Estimated reading time: 9 minutes Way back, in Issue 1 of Singletrack Magazine, we interviewed Michael Bonney. As friends, family, and the industry mo ...
By singletrackmag
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I have this issue... Bought from the bike show at the NEC. I seem to recall asking for a job as a designer as well.
Many congratulations on 10 years guys!
that's one quality mullet for 2000 (2001?)
Knew it would happen eventually recycling articles just like the other MTB mags (I'll give you credit that your timescale is a tad longer than some of the others)
Nice one - I have a P7. I like the quote:
' I think mountain biking as a sport has levelled off.'
...don't think I agree with him 10 years on!!...
magic, I remember that article.
Ha ha! The fastest he'd ever gone down hill was on a tandem!!
It is startling how quickly things have moved in the last decade
T E N Y E A R S !
*typing this on my PowerBookG4
Look for more from the archives in the next two or three months. We're not officially ten until April 1st 🙂
If that's what 10yrs in the cycle industry does to you I'm outta here! 🙂
Only kidding - grow it back Michael!
the first article i rememmber was about riding in the shadow of three different nuclear power stations (Quantocks, Snowdon and Lake District I recall) that was in an issue given out free at the Schwinn 100 in September 2001. Was that Issue 2?
amazing how pessimisticly wrong MB turned out to be.
Just you wait - the Power Station feature was Issue 1. It'll be up on the site too...
The turbo mini incidentally still lives. It's in Holland at the moment getting a restoration and conversion to left hand drive.
Watch out dutch cyclists.
I remember receiving a couple of boxes of your first issue to help distribute and get your name out, I can't believe it's been 10 years!