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  • Another Dog-Related Injury Thread
  • tjagain
    Full Member

    What benefit does that have though?

    compensation for the injuries which will more than likely have lifelong effects.

    Leads seem to be optional these days.

    Always has been under most co9rcumstances.  A dog needs to be under control at all times.  I have known properly trained dogs that never went on a lead – and ( as this is in Scotland and the law is slightly different) these dogs were under control at all times and also under close control around livestock.  Never caused an issue.

    its certainly possible the only way to have a dog under control is to use a lead – but this is not so for all dogs.  The legal obligation is to have the dog under control – not on a lead.  Think about working sheepdogs.

    Full Member

    Now we’re getting there!

    (as an aside, I’m always amazed at the amount of STWers who will reply without actually reading the thread)

    For clarity again…

    This has been reported and a statement given to Police.

    The Dalmation was not aggressive towards people (well aware that this is irrelevant though)

    It might well have been my own dog biting defensively and instinctively that got me – does he need destroying too?

    No way do I want the dog destroying. It’s not his fault fundamentally and the behaviour can be rectified. That might need to be with another owner though.

    Hunting compo gets me nowhere other than dragging things out.

    The guy potentially needs help, and this might be a small step towards him getting that if there’s any shred of self reflection left in there.

    (as another aside, I often wonder if those who always call for dogs to be put down also support the death penalty for actual people)

    Full Member

    (as another aside, I often wonder if those who always call for dogs to be put down also support the death penalty for actual people)

    Dog owner logic on full display.

    The guy potentially needs help, and this might be a small step towards him getting that if there’s any shred of self reflection left in there.

    And in the meantime if someone gets bitten, or a cyclist gets concussed, then just too bad.

    Free Member

    Now we’re getting there!

    (as an aside, I’m always amazed at the amount of STWers who will reply without actually reading the thread)

    For clarity again…

    This has been reported and a statement given to Police.

    The Dalmation was not aggressive towards people (well aware that this is irrelevant though)

    It might well have been my own dog biting defensively and instinctively that got me – does he need destroying too?

    No way do I want the dog destroying. It’s not his fault fundamentally and the behaviour can be rectified. That might need to be with another owner though.

    Hunting compo gets me nowhere other than dragging things out.

    The guy potentially needs help, and this might be a small step towards him getting that if there’s any shred of self reflection left in there.

    (as another aside, I often wonder if those who always call for dogs to be put down also support the death penalty for actual people)

    That kind of thoughtful and considered response has no place here :D

    Edit: see! 11 minutes :D

    Full Member

    No way do I want the dog destroying. It’s not his fault fundamentally and the behaviour can be rectified. That might need to be with another owner though.

    I’m not arguing that should happen, but I think it’s pretty clear that the dog is not happy with the current state of things. Therefore, this needs to be changed or the same thing may eventually happen again involving someone who is less chill about it than you. The options probably are a) dog is destroyed, or b) dog is rehomed, but I am not an expert (obviously) and could well be missing something.

    In any case, obviously one of those is better than the other, and I’m not suggesting that you’ve done the wrong thing here. I’m more surprised that someone having a chat with the owner is seen as a sufficient response as I doubt it will change anything longer term.

    Full Member

    Dog owner logic on full display.”

    No logic involved, just pondering (and maybe playing devil’s advocate by reflecting the hyperbole on the other side of the debate).

    Full Member

    as another aside, I often wonder if those who always call for dogs to be put down also support the death penalty for actual people

    No because dogs are not people.  there is no legal remedy that involves the death penalty whereas a dangerous dog the legal remedy is to have it put down.

    Classic dog owners logic thinking dogs are human.

    Free Member

    Dog owner logic on full display.

    Classic dog owners logic thinking dogs are human.

    Using comments like these in an attempt to diminish others thoughts and opinions is what non cyclists do when discussing cyclists.

    Now think about how you see people who make those kinds of comments.

    Full Member

    Classic dog owners logic thinking dogs are human.”

    You have many qualities Teej, but telepathy ain’t one of them! Putting words in people’s mouths might just be though…

    (and neither it seems is reading thread responses ?)

    Dogs ain’t people, and I’m definitely not Doug’s “daddy” – anyone who tries that gets a swift rebuke. There is however a lot of research looking into the pretty unique relationship between people and dogs over the last few thousand years that sheds light on why some people might feel that way.

    The dog is not ultimately to blame here.

    Full Member

    You made the false equivalence between humans and dogs.  The dog is not to blame in a legal sense because it is not human however the dogs actions led top serious injury.  There may be secondary reasons like poor training but the dogs actions created the injury

    If a human caused you that injury you would seek legal redress.  why so reluctant when its a dog?

    Full Member

    Using comments like these in an attempt to diminish others thoughts and opinions is what non cyclists do when discussing cyclists.

    No its not – its pointing out the distorted logic that leads to dangerous dogs being allowed to attack folk.  There is no equivalence between dogs and humans.  Humans have rights, dogs do not. Humans are responsible for their actions.  the dogs owner is responsible for the dogs actions

    Free Member

    Read the thread, he doesn’t know which dog. Should he put his own down too, you know, just in case?

    It’s really easy to just say put it down, especially when it’s not you doing the killing.

    Free Member

    compensation for the injuries which will more than likely have lifelong effects.

    Indeed, but unless the malefactor in all this falls into the eccentric middle-class alcoholic grouping rather than the sitting on a park bench with their dog in a pit of depression struggling with alcoholism group, all you’re going to achieve is a 50p/week CCJ against someone with mental health issues.

    As a plan it has all the same energy as Donald Trump telling Ivanka that the homeless person is richer than he is.


    Full Member

    If a human caused you that injury you would seek legal redress

    Again, please don’t believe you know what I would think or do. That’s what you would presumably look to do, but that’s you.

    As I said, it was a deliberately provocative comment, like a couple of yours.

    FWIW, in this context I’m not sure I would be looking for direct redress if it was the human that injured me. And as stated a couple of times, this is now on the hands of the Police and it’s up them how they legally proceed.

    Full Member

    It might well have been my own dog biting defensively and instinctively that got me

    TJ and DrJ, both of you seem to be ignoring this, or are you saying that the situation resulted from the dalmation not being under control and it is therefore responsible? Genuinely asking for clarification rather than for arguments sake here.

    Full Member

    No logic involved

    yep, definitely a dog owner :)

    Full Member


    Free Member

    No its not – its pointing out the distorted logic that leads to dangerous dogs being allowed to attack folk. There is no equivalence between dogs and humans. Humans have rights, dogs do not. Humans are responsible for their actions. the dogs owner is responsible for the dogs actions

    Is that what you think it does?

    Comments like this?

    yep, definitely a dog owner :)

    No wonder you struggle getting your point across at times. 

    It comes across as condescending and dismissive and gets people’s backs up, you aren’t stupid, you know it does.

    Full Member

    TJ and DrJ, both of you seem to be ignoring this, or are you saying that the situation resulted from the dalmation not being under control and it is therefore responsible? Genuinely asking for clarification rather than for arguments sake here.

    Yes. No Dalmatian, nobody bitten.

    Free Member



    You knew what was going to happen on here.

    If it’s any consolation you’ve done exactly what I’d have done. You unfortunately got caught in the cross fire trying to separate them, but the Dalmatian’s problem with other dogs does need sorting out, and if he’s already on the database I doubt it will be just a chat this time round. Doesn’t mean it’ll be put down, maybe rehomed, lead and muzzle only when away from home address, it’s in the hands of the police now.

    Full Member

    That kind of thoughtful and considered response has no place here :D

    Im sure the parents of the child bitten by the Dalmatian will be sharing your appreciation for a compassionate and nuanced approach.

    Full Member

    It comes across as condescending and dismissive and gets people’s backs up

    so… a bit like this comment, then:

    That kind of thoughtful and considered response has no place here


    Free Member

    Im sure the parents of the child bitten by the Dalmatian will be sharing your appreciation for a compassionate and nuanced approach

    I’m failing to see what your problem is?*

    The op has reported the incident to the Police, what more are you expecting him to do? Visit them in the small hours with a bat and beat the dog and owner to death?

    * Not strictly true, but that’s between you and your psychiatrist ?

    Full Member

    Mods, this is probably going to descend into a pointless spat at this stage, probably worth locking it sooner rather than later :D

    Free Member

    so… a bit like this comment, then:

    That kind of thoughtful and considered response has no place here

    Yes, they’re exactly the same, funny how you managed to cut the smilie off my post though, I usually don’t bother with them but I find it can help the humourless, or not, in your case…..

    Full Member

    You knew what was going to happen on here

    Absolutely. Part of starting the thread was just to see how long it would take TBH. That and I was genuinely interested to see if the nuances of the context would affect people’s views.

    Free Member


    Dogs, log burners, SUV’s to name but a few. Start a thread on those for guaranteed entertainment.

    Full Member

    nuances of the context would affect people’s views.

    No, the fact that a dangerously out of control dog was the property of a depressed alcoholic does not affect my view of how the dog should be dealt with. Happy to clear that up.

    Full Member

    Mods, this is probably going to descend into a pointless spat at this stage, probably worth locking it sooner rather than later :D

    Thread Police. Come out with your hands in the air.

    Full Member

    Not necessarily the nuance I was thinking about but thanks for clarifying.

    Full Member

    Yes, they’re exactly the same, funny how you managed to cut the smilie off my post though

    so you’re allowed to post a tongue-in-cheek comment with a smilie, but I’m not? Understood. ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

    Full Member

    The dog is not ultimately to blame here.

    “The gun is not ultimately to blame here”

    Full Member

    I thought false equivalencies were not allowed on the thread?

    Full Member

    I thought false equivalencies were not allowed on the thread?

    i was just checking to see if you’d managed to understand my incredibly sophisticated and nuanced approach.

    Full Member

    Ad hominem, but then you knew that.

    Full Member

    Yawn. I think I’m done here. Some folks think there is some nuanced context where dangerous dogs running out of control is ok. Others don’t. Nothing more to be said, really.

    Free Member

    so you’re allowed to post a tongue-in-cheek comment with a smilie, but I’m not? Understood. ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

    Sensitive much?

    Post what you like, merely pointing out how you’d selectively edited to remove the smilie so it was less obvious as to whether my quoted post was serious or not.

    Incompetent or underhand? Only you know the answer to that ;)

    Free Member

    I know the op has admitted it’s just a baiting thread but just in case any of it is true. I would want that dog removed from the owner asap.

    The comment about ‘normalisation of out of control dogs/owners’ is bang on.

    Full Member

    It’s all 100℅ true and accurate. Only “baiting” in the sense I knew it would get a polarised reaction. I’m not so much of a sociopath to make it all up just for provocative giggles.


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