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  • Avengers: Endgame
  • seosamh77
    Free Member

    The most powerful Avenger, Captain Marvel was also only in it for very brief periods

    Ahh, I was wondering who that was, CM is the only film I’ve not seen! 😆 Must been mental someone watching that film as their first go at marvel! 😆

    Full Member

    I enjoyed it. The time flew by, but after making a thing of Nick Fury paging Captain Marvel at the end of IW, I was expecting to see more of her in Endgame.

    I guess the sequence was there as an introduction to the Cpn Marvel film.

    Full Member

    Well just went to see it a bit earlier than I wanted as the internet chatter was getting a bit spoilerish. Good film and time went very quickly and I didn’t need my he-wee.
    I grew up with the comics so did them justice. Having a bit of a slow come-down now helped by the Tour de Yorkshire.

    Free Member

    We went yesterday early evening. My thought…
    It was an hour too long.
    Quite enjoyed it.
    Felt a bit like watching a certain episode of Dallas.
    I’d forgotten that modern people in shared public spaces have no concept of anyone else apart from themselves.
    Thanks to the people who went out and back in 4 or 5 times with their phone torches shining in everyone’s faces.
    Thanks to the family in front of us who’s dad went out 5 times to get more loud rustly food, and who’s 6 year old daughter had to be picked up and cuddled and sang at for about 15 minutes during a quiet bit.
    The women near the end who wailed and cried very loudly for 10 minutes.

    Free Member

    Hell is Other People.

    I took the luxury of a midweek morning screening because this behaviour would boil my piss instantly and ruin the film for me.

    Full Member

    Yes! Exactly that. Phones, loud munching and constant chatter made the watching experience pretty unpleasant.

    Full Member

    Dear me where are these cinemas some of you go to? I’ve never experienced anything like that.

    Full Member

    This one was in Northampton town centre whilst visiting friends. Should have put the screen in Nandos.

    Free Member

    Hell is Other People.

    I took the luxury of a midweek morning screening because this behaviour would boil my piss instantly and ruin the film for me.

    Indeed. The unbridled joys of working from home self employment!

    Full Member

    @Drac They’re everywhere mate, 2 kid’s in Stafford talked all the way through it. One of them had plainly already seen it so was saying lines before the actors, specifically the final word that RDJ delivered.

    Free Member

    OT but well done to St Abbs for making the best of it twinned with New Asgard

    Free Member

    Yes! Exactly that. Phones, loud munching and constant chatter made the watching experience pretty unpleasant.

    Oh! My comment about the high-fiving family went unnoticed on the previous page. Well, except by the high-fiver who thought it was perfectly ok…
    Our cinema was in Portsmouth and amazingly was pretty quiet through the film. I think sometimes you just get lucky and don’t sit near the arseholes.

    Full Member

    They’re everywhere mate, 2 kid’s in Stafford talked all the way through it. One of them had plainly already seen it so was saying lines before the actors, specifically the final word that RDJ delivered.

    Why tolerate it? Did you report it at the time?

    Full Member

    @Drac – I was about to ask the same question.

    There were a couple of girls constantly chattering when we saw Infinity War, I turned round & told them to shut up, they did & I’m pretty sure I heard a small cheer from the nearby audience when I did. Although that could’ve been my self-righteousness.

    Free Member

    Saw it last week was not sympathetic to people who couldn’t/wouldn’t get a baby sitter for their small children – at least 4 kids under 8 in the audience – when the kids surprise surprise couldn’t keep quiet or still during the film. One of them started crying cause he was tired and couldn’t get to sleep! Other than that not too bad for pee breaks etc.

    Film was very pedestrian at times, Capt Marvel not in it enough, otherwise it was a satisfactory wrap up of a pretty enormous set of story lines.

    Full Member

    OT but well done to St Abbs for making the best of it twinned with New Asgard

    There’s been lots of fans in St Abbs since the film came out. It’s been really good!!

    Full Member

    New Asgard, aka Tønsberg. A town of 41,000 inhabitants that seemed to have shrunk a lot in the movie.

    I’m hoping for a spin-off series that shows the Asgardians arriving and having to deal with Norwegian bureaucracy. Korg and Miek being interviewed on their education and employment history in the local NAV office would make me chuckle.

    Free Member

    saw it yesterday – i loved all the Cap. America movies more than most of the others, except Infinity War which i thought set the bar really high, Endgame really underwhelmed me, and i felt it lost all momentum and promise of what could have been a great film bogged down in Thor’s (badly acted IMHO) ‘crushed’ king/leader and “back to the future 2” dont interact with yourself or your mum gubbins….and for some reason i really did not like what they did with Thanos…

    going to wrap the entire ramble of mine in spoilers (hopefully)

    Spoiler for
    First off the bat – Thanos – to me he was never an out and out power hungry conquer the universe baddie, he had an ideal to save the universe from itself, from what i could see he never ruled the planets or worlds he conquered, he just killed half of them and moved on – trying to bring balance to the universe, not power, hence his destroying the stones!!!!………and when done he goes off quietly and enjoys living on a farm – and as he says, it was never anything personal, for him it was as greater duty to bring this to the universe, as Odin bringing order to countless worlds under his reign……..so to have him killed by petty vengance from thor seemed a little much to me and just a “oh shock horror they are never going to get everyone back” , until antman pops out…. and for me i could just see the entire movie plot from then on and lost a lot of interest – especially as they seem to contrive any way possible to make it “fun” to insert future avengers into past movies and characters. (again Back to the Future 2 anyone!)
    we also didnt really get to see much with the 5 YEARS AFTER universe , i didnt feel the gravity of what was done by Thanos, apart from everyone is sad and no one is moving on, and yet from the looks of it, there is mostly peace? – perhaps for me a better plotline would be a few of the Avengers saying “you know, we’ve had enough, its done, we lost and actually we are more peaceful this way and actually we DO NOT want to go back to every week earth about to be flattened by some new creature”, in fact i thought Tony Stark was going to bring that in, until after 2 mins he had managed to figure out quantum time leaping….
    then we had all back to the future 2 crap which i didnt like
    then we had past Thanos come to the future – which he never really had to do ! i almost shouted at the screen “WHY!?!!?”
    he has 100% proof he succeeded in getting the stones and winning , but he now has the knowledge that in the future the Avengers will try something after thats done. so he sits tight, does it all how it supposed to pan out, and when he comes to snap his fingers he also kills the remaining avengers that he knows will try and travel to the past. job done. end of movie.
    and here is where i didnt like what happened with Thanos – his motivation to go the future was nonsense, which for me then breaks all timelines and stops the Avengers from doing what they were going to do – take the stones from the past and reverse Thanos-snap with their own in the future, without Thanos knowing – but now he’s come from the past and into the future, so there is no Thanos in the past anymore to do what he needs to do.

    now the movie is broken.

    big battle, everyone happy to see 5 years people back with them with a nod and a smile…
    oh no still going to lose
    cap marvel tacked on again (why she wasnt there at the start – ah well lets forget that), yay she can destroy ships – yet somehow cannot destroy thanos without the stones
    oh no still going to lose
    little brown truck lives
    oh no still going to lose
    tony stark – yay everyone lives

    so ultimatley the film was from me Back to the future 2, something that failed on so many levels , only we dont have back to the future 3 to save it.

    Free Member

    I was disappointed there wasn’t a Thor getting back in shape montage.

    Full Member

    “ultimatley the film was from me Back to the future 2, something that failed on so many levels”

    You are dead to me

    Full Member

    It bothered me that the blue stone seemed to be in two places – the Tesseract and Loki’s sceptre – so I went and looked up what all the gems were. It transpires that the stone in the sceptre is in fact the yellow Mind Stone and for some inexplicable reason glows blue when in the sceptre.

    Then I spotted this.

    The Space Stone (blue) was in the Tesseract; Soul (orange) collected from Vision’s head; Reality (red) held in the Aether; Time (green) in Dr Strange’s necklace; Power (purple) in the Orb; and Mind (yellow) in the Sceptre.



    Mind. Blown.

    Full Member

    That’s insanely nerdy !

    Free Member

    Shoulder. Shrugged.


    I’m sure you could get that to go viral if you shared it in the right place 🙂

    Free Member

    Uhhh except that the Soul stone was the one being lurked over by the red skull and the mind stone in vision’s head was the one in the sceptre?

    Still works if you replace Head with “Hole in the ground” though.

    Full Member

    It’s where Thanos collected them all from though, isn’t it?

    Or am I totally wrong?

    Free Member

    Yes, but not totally. Just enough.

    Thanos got the soul stone from Vormir.

    Head and Sceptre are the same stone. So that’s


    But that is anagram of HOT VAN, so may refer to the location of a crucial character at the beginning of Endgame. MIND STILL BLOWN!

    Full Member

    Damn it, you’re right. It was the Mind Stone in Vision’s noggin (which I guess would make sense).

    Wait, it still works though because the Soul Stone was being guarded by Red Skull:


    … though that’s a little more tenuous.

    Free Member

    Watched ‘Winter Soldier’ last night again (probably my favourite of the Marvels, that or Ragnarok). in light of Endgame I found the scene were Cap visits Peggy to be a bit ‘open to interpretation’. When did the full story arc of the last 6 or 7 episodes get pencilled in?

    Free Member

    Captain America in the end of the movie :

    i’ve tried the <spoiler> thing but it doest work – dont read below if you not seen the Endgame movie!

    ‘parantly Russo brothers have said/suggested that Captain America going back to deliver the stones
    he then met up with peggy which began an alternate timeline we have never seen*, so how did he get back to the “original” timeline we are viewing..? well they say perhaps he got help for a certain Tony Stark in his timeline.

    *this would mean there would be 2 captain america’s in that timeline – given he would have to marry peggy after the real timeline version of him is frozen and then dethawed, and it means we can assume he helps stop anything of the original movies from happening in his alternate timeline.


    Free Member

    square brackets [ , roady_tony, not < (hang on! You did it, up there ^^ !! 😆 )

    Friend going to see Endgame tonight says it’s still selling out cinemas. People are going for repeat viewings. Weirdos!

    Free Member

    square brackets

    Spoiler for
    a spoiler- hey it works, i think i forgot which forum i was on last post
    Full Member

    ” began an alternate timeline we have never seen”

    I think that’s pretty open to interpretation- it could be cap’s own timeline, rather than a whole trousers of time different universe thing. There’s nothing really to stop him from just living a quiet life in the background and not affecting the main course, and that’d land him back at the end of the film.

    Free Member

    there is an entire series about Agent Carter where she is single and still pinning for Frozen Cap….so that wouldnt make sense…neither would any clips of her in the original Cap America movies as an old woman .
    plus – future-in-the-past-Cap america would just not stand around while all the movies are going on around him, that goes against his entire character/personality.

    Free Member

    future-in-the-past-Cap america would just not stand around while all the movies are going on around him

    They should have made Old Cap look like Stan Lee, that would have sorted it out.

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