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  • Avoiding the feared fee's!
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    is that the Edinburgh defense? you should fit right in.


    Free Member

    I was just about to ask if that was an example of the Edinburgh Defence, makes sense now.

    Free Member

    is that the Edinburgh defense? you should fit right in.

    :lol: :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Double post.

    Free Member

    Nice way to win people over.

    Free Member

    Please delete this whole thread if your reading this mods! I’m fed up with the naff insults!

    Free Member

    Don Simon, was about to post the same.

    Lewis, you appear to be an asshat.

    Free Member

    Lewis – It’s “You’re”

    Free Member

    What for when you work so hard on them.
    Always top, entertaining threads Lewis.

    Free Member

    Anyone know what the parking like up at Heriot-Watt? I’ve got a TT and I’m a bit worried by jealous types keying it.

    Full Member

    lewismorgan – Member

    What do you do for them then?

    I’m a student recruitment dogsbody- degree salesman, basically :mrgreen: Open days, prospectuses, marketing, visits and such.

    So I am contractually obliged to say we’re ace ;) But I studied there, back in the day, and liked it.

    Though on the other hand, you’d lower our grammatical average significantly, despite all the foreign students, so I would say keep well away.

    IanMunro – Member

    Anyone know what the parking like up at Heriot-Watt? I’ve got a TT and I’m a bit worried by jealous types keying it.

    Park beside one of the nicer cars in the main car park then. Worst that can happen is some staff member drives his bike-laden Focus into it. Visitor and student parking is mixed and loads of staff park in there too, and some folks from the research park too, so no shortage of tidy cars for me to crash into.

    Free Member

    I don’t believe you all managed to miss the title! ‘Avoiding the feared fee’s!


    Full Member

    Free Member

    Actually on topic, and might be actual advice rather than piss taking, but…

    Have a look at unis outside the UK. Can be cheaper and have far better riding than anywhere, even in scotland.

    Top of my list if I were you would be ETH in Zurich, not sure of the fees, but it is a really world class institution.

    Also worth checking out are Grenoble, Politecnico di Torino, TU Munich and TU Vienna.

    These are all great technical schools and ETH in particular can be considered as up there with MIT, Cambridge and Stanford for engineering. Also you can be in the mountains in 30 mins with chair lifts and 30 minute descents….

    Free Member

    lewismorgan – Member
    Please delete this whole thread if your reading this mods! I’m fed up with the naff insults!

    Posted 54 minutes ago # Report-Post

    Theyre all in the pub, or watching X FACTOR, ON ITV 1 and ITV1 PLUS 1, thats what a univercity degree does for you.

    Also whats so offenive about a gay-muslim-swan

    Free Member

    I’m Gay, get over it.

    Full Member

    **** me it took till page 4 for someone to say it’s ‘fees’ FFS. Suggest a course in the correct use and application of grammar, spend the money, it’ll be worth it because all us older employers will reject any future application regardless of your BA whatever if you can’t spell …. [wanders off tutting..] :roll:

    Full Member

    Most universities will offer a precessional english-as-a-foreign-language course which might be suitable.

    Free Member

    Can’t you study somewhere else?
    Going from a lovely place like Italy to Scotland would be a shock to the system.

    I actually know several Italian graduates who chose to do postgrad study in Scotland and subsequently live here instead of Italy. Nowt as funny as folk.

    Full Member

    I’m normally calm but “A gay muslim swam” you pushed it too far mate, its a shame scum like you still exist in this world.



    Free Member

    Bit rich Lewis, throwing accusations around when YOU started a thread on ways to defraud the system?.

    Free Member

    Degrees in Holland are cheap and often taught in English.

    That said, I’d not gripe about the fees too much – as I understand it, the majority will never pay them back anyway, so it works out cheaper than the old system…

    Free Member

    i’m just askin’ – but how would one pay for one’s rent/food/beer if one studied at a ‘free’ university in the Netherlands/Sweden/wherever?

    best thread in ages, thanks lewis.

    (some of my favourite swans are gay)

    Free Member

    Whist not wishing to spoil the fun with a serious suggestion. How about studying English at a French university Lewis? The fees are very reasonable, the locals welcoming and the course content appropriate.

    Free Member

    Ed’ (can we call you Ed’?) The fees may be ‘reasonable’, but how would one pay them? Can uk students take out a uk student loan to pay for a course in another country?


    (i ask because i don’t know)

    Full Member

    **** me it took till page 4 for someone to say it’s ‘fees’ FFS

    Actually, it was alluded to in the tags (the fee’s what?) whilst this thread was still on page one, (not by me). :wink:

    EDIT: And here

    Free Member

    Lewis old chap, a bit of safety advice for you that may just save your life. Herriot Watt Uni is pretty damn close to two of the roughest parts of Edinburgh. It’s probably not all that safe for you to go to that uni with your attitude.

    You sound like you’d fit right in with the gormless section of the Edinburgh Uni student body.

    Free Member

    Militant_biker takes an already brilliant thread into the realms of meta-pedantry.

    Top work!

    Free Member

    … pretty damn close to two of the roughest parts of Edinburgh

    Currie and Balerno – shit yeah.

    Free Member

    Ed is fine by me. A loan to pay a couple of hundred euros? I don’t know either, when my son goes it’ll be financed by the bank of dad like most French students. If all goes to his current plan it’ll be a year in France, an Erasmus year in Germany and then back to France.

    As for financing studies, working on the checkout in Leclerc and prostitution are possibles.

    Free Member

    Stuartie_C – I was thinking more along the lines of Sighthill and Wester Hailes.

    Free Member

    I know. :wink:

    Free Member

    Then there’s Easter Hailes which is a hellhole.

    Free Member

    Oh dear did anyone pull folk up over the usual canards?

    project – Member.

    If britain is bankrupt , so will scotlanshire be when it goes it alone with no oil or gas to sell, as its uk oil nad gas.

    Errmmm- the Oil thats in the Scottish fields as defined in international law? Most of the Gas is English tho

    And I’ve nothing against the Scottish, but when they think they can fund there own education and free prescriptions and all there nice new roads, I’m awaiting the day they realise there leaching off the English

    I really suggest you don’t come to Edinburgh if thats your attitude

    For the record the scots economy remains in surplus and Scotland actually puts money into the UK economy whilst getting a smaller and smaller % of the UK spending every year.

    So each year that passes Scotland is worse and worse off as a result of support the English

    Free Member

    whilst getting a smaller and smaller % of the UK spending every year.

    Come on TJ you got to do better than that. :wink:
    The figures show it’s increasing even as a % of UK spending.

    (my maths is not a strong point but I have it going from 4.92 to 5.05 % of total spend)

    Full Member

    I kind of just skipped to the end after reading the first page….
    Iirc you’ll only have to pay for 3 years you’ll get your final year free.
    And as you’re going to do Chem Eng, being poor/paying off student debt won’t be something you’ll have to worry about for very long, I’ve yet to meet a poor chemical engineer.

    Free Member

    Well.. Admittedly, I haven’t read any of this nonsense…
    but I will say, as far as becoming Italian goes, good luck.
    Although they can defer you for up to 6 months.. their actual requirements to becoming a citizen make it about as easy as becoming a BC resident. Italy, in all respects, is a 3rd world country. They only speak Italian.. and even at that they only speak THEIR italian. It’s hilarious actually.. but, if you can’t speak talian, they wont even consider you trying to help the economy in anyway. And! Finding a job as a foreigner, because being there on an english companies work contract doesn’t count towards your time living there, will be a sunuvabitch.

    Try Aberdeen?

    Free Member

    I really suggest you don’t come to Edinburgh if thats your attitude

    Well said Jeremy.

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