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  • Beard promo. Yes or no?
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    What say you forum. Do we say yes or no?



    Free Member

    Ooh, I get messages like that a lot! If you reply does it actually result in anything?? I usually ignore them, have occasionally said , yes I’d love to collaborate, and occasionally “**** off”, but never see anything else.

    Beards though, not for me, I like my face, nothing to hide 😂

    Full Member

    I’ve managed my first 6 decades on the planet without needing a ‘beard forger’, or even being aware it was a thing. It’s a hard no from me!

    Full Member

    Have they stumbled into the threads on hot waxing chains and misunderstood?

    Full Member

    Fu Manchu had it right.

    Free Member

    Better than pickup trucks.

    Reminds me, I need to give mine a severe trim as I accidentally undercut it too far shaving and now it looks thin and rubbish.

    Full Member

    What does it say after “nice to e-meet you”? Because reading any further than that goes against everything I stand for.

    Full Member

    I have had a beard for 20 years and I’ve bought absolutely no products for it.

    So I’m probably not going to buy any beard  products, but I might read about some.

    Full Member

    WTF is a ‘beard forger’? Having just seen the brief video on their site I can’t actually see what it does, other than brush his beard and leave it exactly as started.

    Now, if they had a range of cheap, good quality, moustache waxes I’d be interested…..

    Full Member

    Do they also sell axes?

    Full Member

    I have a beard which is neither stylish or handsome but I’m willing to review any products on behalf of STW if the staff are chin follicly challenged.

    Full Member

    Where’s HebTroCo when you need them….

    Free Member

    I have had a beard for 20 years and I’ve bought absolutely no products for it.

    Only 15 here, but zero “products” in that time. I genuinely laughed at an uncle when he told me his missus had bought him beard oil.

    What do you call a person without a beard?

    A woman.

    Full Member

    What do you call a person without a beard?

    A woman.

    Hmmm, you do realise that there are women who are more hirsute than some men? 🤔

    Full Member

    If you’ve got a big beard and don’t use any product  at all then you’re a bit of a skank. A decent brush and a bit of oil or balm help keep your skin and hair in good condition. Nothing worse than beard dandruff or split hairs. I’ve bad a beard, sometimes full on wizard size, for most of my adult life and always used some product.

    Normally stuff that doesn’t need daft marketing or silly names. Heated straighteners for a beard is stupid though. They’ll damage the hair and just why are they even a thing? WTF is with  the whole Viking  thing too.

    Free Member

    Beard of 36years. It’s maintained occasionally with soap and very occasionally white spirit or thinners if I get paint or oil in it. It started bushy and has steadily been reduced to a 10-20 day growth as I’ve got older, greyer and uglier.

    Full Member

    My beard which has never been totally removed since my mid 70s when beards were far from fashionable. It varies in length and tidiness and can be quite random when I wake up with bed face.

    I don’t use any unctuous preparations ony beard but if you want anything testing that smell more fragrant than a pole cat I would be up for it.

    Full Member

    Having just seen the brief video on their site I can’t actually see what it does

    Gives you an insanely smug feeling and a very punchable smirk.

    My beard which has never been totally removed since my mid 70s

    How old are you?

    Full Member

    I genuinely laughed at an uncle when he told me his missus had bought him beard oil.

    Someone bought me beard oil once.  I think it called itself “serum.”  A couple of squirts and… I had an oily beard?

    Free Member

    I’m with northwind, I stopped reading at ‘e-meet you’

    I just rub some shampoo into mine whenever I wash my hair, that’s been fine for the last 24 years.

    Eek, I’ve had a bear for longer than I’ve not🙈

    Full Member


    What’s wrong with beards?

    Full Member

    I’d probably buy some beard cleaner and moisturiser if there were stw deals to be had.

    Full Member

    I love using beard oil! I whack some in after a shower and comb out the knots. Even take a tiny bottle of the stuff when away from home.

    Full Member

    Beard cleaner? AKA hot water?

    Full Member

    If STW had a promo I might look at the company…

    No guarantee I would buy anything though, I’m quite particular about what I use on my beard and have found that many of the companies clearly use the same low quality oil blend with different scents. Made in <insert local nation here> can still easily mean ‘cheap oil imported from china with a bit of perfume’ and that oil feels awful (to me).

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