It's Amanda's birthday, so it's time for another birthday promo in our web shop. Amanda has picked our Tie Dye T-shirts: Cake: model's own. Why Tie Dy ...
By amandawishart
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Tie Dye is ace. One of my lads is well into it...
Happy Birthday!
Small shirt ordered for my daughter. 😀
Great looking cake.
I have a complaint as this offer has exposed a tension in my marriage. T-shirt for the wife arrived and I excitedly got her to open it. Lovely colours (the blue/pinky one) and great quality. But the wife said "but of course, I don't love singletrack, I'm scared of it". Offering the alternative view that it is the forum that is referenced didn't help as "that's where you spend all your time". Oh dear.
Ha! Thankfully no such discussion with my daughter, she just loves it! 🙂
@csb Might I politely suggest that if your wife isn't having fun, you're doing it wrong? Please find your wife something delicious and sinewy that makes her whoop with joy as she wriggles her way along it. Singletrack doesn't have to be scary.
Here is a picture of one of my favourite bits of singletrack. It's not scary at all, it just wriggles through some especially attractive fields, at just the right gradient to let off the brakes.
For context, what we are dealing with here is the legacy of my taking her on the red at Coed-y-brenin 20 years ago as her first taste of mountain biking. She does now like a bit of blue swoopy.
Unfortunately(?), I haven't got any daughters or wives to buy a female specific t-shirt for, plus I was more of a The Cure or Joy Division black t-shirt type in my youth.... but man, does that cake look awesome!
Happy birthday!