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  • Average Moving Speed Rides Stats – Let The Willy Waving Commence
  • ir_bandito
    Free Member

    My last road ride was, lets see what Strava says:

    8341m climbing
    Total time: 100:52:40
    Moving time: 59:25:37
    Moving Average: 24.9kph

    I rock. 🙂

    Free Member

    My last completely off-road ride was 11.4 km/h. There was a bit of hike-a-bike and a puncture repair.

    Last big (mostly) road ride, on a cx bike was was 21.5km/h.

    Free Member

    will – Member

    I always tend to aim for 10-12mph depending on climbing.

    Fastest ever off road ride was 100 miles at 13.8mph. That hurt

    For the peaks i’d say 8.5mph is good though. You will ALWAYS go faster in an actual race.

    cheers will, thanks for that makes me feel better knowing that you’ve done a beastly 100miels at 13.8, so saying 8.5ish is good is a nice compliment thanks!

    theres absolutly no way on this planet id ever get near 10mph average i dont think on the rides we do in the peak, unless conditions were perfect, i was feeling great and i had a nice light fast bike

    getting anywhere near 13 mph would be insane in the peaks on a 30miles circa 5k feet climbing ride, i doubt even nick craig averages that around hayfield/peak (well it wouldnt actually surprise me if he did mind, hes been riding there long enough)

    Free Member

    Last Road ride:

    107.5 Miles
    4,741 Ft.
    17.5 MPH Avg

    Free Member

    i should really have put MTB too, i dont road ride at all, purely a MTB’er though it may be handy to get a roadie to get some extra miles in when i have less time to MTB

    Free Member

    Oscillate Wildly – Member
    cheers will, thanks for that makes me feel better knowing that you’ve done a beastly 100miels at 13.8, so saying 8.5ish is good is a nice compliment thanks!

    theres absolutly no way on this planet id ever get near 10mph average i dont think on the rides we do in the peak, unless conditions were perfect, i was feeling great and i had a nice light fast bike

    getting anywhere near 13 mph would be insane in the peaks on a 30miles circa 5k feet climbing ride, i doubt even nick craig averages that around hayfield/peak (well it wouldnt actually surprise me if he did mind, hes been riding there long enough)

    No worries! The Peaks are so different to North Notts where you can just smash along at a solid pace.

    Also probably worth noting that most XC races will be “easier” terrain wise than some of the climbs in the peaks which are quite frankly a test of skill as much as fitness.

    Like I said, if I averaged 8.5mph i’d be happy, especially on a social ride.

    Free Member

    last big road ride – 124 miles, 7,000 feet of climbing 16mph avg.
    last weekend ride of 38 miles, 2500 fee of climbing 18.8mph avg

    and im slow in comparison to some of my riding buddies.

    Free Member

    On road I average between 29 and 32km/hour, depending on the course. My last one was 80km @ 29.5km/h with around 850m of climbing.

    Free Member

    Thanks to the legendary accuracy of Strava for Android, I recently logged a ride which took me from what I experienced from the saddle as an hour and a bit round my local woods all the way to Belgium, and then a 50k or so loop around goodness knows where in Wallonia. I logged 600 or so kilometres and an average moving speed of 540something kph.

    I left it up there for a few days for posterity then deleted the ride as in the “Dirt Search”, my 450k cross channel/trans europe dash had put me into the top five amongst some proper off road hard men. 😆

    Now I am back to about 15mph ave for a 2-3 hour ride on road bike in hilly devon/dartmoor, and usually just inside top 35%/bottom 65% of the segments round here.

    Free Member

    I’ll make a bid for lowest. Just over 41km, just under 5 hrs moving. 8.3km/h. In my defence we did go up and over the second highest mountain in the country. There was a lot of carrying and pushing and nearly 1500m of climbing.

    Full Member

    Last Old Man’s race:

    Hillingdon Masters Race 10
    Time: 1:06:56
    Moving Time: 1:06:54
    Elapsed Time: 1:06:56
    Avg Speed: 26.6 mph
    Avg Moving Speed: 26.6 mph
    Max Speed: 34.8 mph

    Last ride…
    An hr to cover the 1.5mi green route at Haldon with my niece yesterday.

    It’s all bikes – all good.

    Free Member

    can you stop posting road times, there is another recent thread for such mincing. this is about real bikes.

    Free Member

    here here!

    i said about racing mtb’s not racing road

    it means absolutly nothing to me as the OP regarding road times as ive never ever done it!

    im guessing some of you folk are avoiding the MTB times/distance/climb and picking your fastest road ones available 😉 i know your game!

    Full Member

    must…resist…. no, can’t. Last night’s peak district ride

    51.5km Distance
    1,014m Elevation
    02:54:14 Moving Time
    2,095 Calories
    17.7km/h Avg Speed


    Free Member

    jon is that MTB or road? cant see strava link thingy!

    Free Member

    good going that speed wise but only 3k climbing in 30 miles? pffffft 😉

    Full Member

    offroad…but yes, only a couple of proper climbs.

    Full Member

    I tend to look at my average speed for a road ride but ignore it off-road and look instead at the time spent riding and how hard I’m trying. There is just too much variation in the terrain for speed to have any meaning off-road, but an hour of hard riding is an hour of hard riding wherever I am.

    Free Member

    Been waiting for someone to ask.

    How about my local loop: box hill, leith hill, holmbury hill, pitch hill, st.marthas and back home.
    43 miles, 4 hours, av.speed 10.6 mph, av. moving speed 11.0 mph, climb 4870 ft.

    For comparing routes I look at av. feet/mile. Local works out at average of 114ft/mile which is about the same as the south downs way. Keilder is [was] around 110ft/m. More climbing than that and I slow down a lot.

    Free Member

    it is a good gauge to compare miles/feet i agree if its in the same area

    but then the climbs in the peak district are really quite techy and you cant just steadily grind up them like say in surrey hills or more xc type routes, the peak climbs are pretty brutal as will has mentioned above, something id not really taken into consideration, hence why my 27 mile ride had 4400feet of climb compared to your 43mile 4870feet of climb

    its like cannock i go there every so often and the total climb for that is only something like 2400feet in 14 miles, but because its manicured and designed to ride, you can easily put a decent average speed on as its always continuous, the peak/lake/welsh hills etc you cant really continuously carry speed and momentum up the climbs the same

    the rides we do of an evening are sometimes only 13-15 miles long, which doesnt sound much, but have 3000-3400 of climb in, and the climbs involved arent just ones you can sit and spin comfortably at a nice pace, they are techy and slow and pretty punishing and then you have to do the techy type descents that follow on from the climbs, so again not just as straight forward as pointing down a hill, nor doing singletrack at speed, the descents often require a bit more concentration than the climbs…

    so my thread was a bit shit in the way i worded it, i should really have been asking for a direct comparison for peak riders really…..

    it still does give me some perspective though, njee and a few others race, and getting 11mph average over 50 miles is bloody impressive no matter where it is as thats a race pace, and over that mileage at race pace is something else!

    Free Member

    Last off-road ride, 17.08km, 124m climb, 46:36 time, 22.0km/h average speed. CX race.

    Last non-race off-road ride, 7.74km, 226m, 42:00, 11.3km/h average. Malvern Hills. To be honest that’s probably even less useful as a data point though 😉

    Free Member

    37 miles, 9mph average, 4500 ft climbing

    north downs, pitch etc

    Free Member

    Last biggish ride I did in Surrey Hills was as follows:

    Distance: 44.9
    Time: 4hrs07mins
    Elevation: 4,281
    Av. speed: 10.9mph

    I race as well, and did the National at Hadleigh on Sunday. My average speed was about 8.5mph over 11 miles, but you had to take quite a bit of mincing into account (plus the amount of climbing involved). I normally do alright at local/regional races, but lurk towards the back third at Nationals.

    You should def. give racing a go, it’s a good laugh. People are normally pretty decent as well!

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