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  • Attacked for my bike today
  • LMT
    Free Member

    Today’s lesson, don’t use John Lewis insurance, they are claiming as I didn’t have this bike on the insurance listed due to it being under the requested value they won’t pay anything. Won’t even cover the garmin or gopro attached to the bike.

    Not sure where to go now…maybe c2w scheme.

    Full Member

    That really is shit LMT. You must be seriously pissed off.

    Hope you sort something out soon.

    Full Member


    Look at your home insurance? Or is that what that was?

    Free Member

    It was my home insurance, I didn’t list my work bike as it’s under there value but the call handler was pretty blunt and no empathy at all. I understand if I’m not covered I’m not covered but his attitude was as if i was just making it up and making his day worse.

    Free Member

    Just a word of caution if you do tell the C2W people: if you still have outstanding payments then you’ll lose the tax relief as you now don’t have a bike. So not only have you lost the bike, but you will have to pay extra for the privilege. It’s not their fault and it doesn’t seem fair, but it’s the rules from the Inland Revenue.

    Free Member

    Today’s lesson, don’t use John Lewis insurance, they are claiming as I didn’t have this bike on the insurance listed due to it being under the requested value they won’t pay anything. Won’t even cover the garmin or gopro attached to the bike.

    Doesn’t make sense. Back up a bit.
    Did they tell you to list bikes above a certain value only?
    Was the bike under that value at the time?
    Was it under that value when stolen?
    Did they tell you you had to tell them if the bike changed in value and went over the threshlold?
    What do you mean by “the requested value”?

    Full Member

    I’d not accept that from the insurance gang. I’d have another go with a different agent, and if still the same response go through the formal complaints procedure. You’ve got to do that before you can go to the insurance ombudsman. Resolver website might be useful here. 

    Free Member

    That sounds very odd indeed. Check your policy thoroughly. In my experience if its UNDER a given value it need not be listed.

    And sorry about the loss of your bike, some people are just scumbags. Me and all my mates had our BMXs taken from us around 1983 and that still bugs me to this day.

    Free Member

    Resolver website might be useful here.

    I’ve used resolver before and it worked very well (4 month long battle with My Hermes over a parcel they admitted losing)

    Free Member

    C2W it’s an old one, my current scheme I got clothing and shoes and it’s on its last payment.

    The insurance stated originally they would cover up to £500, bike is an Orange speedworks at £899 so I didn’t list it as value over years dropped, I have my mtb listed as a separate unit. I thought it would be at least covered up to £500 and with my garmin and other bits but unfortunately they are declining to offer anything. A friend is an insurance broker she is looking at the policy for me and if it’s my fault and so be it, she will find me a much better deal if it’s there’s she will give me the technical wording I need to get it sorted.

    Free Member

    When I lived in East LDN I was riding to Shoreditch along the Regents Canal on my Kuota carbon CX, a commuter not looking coming in the opposite direction hit me head on and bent my front wheel making the bike unrideable. It happened just next to Queensbridge Road Hackney and it took about 5 minutes for the ‘vultures’ to see there was ‘injured prey’with a very nice bike to be swooped down on. I instantly realised this & thought my best plan of action was to leave the canal and head up onto the road. I also called my mate to see if he would pick me up which he said NP I’m on my way. I sat on wall in the most conspicuous place possible and waited. About 10 minutes later I heard a scooter along the road and somehow intuitively held on tight to the bike, the scooter mounted the pavement came straight at me and the pillion passenger went to grab the grab ! Luckily my grasps was tight enough for him to let go or else he would have been yanked off the back. SHIT ! I knew this was gonna get worse so I headed back down on th canal where there was plenty of commuters and as I expected the ‘vultures’ gathered heading towards me. I found a huge stick but thought ‘don’t take a stick to a knife fight’ then thought **** it I’ll throw the bike in the canal and come back for it – they’re not very deep. Just then my mate turned up on the bridge overlooking where I was and he’s quite a big ol’ unit (rugby) the gremlins saw him and backed off – I legged it up the bridge to his car and got away 😀 Eventually sold the bike during lockdown

    Full Member

    I’d not accept that from the insurance gang. I’d have another go with a different agent, and if still the same response go through the formal complaints procedure

    Definitely – I’ve phoned about car insurance before and got some smug, unhelpful **** on the phone, wouldn’t give any details about the claim – called the next day and got a completely different response from a very helpful agent. Found out everything. (Churchill this was, I won’t use them again)

    Full Member

    the call handler was pretty blunt and no empathy at all. I understand if I’m not covered I’m not covered but his attitude was as if i was just making it up and making his day worse.

    Is that perhaps designed to intimidate you not to pursue the claim?

    If they really don’t have any obligation under your existing policy then surely there is no reason why it shouldn’t be explained in a calm sympathic way?

    People who know they are right tend to be calm and patient.

    Full Member

    The insurance stated originally they would cover up to £500, bike is an Orange speedworks at £899 so I didn’t list it as value over years dropped…

    Ah, maybe if it’s a new for old policy you should have told them about the proper replacement value. Still sucks though, I hope your underwriter friend can help you out. They should at least give you the £500, less whatever your excess is.

    Full Member

    FSA might be a help here.

    Free Member

    Update on the insurance, had an apology about how the call was handled, the guy in complaints came across genuine and much better than the initial calls. Oddly he only deals with complaints and I was advised to call sales and find out what’s gone wrong.

    So a lengthy call, the person I spoke to said my policy had issues as I had listed bikes there’s no reason I wouldn’t have bike cover, it’s seems my other bikes would only of been covered if stolen from the house because at some point they have made an error. If that error works in my favour I have no idea, it’s being reviewed again I should find out in a few days what the outcome is.

    Not sure what’s worse trying to sort this out or finding a bike, very little in stock. My plus bike has picked up commuter duties for now.

    Full Member

    Fingers crossed! Hopefully they’ll want to offer you some kind of payment to deflect the chances of a proper complaint for their customer service performance/mistakes.

    Free Member

    I think in that regards there won’t be anything, most including where I work feel apologising is enough, went through a stage of apologise goodwill but most feel there’s no need as it’s been abused. In my favour there is a recorded call and they have said it’s not acceptable from the call handlers.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Looks like a junkie.

    It’s terrible that the police waited until someone was injured by the perp to pull their finger out and launch an appeal.

    Free Member

    There’s been about 15 attacks that I’m aware of since mine, last 2 that I’m aware of have lead to hospitalisation of the guys attacked. In the last week the police finally upped there game with patrols but after yesterday’s attack it’s still not enough.

    I’ve replaced my bike, and other stuff, and avoid the canals now as it’s not worth the risk.

    Full Member

    I missed this when It was originally posted. I have cycled a lot on the canals in Birmingham over the last 30 years with zero trouble.

    The only reason I can think that’s the case is because I never cycle on them alone – always with at least one if not more other people. I’ve often felt that if I was alone something like that theft experienced by the OP could easily happen.

    Sorry to hear of your original theft and now the insurance hassle OP. Both suck.

    Full Member

    I wonder how it would go down if you threw your own bike in the canal, or even jumped in too….

    Pleased you are Ok, OP

    Free Member

    I always used to cycle south on the canals never had any issues but lockdown a mate lives the other side of the city so we started meeting up halfway down the canals, we have had some great days out on the bikes but this experience has stopped me, and him too.

    The insurance was terrible they never paid out a penny, ended up ditching them and signed up with admiral on the face they seem much better, able to change new for old and increase value of bikes in line with value of the new models.

    Only downside is i got a trek hardtail for work duties while it’s trail ready..I’m doubting it has the balls tbh! Need to replace the forks and tyres so I can use it to hit the trails after work next spring.

    It’s odd to explain I get some anxiety mostly at work when I’m running the shift solo which is rare but due to sickness at work/covid and having to have an unplanned night cover means more of running solo, but it’s better than it was.

    Free Member

    The police have removed the post, here’s hoping they have arrested the offender.

    Full Member

    I hope so, was a decent mug shot so hopefully someone has identified him

    Full Member

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I shared the shit out of it today.

    Free Member

    There were a few racist replies so it might have gone due to that as well but let’s hope they have him.

    Full Member

    ^^ Always a risk IME.

    Free Member

    Not nice LMT hope you’re OK buddy.

    Rest assured Karma is an absolute bitch and I really doubt these gentlemen will reach their full potential in life.

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