoid the trouble.

    Full Member

    is it just me or ez rocketdog pissed iz britches ?

    I am that age where you

    1. Never pass a toilet opportunity
    2. Never waste a hard on
    3. Never trust a fart

    So yea, you could be right!

    Full Member

    Still early days but no black eye yet.

    Back home from The Farmacy in Matlock, excellent local beer, excellent atmosphere, happy people. No black eyes!

    Get yourself down to Tipsy for some aggresive action

    Full Member

    Get yourself down to Tipsy for some aggresive action

    Get in Bulan about 1am – might even get a Christmas bonus head kicking!! 🤣🤣

    My mad Friday while the wife has gone out with her sis in Matlock!…


    Full Member


    3 pints. I then bought 12 bottles, but I’m done for the evening

    Full Member

    Home, curry demolished, Top of the Pops on TV, wrapping time and more peeve. 

    Full Member

    Finished at 4 yesterday for some company funded drinks in Leeds city centre as last full (ish) working day, got the last train home.

    Back in at 730 this morning for half day, in pub by 1 for food and got 3 pints in before some apparent emergency meant I had to go back to the office to sort something, turns out to be nothing, CBA to carry on drinking (SEVEN QUID A PINT!!!) as town was getting busier, so came home.

    Keen followers of my output here (I know there’s a few of you, even if it’s just to wind yourselves up) will remember I gave up drinking for 3 years up to last xmas-ish, well, all I can say is that form is temporary, real talent lasts forever.

    Full Member

    £7 a pint? ****!

    Full Member

    £3.50 a pint at my local Social Club! 😎

    Full Member

    All the cul-de-sac neighbours have all been round ours tonight. A good few mulled wines, mine pies, brownie slices and nice choccies consumed while the kids all played Lego.
    Anita (83) didn’t kick off though, so no black eyes here…

    My brother in law was in one of the other photos in the series this came from. Wearing his police uniform, not reclining….

    Full Member

    £7 a pint? ****!

    £11.00 for a pint of Echo Chamber in Tempest…

    Full Member

    For the first time in my living memory and given the exchange rate, it’s cheaper to drink in Ireland than in most of the southern UK. Not Dublin of course.
    I did a big shop today for my dad and it too was cheaper than the UK.

    Full Member

    Bugger going out

    Danger Gnome!

    Had three of Pomona Island “ CUTE CUTE, IN A STUPID-ASS WAY “ … and had no trouble. It’s good here.

    Full Member

    Made it back home alive.

    No fights / brawls / arrests / bad behaviour of any kind.

    It probably helps that I don’t live near a lot of scum.

    Full Member

    Usual evening in my mate and I’s regular drinking establishment in Melksham, we usually get there around 10pm when it’s a wee bit quieter, no problems at all. The brothers who run it have zero tolerance for shenanigans as I personally witnessed at their previous pub; anyone kicking off goes out the door with their arms twisted up their backs. We’ll be over there tomorrow, they’re keeping a table for us.

    On the way home, there was a police car at a set of traffic lights in front of us, when the lights changed they were slow pulling away and we realised there was a small car in front. Fine, until we left the 30 limit and the Seat in front stuck to 30 so we crawled along the A350 until we got to the Lacock junction then the blue flashing lights came on! There may have been some searching questions asked… 😁

    Free Member

    Works do in town centre Bolton. Pub at 3, curry at 5 then drinks in town.

    That’s a black eye recipe for certain! How did it all pan out? Did you fight Binners after pushing in at the chippy queue?

    Free Member

    No black eyes to report but the gig was cursed. Headliner had pyrotechnics which promptly set the fire alarm off half way through the first song, cut all power to stage and off we went to stand in the cold for ages until they sorted it.

    After restarting there was some crowd surfing and one guy managed to have a severe head injury falling over the barriers I think, so stopped again whilst they sorted that out. Band all looked very shaken by it so must’ve been bad.

    They picked up eventually after that and the gig finished about an hour later than expected. Good gig though despite all that!

    Full Member

    Swung by my parents in the Chilterns to drop presents etc off so caught up with some old school mates in Henley for a beer. It was weirdly quiet! Angel on the bridge was empty which is mad. New Phantom brewing tap room is.nice though. Also had my world shaken in that it was cheaper than home……

    Full Member

    @ton yes it was, well spotted. 

    Full Member

    Went for lunch with former colleagues and then office. Was last out the building and train home. Plenty of people seemed “cheerful” on the train, and it was still only 8pm.

    We used to get the half a day off on the last afternoon before Christmas. But if you wanted the whole day, it was a days holiday leave. No communication this year. I think the WFH culture has now transformed into “whatever”!

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