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  • Anyone fancy joining up with Zwift “build me up”, to start 7th Feb…?
  • whippersnapper
    Free Member

    I was going to sneak Sneaky in tonight but was short on time so did the drills instead. Turns out I am not great at one legged cycling.

    Full Member

    Sneaky for me today too. Bumped to 105% and still felt easy, but then it should – average power was one of the lowest so far. No super high rpms on that one either.

    Full Member

    I did purple unicorn last night, toughest one so far I would say.

    Full Member

    Due to a change of shifts it looks like tomorrow night’s Purple Unicorn isn’t happening.

    So I decided to do it today instead.

    I’m not going to lie, it’s freaking tough, the sweat was pouring off me by the end of it. Managed my second best time up the Alp du Zwift while I did it so can’t really complain too much.

    Good luck to everyone doing it tomorrow night, I’ll be thinking of you all while I’m sat at work drinking tea 😂 

    Full Member

    Shame you can’t join tomorrow, but it’s not like you ‘got away’ with anything! Well done for doing it by yourself…


    Full Member

    I think it’s the longest workout I’ve done on Zwift so pretty happy with that.

    I had last weekends Kuurne Brussels Kuurne on the iPad at the same time so that kept the potential boredom at bay!

    Full Member

    Did sneaky last night, to get a bit of saddle time before tonight’s hell that is going to be purple unicorn…

    Full Member

    That was absolutely disgusting.

    Nearly quit with 40 minutes to go, glad I didn’t but kind of wish I had seeing as my whole body is aching and pretty much destroyed.

    Definitely having a rest weekend.

    Full Member

    Well done tonight guys, and for all doing purple unicorn. Blimey.

    I’m off for a shower, food, and copious amounts of gran tourismo 7 while laying on the sofa!!

    Full Member

    On and if anyone has a fix for pain right over the cleat area in the soles of my feet, let me know – right at the end I was in proper pain!! I probably don’t pull up enough but I only ride cleats on zwift.

    Anything over 1hr 15m and the feet start to hurt.

    Tbh it might be as simple as me having my shoes too tight… Will try that next time.

    Full Member

    That was a bit of a grind. Don’t know what happened but I lost the “keep together” thing and the chat too unless everyone kept silent. Still had the group list and saw you all going the other way right at the end. Suspect I upset Zwift switching to another iPad app to sort out music during warmup.

    Still quite nice to just ride it without dozens of riders buzzing past.

    Full Member

    Yeah..twas a tough one!
    I had to drop to 90% on the third interval for a bit! Was too tough on the legs…

    But..satisfying to have completed it..well done all!


    Full Member

    My plan to join the meet-up half way through the workout didn’t really go to plan. Managed to complete it, but basically had to restart the workout and then skip until I got back to the point I’d been bumped out… didn’t seem to have any company and didn’t get any chat on the companion app – maybe everyone else was too knackered to chat??!

    Sore hips tonight after that. Rest day tomorrow and a decent gravel ride planned for a [hopefully] sunny Sunday.

    Cheers all and well done!

    Full Member

    There was a bit of chat going on, mainly moaning about how hard it was!

    Legs feel surprisingly good this morning, might even try a ride on Sunday if I avoid the dreaded DOMS!

    Full Member

    Nick amd Simon….
    We could see you in the meetup, but you were ever increasing gaps behind us 🤷‍♂️

    There was bants ans chat, but tbh a LOT less than prior workouts!

    Honestly, I meant it in the chat when we MUST recognise that 1 hr 45 on a turbo, doing a HARD workout, is proper character and fitness building stuff!
    You should all be proud!

    Nice to see jody in there too!

    Next week looks interesting… and it has the start of my weakness…. the ‘O2’ ‘8’ ‘LOX’ intervals…. a few minutes at 120% ftp are a real killer for me!

    Let’s do one of them as a group workout eh…I coyld do with the support there!


    Full Member

    I’m travelling most of next week so going to struggle to squeeze many sessions in. I’ll check if the hotel has a gym… but not hopeful!

    Free Member

    Saturday Sneaky now ticked off, first week with all rides completed. A relatively pleasant spin compared to last night’s unicorn.

    Cheers all, time for a beer (recovery shake I mean, possibly).

    Full Member

    I’ve only got the pedalling drills left for this week,don’t like those so might substitute a random race or general ride in its place.

    Next week looks a bit of a high load! 2 sessions around the 90 mins mark.

    Full Member

    Enjoyed the group ride. It makes the longer ones more bearable! My companion app keeps dropping out so can’t always chat much. I’m going to try and get out in the real world for the next few weekends as I’ve a big race coming up, so a Friday night group ride suits me best.

    Full Member

    FYI… I’ve pinged an invite out for a short workout Saturday am…
    0830, for an hour of ‘#8’ workout….

    2 minute bursts at 115% FTP…eek!

    See you there!

    Free Member

    Looks like I may be pulling out the plan. One week away snowboarding has culminated in a pair of heavily bruised knees and a dose of COVID. I could probably continue but I don’t think I’ll help me knees or COVID recovery any by doing so. I might pick up one of the shorter FTP plans when I’m able.

    Full Member

    Saturday morning is kids sports/parties ferrying time for me so won’t make this one. Think I’ll be doing #8 early on Sunday instead, and mon/weds/fri for the others.

    Full Member

    ok.. good to have a plan!
    I’m gonna do ‘Tine’ Tonight, ‘method’ or ‘escalation on thursday am, ‘8’ on sat am, then the last one on sun am…


    Full Member

    Well… just in the cool down for Tine..
    Was an ‘ok’ workout… I can still feel a bit of leftover tiredness in my legs from unicorn on Friday eve, and a weekend walking in London!
    Anyone else done tine yet? I actually preferred it at 80rpm today!


    Full Member

    Was doing tine at the same time, same feeling on the cadence! Strangely felt like it was over rather quickly, hopefully that doesn’t mean I’m getting used to those killer 90 mins ones. Hopefully it hasn’t taken too much out of the legs for the STW League Race 1 tomorrow night.

    Free Member

    Back on it after a week off with Covid and another week off after on holiday .

    Did “8” tonight. Legs felt good, heart rate and breathing did not!

    Full Member

    Tine also completed last night, a nice easy introduction to a heavy week it seems!

    Full Member

    Anyone else done tine yet?

    Did it this morning and made me think my FTP might be a tad low as I spent most of it in zone 2. Might try bumping it up 10%. Will I die?

    Full Member

    You can adjust the ftp percentage UP in the workout with the up/ down buttons….
    Tbh, unless it felt REALLY easy, I would leave your FTP as it is… not all the workouts destroy you….


    Full Member

    Did Tine on Monday, Escalation tonight. Was dreading the end but surprised I felt ok for the last 150% bits.

    Might do #8 on Friday, method Sunday.

    Full Member

    I did #8 on Tuesday. Will do Tine tonight. Really struggling with upper back/shoulder pain when I wake in the mornings. It eases once I get moving. Was hoping this would have passed by now. Anybody else experience this when you first started riding road bikes?

    Full Member

    Sometimes the should pains come from being static for long times… try a mid ride stretch??

    I deviated from the programme a bit today as feel I’m missing low intensity base stuff…so did another 90 min at 175watts whilst watching a film!

    Hopefully legs feel strong for #8 on saturday am!


    Full Member

    Anyone else done tine yet? I actually preferred it at 80rpm today!

    I did “Tine” on Tuesday, straight after the spring series race, as punishment for my poor race performance :)

    “Method” last night.

    Probably do “Escalation” tonight, it looks nasty :(

    Full Member

    Ooh…zwift update today….
    OLD workouts remain available!
    No longer need a gap between workouts… (daft)
    Can take 2 weeks longer to finish the programme, if you have a break etc!


    Full Member

    Can take 2 weeks longer to finish the programme, if you have a break etc!

    I’ve lost a week or so. Did a lot of commuting and biking last week, mountain bike on Monday and then a gout attack Tuesday (first time ever). Commuting in tomorrow – hopefully – and then away this weekend with work.

    Really pleased you can now catch up, otherwise I might have dropped out. Back on the turbo Sunday…

    Full Member

    #8 for me tonight, not too bad at all.

    Full Member

    Oh, and superior VO2 max!! 😁


    Full Member

    @ta11pau1 Where does the VO2 chart come from?

    Full Member

    That’s from my Garmin watch, because zwift rides have power/HR it can calculate my VO2 max.

    Full Member

    Quick Q: should you keep your FTP figure the same throughout the plan? I got an increase awarded to me after the STW race on Tuesday and it’s a sizeable one, is it best to knock it back down to where it was at the beginning of the plan or leave it at the new figure? I’m guessing as the plan doesn’t have a FTP test midway it accounts for the figure and ramps up the intensity anyway so best to leave it at th original figure.

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