They are all “official”, run by different motorway companies (some directly, bip&go is a bit less obvious but it’s just Sanef) and offer a basically identical service.
Just get the one with the best offer when you buy, or whichever is most convenient. e.g. Fulli (=APPR) has no application fee at the moment. Cheapest, assuming there’s an “offer” (there usually is) is often ATMB because you can collect it for free at the péage near Annemasse, but that’s no good if you want it for the journey down.
Emovis is expensive – £10 a year “management fee”, plus £7/month in use (capped at £14/year). None of the French ones cost anything near this. And emovis *do* charge currency exchange fees (2%, on a mid market exchange rate) which is worse than lots of cards. I appreciate some people prefer the convenience of a UK supplier, but cost is really not a reason to go with emovis.