I’m not going to link to his latest guff in the guardian as he doesn’t deserve the extra traffic.
The trouble is that even if you *don’t* link the article people are still going to look it out and read it just so they’ve got some context for the point you’re making.
Which leads me nicely to the point AC is making. It felt to me a though the article ended half way through — I was assuming it was on the way to some kind of considered opinion, or argument, or, well, anything other than “crikey, bikes are quite expensive”, when it abruptly ended.
I have literally no idea whether the mild sticker-shock associated with a cargo bike was the sum total of what he was trying to convey or there was supposed to be more to it. Possibly the final paragraph is supposed to be some kind of insightful commentary on society that the reader will dutifully recognize as their cue to sagely stroke their chin, say “Oooh, ah, yes, social inequalities, something, something” and feel they’ve had their money’s worth from the Grauniad today and no mistake.
IDK. Nice work if you can get it I suppose.