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  • Afan/Glyncorrwg trail diversions info.
  • kernowgaz
    Full Member

    I’m going to Afan/Glyncorrwg next month and want to know what the diversions and closures are as my friends went up this weekend and there were a few diversions and sections totally closed off.

    Is there anywhere I can get up to date info for what’s open or has diversions anywhere? I’ve looked and can’t find anything that’s quite recent.

    I went a couple of years ago and The Wall was mostly closed off and wasn’t worth the effort.

    Full Member

    Riiiight I can’t be exactly precise. But I got back from there today…

    The best info I could find online is the MB Wales website. Which is kinda accurate but there was a more recent update printed out by the trail info in the Afan car park by the trails maps (sorry I shoulda taken a photo).

    SO from memory… There ARE diversions on most trails on the other side of the valley from the Afan car park (ie Whites, Wall, Blade, Skyline).

    The last descent of Wall (best bit IMHO) is definitely closed. Energy section of Whites is closed. Helter Skelter on Blade (?) is close. All of  Rookie blue is closed. The top fireroad bit linking Wall and Whites (ie W2) is closed.

    That’s my best memory dump. I only had 2 half days at Afan with my young lad so Blue Scar and Penhydd were enough for us!

    I HTH

    Full Member

    Glyncorrwg Mountain Bike Centre and Campsite has a FB page you could ping for up to date info.

    Free Member

    Having ridden up The Wall to do the W2 link it was quite annoying to only find out at the top it was closed! I managed to navigate around by riding the other gravel roads I could see on my Garmin, joined back by Windy Point. To get a better ride it might be worth looking at a map to see which bits of open trail you can link up with the fire roads rather than just riding the diverted trails.

    Free Member

    Wall not worth doing at the moment. Basically gain all your height to do a fire road back down.

    Full Member

    Thanks all. I’ve joined the Afan and Glyncorrwg Facebook group.

    Have the trails just been left with no maintenance or is it due to tree felling?

    Free Member

    This is a problem, lack of up to date info – last time a group of us went to Brechfa there were a few closures/detours which pissed off a couple of our group & now they won’t entertain going back.

    We now do Afan, stay in Caerphilly then do Cwmcarn the next day but I fear closures at Afan might not go down to well.

    Full Member

    Have the trails just been left with no maintenance or is it due to tree felling?

    I’m pretty sure it’s due to Forestry works felling etc.

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