Now the days are getting longer my hands aren't cluttered up with a torch so I can use my litter picker again on Berts mornings walk.
Bags are left at council bins for collection.
Dog walkers especially - seeing as you're walking round your local environment why not do some litter picking at the same time?
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Good work, but I'm sure I once heard of someone being done for flytipping for doing exactly that.
I keep wanting to do this on my ride to work along the canal.
Every day I get more worn down by how little respect some people have for the world and other people and beings.
I'm in danger of going a bit Michael Douglas.
I'm going to have to do a run in the canoe too, to get the stuff in the water.
It's pretty soul destroying though how it comes back as quick as you remove it.
Can you recommend a good picker-upper that's robust enough to carry by bike?
Good work, but I’m sure I once heard of someone being done for flytipping for doing exactly that.
I think an explanation along with the fact you're carrying a picker would soon get around that.
Trash Free Trails encourages anyone litter picking to report what they find here:
That way they can identify patterns of litter - for example some brands that are found more often than others - and they target the litter at source, by putting pressure on the companies to invest in changing consumer behaviour, redesigning packaging etc. Hopefully tackling litter at source so there's less for you to clear up in future!
– and they target the litter at source, by putting pressure on the companies to invest in changing consumer behaviour, redesigning packaging etc. Hopefully tackling litter at source
It's great but I just don't see how you can change people who literally do not care in the slightest. In fact, that little bit of rebellion in chucking stuff aside is seen as a win by them.
McDonald's packaging is a classic example that we see just everywhere.
Yes, there should be way less of it at source, but still, it's the funkwits that chuck it out of their cars that are the issue, more so than the packaging itself.
You can't design-out moronic people from the equation unfortunately.
We shouldn't have to constantly design around and allow for the twonkwittery of human beings.
We do though eh...
Can you recommend a good picker-upper that’s robust enough to carry by bike?
I'd say this fits the second requirement, not sure about the first but can't imagine they would knowingly endorse throwaway crap.
Bags are left at council bins for collection.
My word of caution is aimed more at making sure the contents aren't redistributed by your local friendly seagulls as they are prone to doing. Not a reason not to do it though!
Well I think Bert should be commended for taking the lead on this! Although I did, fleetingly, wonder when reading the below the other day, whether one of those 90s vehicles may have been a former @RustyNissanPrairie rusty Nissan Prairie 😉
our little village community came up with an initiative to furnish interested parties with littler pickers. i got one. but since it turned up there is absolutely bugger all litter! given up taking it out with me... gutted 😀
I've got a section of canal on my commute I call poo bag alley. At either end, some kind soul has left bin bags tied to posts for dog poo. Do the owners use them, do they fark. Poo bags everywhere, and the posts are less than half a mile apart. Unfortunately there are a lot of lazy dog owners.
Trash Free Trails encourages anyone litter picking to report what they find here: way they can identify patterns of litter – for example some brands that are found more often than others – and they target the litter at source, by putting pressure on the companies to invest in changing consumer behaviour, redesigning packaging etc. Hopefully tackling litter at source so there’s less for you to clear up in future!
Thats interesting - its always the same litter (RedBUll, Costa, Monster, McD's etc) its never Furtnum and Masons!
is that the canal by Stretford marina? Counted about 20 bags just past it last night on bike commute home, some of them high viz green poo bags, depressing.
whether one of those 90s vehicles may have been a former @RustyNissanPrairie rusty Nissan Prairie
that's were it ended up when it rusted to death!!!!
I've got one of the waterhaul folding ones from when they did a Kickstarter. It's good, although not sure how many folding/unfolding cycles it will eventually stand up to, but it's robust when extended (fnarr).
We take litter pickers on some of our walks round chicksands Woods, keeps the boy happy finding rubbish. It's rare we don't come out with a full bag, but i don't pick up those lovely little wrapped dog turds that people leave around. Not carrying that weight back to the car
Handsome if not a little warm Bert!
1bag from local park with Costa winning this morning's Rubbish Roulette.
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Excellent work Bert 😊 👏
I've ordered a Waterhaul picker.
The canal was minging this morning.
No surprise that right where the new entrance steps to the canal are, opposite a Costa, is right where the canal is most full of the cast-offs of morons. 😐
Fine work Bert,top dog. 🙂
Education/upbringing though init.
From a very early age,my brother,sister and myself were told to bring our litter home if we couldn't find a bin.
All our kids do the same,none of them would ever dream of littering or launching something out a car window.
Half way round this morning's walk - notice the wooly telegraph pole jumper!
Half a bag of junk collected.
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We've a couple of outdoor spaces we use for work - today is the staff Friday lunch cuppa and clean. There's only going to be two of us in, but 5-10 mins and we can transform the spaces. Today's plan is to put back in the builders skip what blew out a week ago and they didn't pick up.
There's been a couple of cyclists going up the (currently closed) Snake Pass road collecting rubbish. It's the only chance it gets to have litter picking, the road is far too busy and narrow for anyone to get out there when it's open. The verges are absolutely stuffed with crap - mostly fast food wrappers, takeaway coffee cups, drinks bottles but quite a lot of car debris too like bits of hubcap and bumper. They're leaving bin bags at regular intervals then going back and collecting them in a car. There's a massive pile of bin bags in one of the laybys waiting for the council to collect.
Very very rare that you see a gel wrapper or something else not from a car.
What was noticeable during the first lockdown was how clean the verges were. Nothing was open, very few people were driving anywhere = no litter! Amazing.
It’s great but I just don’t see how you can change people who literally do not care in the slightest. In fact, that little bit of rebellion in chucking stuff aside is seen as a win by them.
McDonald’s packaging is a classic example that we see just everywhere.
I pick litter along our round and in addition to MacDonalds there is Costa coffee cups , always the same side in about a 100m range. It's clearly the same person everyday on their way work probably.
Well done everyone. Just a word on councils though - round our way you have to tell them if you are doing a significant litter pick effort, they give you special red bin bags to use and they will come and collect, to avoid any confusion.
stone the crows!
2bins raided in local park both tidied and a full bag of litter collected and left at nearby bus stop council bin.
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Another 3 bins raided by fox/crows/dog poo fetist. Tidied up and a bag of litter left at usual council bin.
Anyone else litter picking?
Well done RNP and Bert :-),those bins are always going to be next to useless 😞 , no excuse for the dog poo people though..Grrŕrr
A quick 5 minute walk to local shops to get doggo food last night, not been in daylight hours this year. Happened to have a litter picking bag in my pocket.....
DeWalt boot box plus the usual self entitled shit that people throw everywhere. This planet is ****. Donald Ducked
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That Bert fella really is lead-ing the way on the litter fight! Well done Bert and RNP top effort.
Well done! My wife does local litter picks a lot and her weapon of choice is a Ranger Max.
A sponsored litter pick is way more useful than a pointless sponsored bike ride, walk etc.
To the OP, name a charity I can donate online to, and I'll give them a tenner.
Bert, no it's not when we have people like you out. I sometimes i do a bit at the other end of the valley over Deerplay, depresses me when I'm riding past all the verge litter. For anyone worrying those big green bin bags are the official council ones which they happily collect.
I’ve got a section of canal on my commute I call poo bag alley.
Unfortunately there are a lot of lazy dog owners.
I used to do a lot of towpath riding, at the old house it was the closest bit of vaguely-green that I could find that wasn't at the top of a 1-in-1 hill. Same story, but it was markedly increased near the bridge ramps. It seemed that people - or to be fair, it could just be one or two prolific offenders - would take their dog for a walk down the canal but couldn't be arsed to walk more than ten yards with them. You ran the gauntlet of discarded poo bags and free-range dog eggs every time you passed a bridge and ironically that's where all the bins were installed.
Some folk just shouldn't be allowed animals.
To the OP, name a charity I can donate online to, and I’ll give them a tenner.
It's up to you / Rusty of course, but just putting this on your radar. It was on the news last night that the air ambulance services are in trouble because of the recent spike in fuel costs. Might be something that the more adventurous of us may need one day.
Free MemberWell done! My wife does local litter picks a lot and her weapon of choice is a Ranger Max.
A sponsored litter pick is way more useful than a pointless sponsored bike ride, walk etc.
To the OP, name a charity I can donate online to, and I’ll give them a tenner.
thanks for the offer of a charity donation - as cougar mentioned above the Air Ambulance would be a worthy cause, however I'm tidying litter and posting the pics on here to hopefully inspire other people to do the same or join Community groups like Rossendales CivicPride which do great work.
bag of grot collected from local park on this beautiful spring morning - also wide angle photo!!!! (from new to me phone)
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Donated and air ambulance is a good cause as they went to help my mate who had an off on the cliffs near Cuckmere Haven last year. Keep up the great work!
Well done Bert 👊
Back to it after a few days away.
Local council haven't emptied the bins this weekend so they are overflowing.
Finished off my first bag in the local park picking up the overflow and half filled another bag that I left on the way home with other picker's bags for collection.
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Counted three McDonald's cartons between the park gates and the Pumptrack.
Nearest McDonald's is 15miles away. So 15miles with that stuff stinking your car, you walk past 3 bins and before the 4th it becomes too heavy. Forget the fine make the do a litter pick.
Endless summer litter.
Another two bags worth.
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Another fox/crow raided bin tidied.
One bag of general litter collected on morning Bert walk.
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Anyone else litter picking?
There is a group in our area that does it, as others have said they get bags from the Council delivered so the Council waste collectors know to take them when left by the roadside or park bins. They do an amazing job in very depressing circumstances. We especially get a lot of fly-tipping (told not to touch but to report it), fast food containers, and dog poo bags thrown into bramble patches (Why!!!). We've only done picking a handful of times but we'll try and keep doing a bit over the summer, every little helps and all that.
Our group: Whitchurch Wombles, featured at COP26
And worth looking at the Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean campaign to see if there are any local groups who can offer support, equipment on group cleaning days, and arrange for Council bags.
I noticed a STW thread yesterday about council recycling and litter.
I shouldn't need to constantly litter pick every time I take the dog out but I accept that LBC's are skint and I would rather any money goes to more essential services than a service that walks round behind the self entitled picking their shit up.
One bag of litter from this morning's walk
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One of the reasons I litter pick when out with Bert is to make up for all the lazy **** who can't be arsed clearing up after their own dogs.
Case in point this afternoon - Mrs RNP was at the pottery in Hebden Bridge so I called up to Hardcastle Craggs.
For people who don't know it's National Trust and a beautiful place to walk a dog. There aren't any bins along the path the idea being that its that nice nobody would dream of littering it......
At least the signpost turd bag matched my Montane top
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Went for a walk with the g/f up the local hill today, ofren litter pick it as there's a fair few trails up there too. This is today's haul...
👍 good work!
Half a bag collected
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Double bagger!
First bag full of crap lobbed by vehicles on the A56 sliproad.
Second left at usual place.
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2bags this morning.
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I volunteer for work parties on the local canal and always am walking or riding it so I've got in the habit of always having a couple of sacks and gloves with me. Someday I do pop out to just to pick litter and then I do take a picker. I see a lot of other folk doing this along the canal and up on Ash Ranges.
I wish more dog owners would litter pick - they like me are out at least twice a day in their local areas, it's no hardship to litter pick whilst wandering around with your dog but I do except that some/a lot of dog owners can't even be arsed to clear up after their own dog.
I'm not a dog owner but I am a litter picker. I've started to find those disposable vape pens regularly, what a wasteful product they are. I'd happily see them banned.