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  • 100 Day Challenge 2024 – Exercise every day til Christmas
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    A hard Wattbike Zwift 60 min session with my usual Tue night virtual meetup pals last night.  Today will need to be an extended lunchtime dog walk as am on a mid afternoon flight Glasgow to London for a dinner and a full day of meetings tomorrow, evening flight back tomorrow.

    Suspect I’ll need a few laps round City Airport tomorrow dinner time if I’m to get anything in for the day…

    Full Member

    When I’m away, I’ve been setting my alarm 30 mins earlier and “enjoying” a pre-shower Yoga or Pilates YT. It’s never fun, but I always feel good that I’ve made the effort and maintained my streak.

    Full Member

    ^^^ I often do that, however tomorrow I’m up and out the hotel back of 7 for 8am meetings in the office…

    At least I’ll have a clear head after the team dinner in town, being on day 9 of Sobtober !

    Full Member

    I need to buy a fan for the trainer. Despite the bike being in the unheated part of the house, I have no airflow and even 30 minutes on it at a moderate pace means I need a towel.

    Full Member

    Day 24: followed a stretching for runners vid then braved the Nordic cold for a slow 5 k run.


    Full Member

    It’s raining and I can’t be arsed with the weekly MTB night ride so I’ve fired up the turbo trainer for the first time since spring. Managed 30 mins on it and it’s just as shit as I remembered it was?

    EDIT when are emojis going to work again?

    Full Member

    A few years ago, 2 hours+, 3 times a week on the turbo. I have absolutely no idea how I managed to deal with that level of boredom. Now 1hr if it’s a hilly/hard route, 30 mins if it’s flat.

    Still up to 7.5km run. Pre and Post run stretches may be the reason I’ve got this far without something breaking/falling off/making worrying noises. I worked out I’ve another 25 hours/150km to run on this plan. It’s not getting easier but the workouts are getting tougher and it’s not getting any harder. so….

    Outside MTB ride tomorrow night. Will definitely be having a school night beer after that one. If the pub lets us in #swampmonster

    Full Member

    Feeling even grottier today so it was a repeat of yesterday – 2 hrs of Z2 on the turbo and post-ride stretches with Ash.

    I’m determined to get out for something tomorrow, even if it’s just a drive and a wee walk.

    Full Member

    @willard I have the cleva vacmaster fan – it’s really effective, if buying now I’d get the one with the remote control.

    I have no clue how you can do 2 hours at z2 with a cold or not. Impressive with a cold though.

    i agree with all the boredom comments re extended time on the turbo, even with Netflix, iPlayer, music, podcasts, it is just so monotonous and dull. Really effective but dull. Maybe I’ll give Zwift a go.


    day #24 – lunchtime pool swim 2.74 km in 56 minutes and a post work walk with my daughter and wombat for a very sedate 30 minutes for 2 km.

    nearly a quarter of the way through already. Learning from previous experience of doing this challenge, the only way I can get to 100 day’s unbroken is to quit booze entirely to give me the best chance of recovering from the constant daily load. Seems to be helping so far. Still bloody knackered though :)

    Edit what is going on with the font on posts ?

    Full Member

    @walowiz – I’m not pretending it’s not hard. I have to keep one eye on the heart rate at all times to prevent myself from regularly drifting into Z3, especially when there are hills. FWIW I use the Tacx software. You’re basically riding along looking at a video of the road you’re on. I find it more engaging than the repetitive and cartoon world that is Zwift. More like the sort of riding I do In Real Life.

    Full Member

    @walowiz That sounds like an excellent idea!

    Just finished an hour up there and I really need to take the plastic sheet the bike sits on out and hose it off. I am soooo going to treat my bike to a service in spring.

    Full Member

    Another failed day here, caught out with family and Scouting commitments. Need to be more proactive and “assertive”. Suspect that I will arrive at tomorrow nights Trustee board straight from the gym, as they are opposite sides of the sports field!

    Full Member

    Just yoga this evening. Feels like a bit of a fail but I feel like shit and am absolutely knackered.

    Still managed something though, so not an actual fail.

    Full Member

    quit booze entirely to give me the best chance of recovering from the constant daily load. Seems to be helping so far. Still bloody knackered though :)

    – this challenge is 30mins a day, no? You’ve done that with a walk and then swam and ran. Calm it doon!

    Wednesday hill running in the Pentlands here. Just about 9km, cold and windy.


    Free Member

    Half an hour on the bag and weights, intensity level: Neil from the young ones.

    Full Member

    Chest infection cleared so a bit of catch up with 4 hours walk around the lake, over the hill and back.

    Hour and half up the climbing centre too.

    Work tomorrow includes walking a forest boundary, so probably another couple of hours walking rough ground there.

    Full Member

    @jimmy this challenge is 30mins a day, no? You’ve done that with a walk and then swam and ran. Calm it doon!

    lol I’ve not run anywhere in a very long time, never mind today :) swim and a relaxing super laid back walk.

    great pic of your hill run

    Free Member

    D24 feeling a million times better than yesterday, but a yoga session was harder than usual, so clearly not 100%

    physio tomorrow evening, then unless directly advised against it, the routine thursday night bike ride

    Full Member

    Out this morning in the filth with the ‘white grizzly’ retriever.  Proper work out on those muddy hills for those of us with just the two legs.


    And one of the joys of living in a rural area is we get to wave at the “poo tractor” – highlight of my kids day when they were young :)

    Attempting to motivate myself for a night ride. It’s going be dark, cold and filthy. Still compared to the “Dreadmill” or the Turbo, it’s probably the best of the three options!

    I haven’t fully given up booze. But massively cut back and only at weekends. Plus tonight if I ride MTB because I will definitely have earned it! 25 days in and I *think* I’m a bit leaner. Can now see outline of three ribs. Fairly sure humans have more than 3 tho :)

    Full Member

    Half an hour on the bag

    Impressive stamina! ;-)

    Rained most of the day here but got an hour of gravel/black top around the farms this afternoon.


    Full Member

    Hilly gravel ride yesterday and had planned on a strength session today… But the weather was just too nice to miss…

    That’s Manchester in the distance; about as close as I like to get to it these days.


    Full Member

    Little catch up post.

    So far this week 2x yoga sessions, bodyweight session and an extra dog walk.

    Today was supposed to be a ride but is now looking like I’m working late. Sad times.

    Full Member

    Camden skatepark at lunch, fortunately the crappy weather kept all the rad kids away, so no one got to see me fall on my arse trying to go off a curved bank, bodyweight workout last night and a 5k run on tuesday

    Full Member

    Right I am going outside. I may be some wet :)

    I’m sure “in the old days” I just jumped on my bike and went. Current pre-ride routine is “Ice elbow, tape elbow, take nurafen” followed by 10 minutes desultory stretching before wondering where I put my bike lights that I only set down about two minutes ago. Repeat for contact lenses. And car keys. Dither over how much clothing to wear “Have we entered Trouser Season?” I ask myself aloud, before 3 or 4 trips to the car because this is now tradition ;)

    Full Member

    Another extended dog walk last night after a second day of hard labour! I have total respect for roofers, very physical job and out in all weather.

    Felt totally broken first thing but decided to go for a run and weirdly felt energised after having breakfast.

    Hoping for an early finish tomorrow finding time for a nice ride in the afternoon.

    Full Member

    Day 25 of the challenge and day 3 of the lurgy. While it is important to be kind to ones body, the mind also needs to be considered so I, unusually, took myself off for a wee drive in the van today.

    I’m a bit of an aficionado of the Wade (and Caulfield) military roads in Scotland and while viewing some satellite imagery, recently spotted an “orphaned” bridge on the road to the Corrieyairack Pass. It’s not mentioned in Walking the Scottish Highlands by Tom Ang & Michael Pollard (my usual bible for Wade roads.), so I took myself off on a micro-explore.

    The bridge wasn’t too hard to find.


    The restoration is holding up well, though I could find little trace of the old road leading up to the bridge itself.


    By way of contrast, this bridge was installed a few years ago to assist in the building and maintenance of the Beauly-Denny pylon line. I doubt it’ll last as long, or that anyone will care enough to resore it in 200 years time.


    A better-known orphaned bridge beside Melgarve bothy.


    I’d taken my drone in order to get some aerial shots of the bothy but it was a bit too breezy for my sub-250g Nano+. The wind did mean that the skies were cleraring though.


    I got the drone out at Garva Bridge so might upload a couple of stills from that later.

    I totalled about 90 minutes of gentle walking but enjoyed sitting in the van listening to the river and the rutting stags.

    For those that might wonder, my photos sometimes appear in canmore.org.uk (the online catalogue to Scotland’s archaeology, buildings, industrial and maritime heritage) and/or geograph.org.uk

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    25/100 Had an easy day but brisk stroll in the Autumnal sunshine here today. Bloody love Autumn don’t I.

    Away on family holiday from tomorrow which makes fitting opportunistic exercise in a bit tricky, so hopefully will be able to keep this up – enjoying it so far.

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    Day 25: snowed overnight (wet, slushy rubbish) so sacked off any idea of going out after work. Just a 30 minute yoga video with Breathe and Flow.

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    Gym night. Elliptical, rowing machine and spin bike thingy. Christ I sweat a lot! ?

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    We rode some of the Wade Road about 15 years ago. From memory one of my wettest ever rides!

    Feeling a little more MTB fit but need a big ride this weekend to get the legs back in the groove. Not as wet as advertised, but that is not to be confused with dry :) I’m not sure the Yeti with its posh Switch Link really likes mud season much. Still was a fun ride with a welcome pint to finish. That’s 2hr30 extra today. Hard run planned tomorrow, might leave it to the end of the day…


    Full Member

    Day #25 – turbo session on the wattbike 1 hour at 179w indicated 30 km. I’m still a way off cycle fit level from just a few short years ago. Later 39 minutes of stretching and physio exercises.

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    Another short run and stretching.

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    Day 26: early start after a rainy day yesterday. Turned out beautiful though and enjoyed the grip on a favourite singletrack loop…until.

    Chainbreaker was forced into action again. Lucky I have a spare goat link waiting for use in the shed.


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    26: early alarm (well, an alarm) for some mobility and isometrics before breakfast and holiday err day.

    Free Member

    Boring old lunch run yesterday except I did some “sprints”, which were as horrific as they were pathetic. Strength stuff today but as its beautifully sunny will do it in the garden and an evening walk with the boys too. Onwards and upwards!

    Full Member

    I have sprints in the plan today. 5x400m. Not sure I’ll be hitting the kph target for all 5!

    Stunning weather for dog hike this morning. Went a bit further as the sun was out. Still blooming muddy tho. Step count done so I can sack off that run later if I really don’t fancy it. Especially if someone says “fancy a beer” at 5pm !



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    After reasonably steady week due to various reasons I managed to get out for a run today. Hopefully on the bike tomorrow.

    Full Member

    Still on track… 8km walk this morning, that may have included a cooked breakfast, then an hour of yoga.

    Another Glorious Gravel event tomorrow and, hopefully, a short ride on Sunday :-)

    Full Member

    Day 26: stretching vid and 5 k run in the drizzle.

    Felt very tired and quite stiff.

    Full Member

    Day #26 – woke up sore as hell and feeling super tired all morning. Was going to go outside for this challenge today, but really didn’t even feel up to doing anything at all.

    So boring lunchtime pool swim which I really thought would be total rubbish, but once I got going I just kept going to 3 km in just under an hour. So that worked better than expected.

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