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Latest Singletrack mag has just been delivered.

Loving the new look and it smells great.

Well done team.

Posted : 09/02/2024 11:24 am
matt_outandabout, kayak23, topper and 2 people reacted
Full Member

Loving the new look and it smells great.

Aaaah - so scratch and sniff was the new super-duper feature then! 🙂

Posted : 09/02/2024 11:28 am
Full Member
Topic starter

Most definitely. The aroma is very strong.

I wondered why the postman was sniffing my mail!

Posted : 09/02/2024 11:34 am
Full Member


Mine arrived just as I was reading the above. It's been pissing down here and it only just made it! The mag seems to be unscathed, looks and smells great.

Posted : 09/02/2024 11:41 am
Full Member

Was just going to post that mine arrived intact after the previous couple had envelope damage...

Posted : 09/02/2024 12:07 pm
Free Member

I was hoping for a bit of a shake up of the format but unfortunately it's the same old thing with a new look, feels like a bit of a missed opportunity and despite having not missed an issue since the first one I don't have any regrets in cancelling my subscription

Posted : 09/02/2024 12:54 pm
imrobert reacted
Full Member

Sad to say I tend to agree with Stu , I too have been there since day one , have been considering cancelling for a while now , the new format hasn’t changed that thought if anything it’s made it stronger unfortunately 😟

Posted : 09/02/2024 5:04 pm
imrobert and StuE reacted
Full Member

Quick flick, like the look, size, feel and smell.

No bike group test though? I know the aim of the mag isn't to provide loads of bike/gear reviews ... but I do really like a good group test.

Posted : 09/02/2024 6:00 pm
chrismac reacted

Full Member

I like the new format. I'll keep supporting by buying the mag...
But it's the forum I'm here for mostly.

I do agree it would be good to have a shake up of the mag articles. I don't know what to suggest though but will have a think.
Would be better if there was less introspective waffly and/or virtue signalling stuff.

I tend to always enjoy interviews with interesting industry figures, especially if they are divisive and have a good story or something controversial to say (e.g. Chris porter, Rob Warner) but they are pretty rare.

I like stories about epic rides where stuff goes wrong. Proper type 2/3 fun stuff. Eg. mark's ill conceived lake district 4 passes on the eeebs.

Edit:I also like a good group test

Posted : 09/02/2024 6:48 pm

Hi folks,

The content is still evolving - some things are planned nearly a year in advance, other things are more short term, so it’s not an instant flip from one thing to another (unlike the paper and printer). With bike tests, we were having trouble getting bikes reliably delivered that made sense as a group test. We don’t want to be scraping the barrel and giving you something like ‘3 bikes that begin with R’. Or worse - 2 bikes and some blank pages! Grinder was a previously popular feature, so for now we’ve brought that back as it lets us look at bikes (and other things) without them needing to be alike in some way.

For those that were hoping for something different - what else have you seen that you’re enjoying? Or have you enjoyed in the past? There are only so many way to say ‘the trail was rad’ or ‘I pedalled over the mountains and found myself’! If there’s a guitar mag, tractor weekly, or wood burner monthly that you think has some interesting formats, let us know.


Edit: more interviews are in the works!

Posted : 09/02/2024 6:50 pm
P20, jacobff, poshtiger and 6 people reacted
Full Member

Stories based on experiences?

Thinking here of the guardian's experiences series which is normal people who have had a unique or special thing happen to them.


Very relatable ones that most people have had. Eg. on the type 2 fun theme: stuff like bonking, first trip in an ambulance, being dropped miles from home, rode into wrong valley; it was getting dark and no lights, I got lost and missed an impprtant thing. Maintenance disasters.
Could do a good series out of that I reckon with a new theme each month, then a few contributors' stories.
we often get long threads on the forum about this kind of thing. I usually end up loling at them, because I can relate my own similar experience.

Posted : 09/02/2024 7:11 pm
imrobert and stwhannah reacted
Full Member

Mines not landed yet, but currently poorly (again) so looking forward to it.

My thoughts.....mixed views on the far away travel multi multi page epics. Used to like them, but not so much now. Couldn't tell you why, maybe it's a change in me and less desire to travel. Similarly less interested in the UK ride reports/guides. Probably because I live somewhere with so much awesomeness and as yet untapped opportunity I'm never going to venture further for (imo) less. But again, that's probably me.

Thinking back to trip articles that I really enjoyed they are ones with a mission. I remember one early in ebikes where Chipps tried to see how much further you could take one on an all day (or was it an overnight) without ending up with a dead heavy lump. Then there was one where 3 £100 BSO were bought and ridden hard for a weekend trip to see if it was still fun. And a group of friends that had the most awesome weekend that left their offices at close if play on Friday and they had to be back for work on Monday; I think using trains. The lands they travelled through were great to see and read about but were a backdrop to the narrative. Or was the narrative a hook to keep you reading - who knows, but it worked.

Industry interviews are good.

I'd like a few more event reports - Strathpuffer style.

Oddly Id like some exercise advice - yoga for riders etc. I'm no longer a racing snake and I've come to realise that JRA is more fun if you are fitter....but I'm less and less good at making that happen.

Posted : 09/02/2024 7:17 pm
thebunk and el_boufador reacted
Full Member

Agree with convert about the mission idea (even thought it is a bit top gear).
The more 50/50 it is in the balance the better.
Also see the Geoguessr YouTube missions which are brilliantly entertaining

Posted : 09/02/2024 7:22 pm
Full Member

Best self rescue bodges and/or walks home (more points for being epicly far from home with very fundamentally broken bike)

Posted : 09/02/2024 7:28 pm
Full Member

Get lots of route guides that go around in circles. What about some nice linear rides (e.g. train assisted for return trip). The longer the better

Posted : 09/02/2024 7:49 pm
roger_mellie reacted
Full Member

Or have you enjoyed in the past?

I used to like the 1 page correspondence from the likes of Jason Miles and Mike Ferrentino. There were a few others over the years, but I don't remember the names.

I don't really care for the lengthy adventure articles,  and in last issue there was nearly no other content. I read two pages, Chipps editorial and the contents page. Very disappointing, and the reason I stopped my print subscription.

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:13 pm
imrobert, StuE, el_boufador and 1 people reacted

Full Member

wood burner monthly!!!... there's a mag?

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:26 pm
hardtailonly reacted
Full Member

That is what gets used as the firefighter!

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:32 pm
Full Member

Not received mine yet. I agree with @tthew though, the long travel stories are OK occasionally or maybe one per issue, but they do seem to predominate over all other content.  The quality of the writing is usually great though and I get how difficult it must be to find original and engaging content for every episode. I look forward to giving the new format a once over when the postie gets his finger out.

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:46 pm
Full Member

I've had a flick through and liked the look of things. I like the long form articles in print. To my shame, I gave up on Amanda's Spanish jaunt because I can't stand reading proper stuff on a phone screen. My attention wanderers. So I hope to enjoy the various travel pieces this month.

As for virtue signalling? The alternative is just page upon page of white guys riding bikes. Other people doing things differently is not a bad thing.

Posted : 09/02/2024 8:49 pm
Full Member

Why no digital version out at the same time?

Posted : 09/02/2024 10:12 pm
tenfoot and Brainflex reacted
Full Member

Being a paper thing, how does STW know what content readers actually read and enjoy?

Personally when I flick through or even read most/all of it, the feeling I often get is that I'm not in the target audience for 75% of it. Perhaps I'll like it in a decade and a bit when I'll enter the quintessential STW age band.

Posted : 09/02/2024 11:41 pm
imrobert and StuE reacted
Full Member

I think the revamped mag looks great.

(but then I might be slightly biased)

Posted : 10/02/2024 12:30 am
twistedpencil, Keando, davros and 5 people reacted
Full Member

I think the cover photo is great - was pretty sure it was one of yours @colournoise

Also liked last month's by Amanda I think - took me a while to figure out what was going on

Posted : 10/02/2024 1:10 pm
colournoise reacted

Full Member

Mag arrived this morning. One of the best cover photos (of stiff competition recently) Should do that more often.  Going to sit with a cuppa and have a read.

Posted : 10/02/2024 1:27 pm
colournoise and anorak reacted
Full Member

Love the new look and this month’s content. I have been considering whether to cancel my subscription as I haven’t read the magazine cover to cover for quite a while. But this is a good one and so I am glad I didn’t!

Posted : 10/02/2024 2:30 pm
stwhannah reacted
Full Member

Mines just arrived. Love the cover picture @stwhannah I’m interested in why it’s harder to get bikes to test. Many others seem to have access to bike pre launch let alone after. Is this the industry cutting back on who they will lend them too or other reasons

Posted : 10/02/2024 2:53 pm
colournoise reacted
Full Member

Can't comment on the new mag, mines still not arrived 😕

Posted : 10/02/2024 3:25 pm
convert reacted
Full Member

Mines just landed. As usual, I opened the packaging and inhaled deeply. Still smells as good as ever and looks great too. Loving the bolder, more adventurous layouts very much indeed!

Posted : 10/02/2024 3:31 pm
Full Member

New mag looks good, but, really... You like the smell? It smells pretty rank! Why and how?

Posted : 10/02/2024 4:19 pm

@chrismac deliveries have been becoming more and more unreliable for a while with things ordered slipping for weeks at a time. Fine if you don’t have a print deadline to meet, perhaps, or if you can take all the test bikes away somewhere for a week and do nothing but bike park laps on them in a condensed test period. The end of last year got especially bad (something another journo commented on to me just last week). Not sure exactly why, just is the way it has been recently.

Posted : 10/02/2024 4:22 pm
chrismac reacted
Full Member

Personally when I flick through or even read most/all of it, the feeling I often get is that I’m not in the target audience for 75% of it.

I'm the same (although probably in the stw age band). I enjoy some articles more than others, but your never going to please 100% of the people 100% of the time and is one reason I stopped my physical mag sub this time last year, and skip to the digital stuff I'm interested in now.

Bought the new look mag though and tbh I've enjoyed what I've read so far. Especially liked the style the small product reviews are in, less of the spec and details more on the actual what it's like to own which is great.

I guess from about 1990 to 2010 I used to buy every mag every month on the shelves in WHSmith. But this was almost always for the reviews for new product development stories rather than "X went for a ride up a mountain" style stuff.

Now when a new product or dev in MTB comes out, my goto is the internet and YouTube. Mags used to be the front line of information, that's the internet now so mags have to provide something the internet doesn't for their value to be retained.

Imo the best article stw has ever done was the Jamie Tomkins interview a year or two ago. Informative, inspirational, and about real people. I handed re read an article multiple times for years, but that one.i must have gone through several times. It wasn't just another, "we went for a ride and this is how it went" article.

I've no idea how stw can try to counter the downturn in print medium, I sell news papers and mags in my shop, and year on year it's getting a smaller part of my business.

@stwhannah mags I like are positive news, byline times and art review. Positive news and byline times just seem to be slightly different to the other usual trope of information and put out articles that are relatable and upbeat. Art review is a bit more glossy and well presented (being an art mag).

When we bought our shop (8yrs ago) we sold round 3x more mags than now....which is a depressing thought. Our best selling category is kids mags, but I highly suspect that's due to the plastic cr"p on the front. Best adult categories would be TV mags (elderly customers) and countryside, so farmers weekly/country man's weekly and country life due to the rural demographic. I stopped getting the MTB mags in years ago because I only sold a couple copies a year (probably to myself).

Posted : 10/02/2024 6:51 pm

Full Member

Just had another rambling thought  (sorry😂)

Having had a career in retail and before my shop specifically supermarket retail. Us retailers would generally make more money per meter of shelving, not selling mags at all and dedicating the space to an alternative product (almost cirtainly food to go in my case). The reason many shops like mine have mag shelving is not because they sell well with big margins, it's because our contract with Smith news or Menzies for newspapers we have to sell magazines, the meterage of magazine shelving is pretty much dictated by the supplier.

But newspapers sales are also in decline.....

Subscription is cirtainly the way forward.

Posted : 10/02/2024 7:00 pm
Full Member

New mag looks good, but, really… You like the smell? It smells pretty rank! Why and how

I’m a graphic designer and love designing for print far more than for screen, which I just find quite sterile.

I love the smell of fresh print in the morning… 😉

Posted : 10/02/2024 7:09 pm
Full Member

I'm hoping the predicted death of the magazine will go the same way as the predicted death of hard copy books due to e-readers, audio books etc.  Real books seem to be doing just fine despite all that e-competition. I know that it is harder for magazines and that they are in genuine decline, but surely there will be a backlash at some stage?  Don't some of the same things which keep books going apply to mags? The tactile and olfactory pleasure of perusing a physical object?  Larger, better quality images than your phone? Taking in the whole spread of a couple of pages without scrolling, pop-ups, ads etc?  I'm probably kidding myself and they're doomed but it will be a sad day when you can no longer buy an actual paper magazine about your hobby/sport/pastime.

Posted : 10/02/2024 7:24 pm
Full Member

"The tactile and olfactory pleasure of perusing a physical object?"


that's why I still buy paper maps, spread em out on the kitchen table and get a real sense of the lie of the land... just cannot be done on a screen.

Posted : 10/02/2024 8:48 pm
metcalt, anorak, convert and 1 people reacted
Full Member

Mine hasn’t arrived yet, but looking forward to seeing it.

Posted : 10/02/2024 9:00 pm
Full Member

Read it in an hour unfortunately,I found it very boring. I now understand I’m not the target audience anymore - ( I do buy bikes though ) but would it be so bad to have some humour and relatable fun mtb content. Navel gazing and whining isn’t for me. I am pleased I didn’t get too much of a prescribed hipster instruction manual this time though, last 2 editions I didn’t even bother after an initial squint. There’s entire articles that don’t discuss mtb once,  just the past and taking over and lipstick -  it’s just boring to me. I just don’t care about this group or that group or inclusion, I began reading singletrack a long time ago for escapism and to be entertained. I really like the layout and the smell is immense. The chipps article and the tech reviews were great additions though.  I’ll try another one though through fomo, tis getting harder as I’m no longer wanted it seems 🤷🏻‍♂️

Posted : 11/02/2024 4:41 pm
StuE reacted
Full Member

Has the magazine got smaller?

Paper smells of plasticine.

Happy that Through the Grinder is back.

The 2 international pieces I'll save for later.

I don't miss the cookery section.

Posted : 11/02/2024 5:36 pm
Full Member

@STWHannah, why does the digital version take so long to arrive?

Posted : 11/02/2024 6:14 pm
paino and tenfoot reacted

Full Member

“ Our best selling category is kids mags, but I highly suspect that’s due to the plastic cr”p on the front. ”

My children love magazines and although they do play with the plastic crap (when it actually does what it’s meant to do), they like the magazines for what’s on the paper. An interesting thing we found about all the kids’ mags is that you can’t subscribe to them.

Posted : 11/02/2024 6:27 pm
Full Member

why does the digital version take so long to arrive?

Wot ‘e said.

Posted : 11/02/2024 7:09 pm
Free Member

The chipps article

@imrobert which Chipps article?

Posted : 11/02/2024 7:15 pm
Full Member

The one about meeting heroes

Posted : 12/02/2024 10:12 am
rootes1 reacted
Free Member

As for virtue signalling? The alternative is just page upon page of white guys riding bikes. Other people doing things differently is not a bad thing.

The problem being that a massive majority of MTB riders in the UK are 'white guys', so if the mag changes direction and tries to pull in non-white-guy readers then that first group might will stop reading your mag and the second group don't bother because they were never there in the first place, which leaves you with no readers.

I received the mag on Saturday. It looks nice, smells nice but, after a flick through, seems to be an off-road-lite version of Cycling UK's mag. There's very little of interest to me, yet again.

Posted : 12/02/2024 2:09 pm
StuE and imrobert reacted
Full Member

Mine hasn't arrived yet 😪

Our best selling category is kids mags, but I highly suspect that’s due to the plastic cr”p on the front

I occasionally buy MBUK when I see it in the shop, but only if it has a decent looking free gift 😁

Can you wrestle Mint Sauce off them?

Posted : 12/02/2024 2:29 pm
Full Member

I would reluctantly have to agree with IdleJon, looks pretty, might smell nice to some, however I find most of the content irrelevant to me, out of the 10 only 4 stood out for me, Editorial, Interview, Tested and Tech Head.

TBH, it's a hard act to balance with all the digital content available out there and kudos to the team for the other content, but each to their own.

I'll keep my current paper subs going for now, however might have to cull the paper version next time.

Posted : 12/02/2024 2:33 pm
tinytim, StuE and imrobert reacted
Full Member

I love the new look. There is enough to read and flick through to keep me off the internets for a while - and that's a good thing. And as I continue to highly value the forum here, I will happily look at the big picture and keep my subs going. I've stopped drinking, so boom, one night in the pub covers a whole year of the mag and forum.

Posted : 12/02/2024 3:58 pm

Full Member

My wife has just become the Chair of PetalPower ( women's riding club based in the Cairngorms), so one article at least is extremely relevant and interesting. Shane they didn't get a name check at the end though.

Posted : 12/02/2024 6:58 pm

@ianbradbury The project Fi is working on is trying to compile a list of as many groups as possible. Your wife could add PetalPower to the list here:

Posted : 12/02/2024 8:03 pm
Full Member

Thanks, I'll let her know

Posted : 12/02/2024 8:05 pm
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Secret Diary Of Benjamin Haworth Age 47 3/4

Last Minute Tuscany

Digital Detox

singletrack issue 159 cover image

Issue 159