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  • Avoiding the feared fee's!
  • lewismorgan
    Free Member

    Am looking at studying at Edinburgh University in scotland this year.

    I’m south of the border which means, yes, 9000, over 4 years which is 36000 wonga!

    However reading into it, under EU law, the Scottish cannot discriminate tehrefore have to offer all other EU residents free university aswell, other than the other countries on the British mainland, I.E England!

    To be classed as a Scottish resident, one must live there for 3 years.

    However to be classed as an Italian resident, one must be there for 3 months, after which you can request your residency.

    So If i were to say, work in Italy for 3 months, and then apply to Edinburgh University as a foreign EU student, would my tuition fee’s be free?

    if anybody could shine any ight on this it would be much appreciated!

    Free Member

    However reading into it, under EU law, the Scottish cannot discriminate tehrefore have to offer all other EU residents free university aswell, other than the other countries on the British mainland, I.E England!


    If that’s the case then you shouldn’t be discriminated against because you’re English, so you should get a free Uni place.

    Free Member

    the Scottish government contends that as tuition fee arrangements are based on ordinary domicile and not nationality, the current system is lawful.

    European law means that the Scottish Government is obliged to pay the fees of students living in non-UK EU countries

    Free Member

    Seems reasonable, but how long does it actually take for your Italian residency to come through?

    Free Member

    You’ll find that the young ladies will be far more interested in an Italian boyfriend too. Keeping the accent up will be a bit of a challenge though.

    Free Member

    well it says the Italian residency can defer you for up to 6 months if they are doubtful of your residence, however as long as your in employment at the end of your 3 month residency, then you will receive your residency with immediate affect

    Free Member

    well it says the Italian residency can defer you for up to 6 months if they are doubtful of your residence, however as long as your in employment at the end of your 3 month residency, then you will receive your residency with immediate affect

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Hahahaha! Straw Hat, Raybans and a vespa for 3 months, cant be bad!

    Free Member

    Just study in Italy, not cheaper but probably more of an experience.

    Free Member

    Italy will be bankrupt soon. With £’s in your pocket you should be able to snap up a bargain.

    I’ve just bought a Greek Island on eBay. Lesbia, I think it was called.

    Free Member

    Can’t you study somewhere else?
    Going from a lovely place like Italy to Scotland would be a shock to the system.

    Free Member

    considering the quality of xc riding in the scottish highlands, and the beauty of it, as well as the respected quality of the scottish universities, i’ll stick with scotland

    Free Member

    considering the quality of xc riding in the scottish highlands, and the beauty of it, as well as the respected quality of the scottish universities, i’ll stick with scotland

    Free Member


    Bad news the SAAS rules for EU students are you need to have been ordinarily resident in the EU (non UK) country for the 3 years preceding the start of your course – its irrelevant what Italy thinks.

    Also worth bearing in mind that the Scottish Government don’t like this and are keen to find a way to avoid it (e.g. the Germans seem to have found a way round it, so they don’t fund our students).

    Full Member

    Does this mean that if Scotland gain independence and remain part of the EU, that it will have to pay for foreign students from England (and Wales and NI)?

    Free Member

    £36,000 for 4 years, and then no guaranteed job.

    Youre aving a laugh,

    Free Member

    Does this mean that if Scotland gain independence and remain part of the EU, that it will have to pay for foreign students from England (and Wales and NI)?

    Yes. Don’t waste your vote!

    Free Member

    considering the quality of xc riding in the scottish highlands, and the beauty of it, as well as the respected quality of the scottish universities, i’ll stick with scotland

    Have you considered Wrexham?

    Free Member

    Have you considered Wrexham?

    Bad choice, very bad choice. The riding around Wrexham is nowhere near as good as the Scottish Highlands.

    Free Member

    Personally I’m surprised that someone who can’t use punctuation correctly is considering a university education.


    Free Member

    considering the quality of xc riding in the scottish highlands, and the beauty of it, as well as the respected quality of the scottish universities, i’ll stick with scotland

    Your choice, but there’s plenty better universities than edinburgh around. You may not have got the results for these though.

    Free Member

    Bad choice, very bad choice. The riding around Wrexham is nowhere near as good as the Scottish Highlands.

    Shhhh… Don’t let that get out

    Free Member

    £36,000 for 4 years, and then no guaranteed job.

    depends entirely on the course and the degree you get at the end of it.

    Free Member

    I have AAA and am intending to study chemical engineering at edinburgh, I’m sorry about the fact i’m on a forum, not in an exam and really am not interested in ensuring perfect punctuality.

    Edinburgh is one of the best uni’s in the country and opposed to Cambridge and oxford (which i wouldn’t want to go anyway) is probably one of the best i could go to! I think at the end of the day, it’s the city not the ranking and Edinburgh>Oxford.

    The morale of the story is, England is bankrupt and these tuition fee’s are a huge money making scandle!

    Interest is 6% on the loan!

    Free Member

    The morale of the story is, England is bankrupt and these tuition fee’s are a huge money making scandle!

    Strangely the government on behalf of the tax payers and those who elected them will be paying the tuition fees to the uni,s when the student starts their course, and when and only when does a student get a paid job over a set amount, are they required to pay the money back.

    If britain is bankrupt , so will scotlanshire be when it goes it alone with no oil or gas to sell, as its uk oil nad gas.

    Free Member

    over 21,000
    if i planned to go to uni for four years and get a job under 21000 it would all be a bit of a joke.
    The government might pay on our behalf, but at the end of the day, they make profit from it!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    no idea what that means haha

    Free Member

    Lewis, my dear chap, it will all become clear when HE gets here! ;-)

    Free Member


    If you went to Heriot Watt, also in Edinburgh, you’d only be paying £27k. The campuses are completely different, but I think Chem Eng at HWU has a very good rep too.

    The other option would be to find a job for three yrs in Scotland then, assuming the rules haven’t changed, you would be eligible for free education. That may not be such a bad idea as the number of people who change their mind what they want to do with their life in the 3 yrs from 18-21 is quite high… …and you could build up a little cash to support yourself with.

    Free Member

    I’ve applied to Herriot Watt for Chem Eng as well, it had a fantastic feel to it and its my second choice! I think it had strong oil and gas links. When went i took my bike and it was only a 20 minute ride from the centre too!

    That was something i considered, but in 3 years, how much knowledge will i forget! And also there’s every possibility of the SAAS changing the fee’s

    It’s certainly a consideration though!

    Free Member

    lewis the TJ poster is the font of all knowledge,and a lot say a realy nice cycling chappie from edinburgershire

    Free Member

    really am not interested in ensuring perfect punctuality.

    A bit late to make that comment now.

    Free Member

    please stop spamming the thread

    Free Member

    In the end of the day if you have to pay then pay
    you don’t pay anything back until you start earning a certain amount

    Free Member

    and even then, the repayments are tiny.

    lewis, let’s assume that you’ll end up with a good degree, and walk straight into a well paid graduate position.

    you’ll be lucky to get £25k…

    your loan repayments will be 10% of £4k = £400/year = £33/month.

    you’ll probably have a £2k overdraft, and about the same on a credit card. You’ll naturally want to clear these in a couple of years.

    £4k in 2 years will be £167/month.

    the student loan will be the least of your worries.

    Free Member

    there’s truth in this, but with such a large sum of money it’s worth exploiting every option possible.

    Again the threshold is £21,000. If I intended to leave uni with a salary less than this then really and truly, it would be a complete waste of time me going to uni.

    Full Member

    Why should I, as a Scottish tax payer, have to subsidise folk to go to university from south of the border? You’ve got your own universities and your own rulez!

    Free Member

    Why should I, as a Scottish tax payer, have to subsidise folk to go to university from south of the border?

    Oh dear……

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