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  • Bike packer sprayed with slurry
  • ugarizza
    Free Member

    Apologies if it’s been discussed already, I searched for slurry and nothing came up.

    I saw a video today of a bike packer bein sprayed by an angry farmer with slurry.  The opportunistic camper was forced to hide behind his tent to shelter from the incoming spray.

    Anyone have the back story to this? It could possibly be someone who visits this forum.

    Full Member


    Not sure why he’s literally decided to nationally publicise his own details and the fact that he did it, but takes all sorts I guess.

    Full Member

    How awful. Is there a video?

    Edit: there is, I’m horrified 🤣

    Full Member

    I think the backstory is that he was touring LEJOG for charity, and had the misfortune to run out of light and set up camp in a field owned by a complete ****.

    Who then rather than ask him to leave, as is the correct response to trespass, assaulted him by spraying him with shit.

    Full Member

    I’m all for a bit of wild camping but that is not wild camping.

    That’s trespassing…

    BUT showering him in Shit is unforgiveable and probably assault.

    Full Member

    Yeah, it’s trespass, but the only one committing a criminal offence (and being dumb enough to admit it to the Sun) is the farmer.

    Free Member

    Farmer Jack Bellamy sounds like a balanced and intelligent individual. 

    “We’ve had people from towns walking in the fields.”

    “They’ve got no knowledge of the countryside at all.”

    “They probably think food grows on a plant or something.”

    Full Member

    “They probably think food grows on a plant or something.”

    This did strike me as an odd thing for a farmer to say. But then there’s a lot to unpack in that article really.

    Free Member

    ^ how much of the UK is wild and can be wild camped ‘legally’?

    Let’s face it’s, this contractor (they won’t be the landowner) in the tractor responsible for doing this is a ****. There was no need for this, obviously, but like many tractor drivers (around me at least) they are above the law; See speeding/constantly being on the phone/etc.

    No idea what time of day it is, but said camper should really have been up and gone first thing & better hidden!

    Edit: not clicking The Sun

    Free Member

    I was thinking too he should have got going earlier!

    I also thought it could be a set up video.

    Full Member

    On the SDW I’ve done similar but in a bivvy bag. Id not be comfortable putting a tent up to be honest but even so that farmer is just  needlessly confrontational. It’s obvious the guy wasnt there as part of a group having a noisy booze up. It was 6am, give the guy a ticking off if you feel it necessary and tell him you’ll check he’s gone in half an hour. If you really have to be that way.

    The old turn up late, leave early rule usually works. Leave nothing behind either, that goes without saying.

    A word from the farmer, an apology from the rider is all that situation needed.

    The Sun legal info at the bottom of the page is the really important part. It points out that in Scotland,  this likely wouldn’t have been a problem. The real issue is the terrible land access rights we have here in England. That’s the scandal, not the guy doing the lajog.

    Full Member

    Who’d a’ thunk it?

    A reactionary prick in charge of a big old bit of agricultural machinery acting like a **** and asking questions, never…

    please someone tell me young Jack is getting charged? I’d love for it to go to court.

    Free Member

    That was a silly place to ‘wild camp’ but obviously spraying someone with slurry is completely disproportionate, and I suspect assault so hopeful farmer mc nasty faces some legal recriminations since there is clear evidence of what he did!

    Full Member

    The old turn up late, leave early rule usually works. Leave nothing behind either, that goes without sayin

    A word from the farmer, an apology from the rider is all that situation needed.

    Absolutely. And for all the “farmers think they are above the law” stuff,  lots of bikepackers and cycle tourists will confirm that farmers often let them use a field, open space and other facilities.

    So is the farmer being reported for the attack?

    Free Member

    he was touring LEJOG for charity

    From what I read over the weekend, he was doing it for charity in memory of his dead wife.

    Free Member

    Farmer is a ****waffle with a completely disproportional response.  There may have been campsites nearby but if he was riding late into the night I don’t blame him for not wanting to go and disturb people that may have already been asleep.  That’s assuming he knew there were campsites there.  Nowt wrong with what the cyclist did IMO and I’d have done the same (albeit probably been up and off before 6am, especially at this time of year).

    Most farmers near where I live are decent human beings.  But like all walks of life, there’s always some **** unnecessarily taking delight from someone else’s misery.  I “wild camped” a dozen times last year in England and had zero issues or interactions with anyone.  Mostly in the Peak District

    Full Member

    So is the farmer being reported for the attack?

    I would hope so, but as we’ve not heard from the cyclist involved, I suspect he is too nice a bloke to want to take it further.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    he was touring LEJOG for charity

    From what I read over the weekend, he was doing it for charity in memory of his dead wife.

    Have you got a link mate? Not because I dont believe you!

    Id genuinely like to have a read up. Sad to hear that’s his reason for the ride and I hope he can put this behind him.

    Full Member

    Round here we have a problem with dickheads parking their cars on bridleways (saw one actually parked on the South Downs Way yesterday), so I enjoyed the linked story about the Mercedes getting the slurry treatment. Nonplussed about the camper tbh. I wouldn’t want to be covered in poo, but then I wouldn’t camp in a farmer’s field.

    Full Member

    I can only find this online, a fair few farmers aren’t to happy with the tractor driver either apparently.


    Free Member

    The internet needs to find this cyclist and what charity he was cycling to raise money for

    That was an abhorrent assault

    Reassuring to read most of these comments:


    Full Member

    I think most reasonable people would see that as an moronic response. Being on a well trodden route like LeJoG I’d expect you get more than your fair share of people thinking in a bit of an insular manner – see NC500. People go into ‘mission mode’ forgetting that the locals see tens of people a days also having the same ‘unique’ adventure. But even still…. And this bloke didn’t seem to be doing anything more than being possibly a bit cheeky. There’s campers leaving disposable BBQ and cans everywhere and playing music long into the night…then there’s middle aged blokes in one man tents and scoffing a bag of jelly babies.

    Beyond the reporting to police etc……….how do you get sorted in that situation – your entire world covered in shit, hundreds of miles from home with no water source nearby. Nasty.

    Free Member

    Have you got a link mate? Not because I dont believe you!

    I can’t find anything reported but it was in my social channels.

    Full Member

    ^^Id just like to bung his charity a tenner if he had a page up really.

    Full Member

    that’s my neck of the woods. not seen anything on local news channels.

    Full Member

    No idea how you’d go about covering that as a reputable news organisation. I’d probably start by asking D&C Police what their view was, then a selection of less cerebrally-challenged farmers.

    Full Member

    On a lighter note, are we sure it wasn’t Trump?


    Free Member

    I’m from a farming background, most farming folk I know are decent, hard working and thoughtful people. In the same situation, my farming relatives would have had a chat with him and probably invited him for breakfast.
    Clearly there are **** in all walks of life that give the majority a bad rep

    Free Member

    I’m all for a bit of wild camping but that is not wild camping.

    That’s trespassing…

    All wild camping is trespassing in England and Wales excluding Dartmoor.

    And TBH I’ve camped in similar spots.  He’s not visible from the road unless you’re looking hard, it’s early morning (6am would be barely 8hours sleep after sunset) so within the bounds of “arrive late, leave early”, tucked into the edge of the field not obstructing anything or flattening a crop.

    Full Member

    I wonder if the rider has CTC / CycleUK legal cover.

    Full Member

    I’ve done similar but in a bivvy bag

    Too many energy gels?

    Full Member

    Rubber_BuccaneerFull Member
    I’ve done similar but in a bivvy bag

    Too many energy gels?

    Lol, funnily enough I did have the trotts on one SDW attempt that I put down to  od’ing on energy gels! I sorted the bivvy bag but I got through a few leaves.😉

    Flap jacks were a far better/ safer option!

    Full Member

    Apparently he was doing a charity LEJOG for a cancer charity in memory of his recently deceased wife and was trying to bikepack it so that he could maximise the money going to charity.

    The Farmer’s an arse and I hope he ends up in court, the cyclist was mildly in the wrong but the response was waaaaaay out of proportion.

    The internet needs to find this cyclist and what charity he was cycling to raise money for

    This, I’ll drop a few quid in if it can be found and verified.

    Full Member

    Too many energy gels?


    Full Member

    Great to see most of the comments on the farmers page were just as outraged.

    I’d bung him a tenner if anyone finds a link.

    Full Member

    Apparently there was a similar case in Staffs and the magistrates fell like a ton of bricks on the farmer despite a guilty plea.

    If the cyclist is found he really needs to take this further.

    Full Member

    I dont really do SM admittedly but I’ve yet to find the guy. I hope someone in here does.

    I sorted the bivvy bag

    I need to clarify that bloody predictive! I meant “spared” rather than “sorted”, as in “filled it up”.😁

    Full Member

    My understanding is that this would not have been legal in Scotland. In Scotland you have the right to camp on unenclosed land

    But I’m not in Scotland so I’m happy to learn from those that are

    Free Member

    GCN story right there.

    Could be Si Richardson, he likes cows.


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