For those talking about the battery packs, just remember, the mAh rating will be almost as bad as the Lumens rating.
A 4400mAh pack will only likely be around 2000mAh, and they will VERY likely be reclaimed laptop batterys.
The Chinese are really bad at this sort of thing. They will go as far as wrapping the reclaimed batterys in some new cover which will have a stupidly high mAh rating, see most Ultrafire batterys on ebay.
While the packs may work for a while, it may only take a few months or maybe a year before they’re finished and I am talking from experience.
Im hoping they haven’t gone as far as to not bother with a protection circuit in the battery packs to save money, but you never know!
The batterys in the pack will be unprotected and should be connected to a separate protection circuit.
Just make sure you dont charge the packs while you’re not in to supervise them and NEVER over night while you’re sleeping!!! And not on any flammable surface, like a carpet or under curtains etc…
Im not wanting to scare anybody, but just make sure you take proper precautions because the people who make these only care about getting your money, nothing more.
I recommend Smudge if you fancy a new quality battery pack, because at least you know what you’re getting with him.
They do cost a bit, but remember, you get what you pay for.
Below is the sort of thing that happens a lot. That wee thing with the wire, IS the battery!
It’ll be around 150mAh instead of the 3000-4000mAh as advertised.