Interview: Dan Stan...

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[Closed] Interview: Dan Stanton - redefining how we build and buy bikes?

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Joined: 9 years ago

Rather than just waiting for her Stanton Switch9er FS test bike to turn up by courier, she went off for a day in the Peak District to see the bike bei ...

By stwhannah

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2 Replies
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Joined: 16 years ago

Fills me with great hope the we are going to see a Renaissance in mtb. Great to hear words such as sustainable and economically sound. Its about time Mountain Biking stood up, good on you Stanton. I will never forget cutting a corner in Moab on the porcupine rim (all of five feet) twenty years ago and get ticked off by two local trail (women) for hurting the supposed untouched desert (this is the US thinking big in environment). I'm still gobsmacked today at the total lack of big picture thinking in MTB which the US has led for so long.

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Joined: 16 years ago

This is very encouraging.

The best quality bikes in the world used to be built here and they were built to last forever. Factory refurbishments were common on the better bikes like Sunbeam.

What do we lack now to build a complete British bike? We have frame and component manufacturers, and I think all we lack is tyre, rim, and drivetrain.

How about STW doing a complete British bike project?

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