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  • Avoiding the feared fee's!
  • Trekster
    Full Member

    lewismorgan – Member
    there’s truth in this, but with such a large sum of money it’s worth exploiting every option possible.

    Again the threshold is £21,000. If I intended to leave uni with a salary less than this then really and truly, it would be a complete waste of time me going to uni.
    Might want to do some homework on what the wages might be for whatever job you are aiming for.

    Most of the chem engineers at my work seem to have gone to a Teeside/Newcastle uni. Lots of chemical works over that way and remnants of ICI

    Free Member

    I’ll probably get a telling off from the Mods for this but hey ho,
    Captain Flash heart your an out right ****, your racist, your cocky and your not funny, your the ass wipe of society.

    I’m normally calm but “A gay muslim swam” you pushed it too far mate, its a shame scum like you still exist in this world.

    Full Member

    turin – Member

    Northwind, The media were reporting that UoE were not doing a 3 for 4 deal. Now Im not saying that the media are entirely correct all of the time…

    They’re not doing 3 for 4, but like I say they have a stack of bursaries available. Means tested for the main fees support, but they’ve added- or said they would be adding anyway- to the number of other bursaries they offer, and the family income limit is fairly high

    Now all unis tend to use bursaries for the same purpose- ie, saying “Look! We do bursaries for poor people and womens!” but they all make it surprisingly difficult to find out about it. So they could have tons more that you can only find by calling a secret number on a full moon, or something. But the RUK Bursary details are on their website.

    Full Member

    <this double post was sponsored by Alex Salmond>

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I know that Herriot Watt has definitely put a £27,000 cap on there fee’s so at £9000 a year that does mean you effectively only pay for 3 years.

    Free Member

    Lewis – It’s “YOU’RE”

    Full Member

    I’m normally calm but “A gay muslim swam” you pushed it too far mate, its a shame scum like you still exist in this world.


    Free Member

    Captain Flash heart your an out right ****, your racist, your cocky and your not funny, your the ass wipe of society.

    I’m normally calm but “A gay muslim swam” you pushed it too far mate, its a shame scum like you still exist in this world.


    Free Member

    I’m normally calm but “A gay muslim swam” you pushed it too far mate, its a shame scum like you still exist in this world.

    I’m shocked that you think Gay Muslim Swans are repulsive! I s’pose you think that swans should be White, Christian and Hetro?
    It’s just this sort of causal racist, homophobic, sectarian prejudice that’s ruining the country.

    Full Member

    Yup, that we are. And also some more bursaries, and more cash in the emergency funds and suchlike. There was a brief rumour that RUK students would get first year free, which i bet would have done wonders for dropout rates. “90% of english students dropped out after a year!”

    Did you do one of the HW open days btw? Was it good? Keeping it on topic, HW have loads of swans, statistically some of them are probably gay and one or two might even be muslim. They’re all bastards though regardless of religion or preference.

    Free Member

    your lame

    Free Member

    *Spits beer at laptop screen in laughter!*

    Free Member

    Small h for haven’t please.

    Full Member

    Someone has got their knickers in a twist haven’t they?

    Free Member

    all there nice new roads

    really… IME the roads in england are a lot better than the roads in scotland

    Have you thought about aberdeen uni? there’s plenty of decent biking up here and the uni’s pretty good too, also if you’re wanting to get into oil and gas then why not go where all the oil is, i.e aberdeen? also there’s plenty of decent banter in the uni mtb club :D

    Full Member

    Brycey-YOUR a ****

    It’s you’re :roll:

    Full Member

    LOL @ Bruneep

    Free Member


    I did yes, I was really impressed by the atmosphere of the campus, and liked the fact it was set out of the city a little bit. Really impressed, and they seemed well in there with the oil companies, chevron was it?

    Full Member

    I’m normally calm but “A gay muslim swam” you pushed it too far mate, its a shame scum like you still exist in this world.

    what’s this guys beef with gay muslim swans? illiterate, homophobic, racist and speciesist. Down with this sort of thing I say!!

    <edit> damn – beaten to it by Ian :-)

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Baws; went to get a drink there, have I missed some edited out abuse directed at me?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Have we done swans on conveyor belts?

    Free Member

    What’s your opinion on herriot watt northwinds?

    Full Member

    Have you thought about aberdeen uni?

    Pi$$ off dinna want him up here.

    Free Member

    You mean Heriot-Watt?

    Free Member

    Ha is that where your from, explains everything
    Like a Scousing git crossed with a Tibetan monk

    Full Member

    Like a Scousing git crossed with a Tibetan monk


    Free Member

    nah m8 i ment herriott wats

    Free Member

    Scousing, v. Irr. The act of searching for Liverpudlians using a forked stick to detect their presence.

    Full Member

    <googles> Scousing git crossed with a Tibetan monk

    Full Member

    lewismorgan – Member
    Ha is that where your from, explains everything
    Like a Scousing git crossed with a Tibetan monk

    <clicks REPORT POST>

    Full Member

    Cool. Well I’m not on the company clock right now and I’m not on commission, but I do work on the open days so I’m glad it didn’t suck ;)

    Free Member

    ah right, yes it was a fantastic day! What do you do for them then?

    Free Member

    Lewis – IT’S “YOU’RE”

    Free Member

    oh really, i don’t know if your aware i’m taking the mick

    Full Member

    ahh, bliss. :lol:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    oh really, i don’t know if your aware i’m taking the mick

    is that the Edinburgh defense? you should fit right in.

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