There are a few folk suggesting a nice photo competition would be good - for fun, not prizes (unless STW team can find a suitable sponsor....).
My options thoughts are:
Initial thread to submit all photos. One entry per person.
A group of [s]big hitters[/s] yet to be defined group narrow down the pictures
I think I can set up voting on Google forms with three votes per email address.
Set up a Flickr group and go with number of likes. This does require everyone to sign up to a free flickr account though.
your suggestions?
I reckon (1) but see if you can get one of the STW folk to set up a voting page as they do with their competitions and little teasers (like they did with that "identify the bike brand from a single letter of their logo" and the "identity the suspension design from a drawing of pivot points" examples).
Sure @Ben_Haworth or @stwhannah could help with that?
A forum thread to submit would be fine but with strict rules that there's one photo and a description only, no arguments or other bollocks that spills the thread to 18 pages... Time limited so it opens on a set date and closes a week later (for example).
And then some way of narrowing it down to a top ten or so to actually vote on. Maybe the top 10/20 most liked posts or something?
I've been in a few photo comps and have an observation.
When it comes to any sort of voting, all the photos should be displayed in a single and easy to view manner. Posting on a thread is easy, and the 'likes' mechanism is great, but it will always penalise people who enter late as their photo will naturally get less traffic.
So I like option 1 with added 'on forum' voting if possible. Unless a google form can be used without signing into google?
Please hold, caller, experiment under way...
I've run a few photo comps in my past editorial jobs.
I think you have to balance reducing barriers to entry (just posting in a thread is nice and easy) with Rikk's observation about navigability and votes being skewed by time.
A few ideas for the logistics:
- Have heats on a per-day or per-week basis. This could involve having pics submitted in a single thread and grouped into 10s or 20s for voting, with each heat getting a fresh thread and poll
- Have several categories
- Specify entry criteria (e.g. has to include a bike)
- Palm it off on STW to do with their CMS
Well done for taking this on anyway 🙂
Members only if STW resources are being utilised?
Please hold, caller, experiment under way…
Thanks @stwhannah
Is this cycling photography? Or anything/everything?
Members only if STW resources are being utilised?
Is this cycling photography? Or anything/everything?
It probably needs a theme and some rules like "must have someone actually riding a bike" and "must not be a pic of your bike leaning against a tree/gate/wall". 😂
OK, so the thing i use for quizzes won't work because you have to put a 'right answer', and the thing for polls crops the images. So here is my suggestion:<br /><br />---
Suggested plan:
I start a story a day, in 5 categories. That will create a forum thread a day.
Potential categories:
1 Animals (pets, wildlife, birds, safari etc)
2 Bikes (riding shots, leant against a gate, bike porn - anything with a bike in)
3 Landscapes (any outdoor view)
4 People (portraits, baby photos, riding shot - anything with a person in)
5 Open (anything you like within the usual forum rules of decency etc)
If you want to enter: Upload your image in the comments. One image per comment. If you want to include a sentence to say where/what it is, fine, but no giant stories please.
If you want to show your appreciation: Do not put comments in the comments. Just use the appreciation tokens. You can 'like' as many images as you want.
Only subscribers can use coins, so only subscribers can vote. But anyone can enter.
Likes can continue after threads are closed, so we could give each thread/category a week to have pics uploaded, and then close the threads to further comments, leaving them open to votes. With 'Open' category posted last so it can mop up any late entries.
On 2nd Jan I'll count up the coins. Top 3 images from each category will go into a story. The story will have polls in it, to allow anyone logged in to pick their favourite image in each category, and their overall favourite. The polls won't show who has what votes when you vote!
Winners will be revealed in a story in early January. Prizes will be internet kudos, and perhaps a 'well done for that' certificate by Amanda, or maybe one of our kids, if I manage to sweet talk someone into it.
How does that sound? Any comments on categories? I did think about following the Red Bull Illume but that's a vague pile of waffle right there! Could combine animals and people and split bikes into riding/not riding. Could make it mandatory that bikes are being ridden (or crashed) and any bikes leant against gates go into 'landscapes'. Go and debate below while I get on with some work that's sort of paying the bills!
I think having people riding bikes in the people section may muddy the waters too much on a cycling website - I'd keep the bike stuff completely separate and maybe have bike stuff dominate the categories, then use Open for everything not bike related.
It does create the problem Rikk mentions above of earlier posts scooping more coins - is there a way to turn them off for a short period?
Within the confines of the system you have to work with it sounds reasonable to me.
Can't we just keep it "cycling" - its a cycling site after all?
Thanks Hannah. Sounds a plan.
I too am of the view we keep it as 'cycling'....…maybe an 'open' category.
Set up a Google Drive where people can upload an image to and everyone can browse? I think you can like images in a folder so may then see which ones get most votes...
Choose a hashtag and use instagram? So much easier….
Is there a no professional photogs rule? Or maybe photos only from phone/GoPro etc rather than one taken on £10000 of equipment then run through post processing?
How about categories:
- riding and riders (must include someone on or with a bike)
- views while riding (which needn’t be stereotypical landscapes)
- everything else
An outright “bikes always” is no good, as there needs to be at least one option for those who ride alone, and the world doesn’t need any more pictures of bicycles leaning against anything.
And I’d suggest not drawing some arbitrary line where a camera is considered an unfair advantage. God knows mountain bikers should be familiar with the concept of “all the gear, no idea” and any who’ve raced should also have learned how to muster a Paddington Stare for chronic pot-hunters and move on 🙂
I don't think Instagram would work (I keep my profile private so couldn't enter). I'd also say that not allowing photos from cameras wouldn't be fair, but no pro photographers would be nice.
Apart from excluding Amanda, James Vincent and Pete Scullion because I know their usernames, I have no idea how I'd go about excluding pros from it! Likewise, I'm not going through metadata to filter out cameras used etc. This is not going to be a stepping stone to greatness, glory, and a giant cash prize, so hopefully the pros will self filter and leave it to the enthusiastic amateurs?
I think having 5 categories makes sense because it will reduce the number of pages per thread, which should limit the 'all the coins on the first page' issue. And there are 5 week days, and then 15 pics in the final 'pick your winners from 3 finalists' story feels about manageable.
I'm not doing instagram because loads of you tell me you don't use it, and it does nothing for our site traffic. And being a Singletrack Subscriber means you can upload photos to Forum posts easy peasy these days. I'm being mercenary here 🙂
With more of a bike focus, how about:
1 Just riding along (must include someone on or with a bike)
2 Gnarpooning (action/radness/racing/tricks type 'rad' shots)
3 Out there (scenes from out on rides, no bike included)
4 Bike life (The incidentals that sum up life as a rider. The muddy faces, the grimy hands, the sandwich on a hill. Atmospheric or humorous shots that make you think 'yup, that's what bikes make happen'.)
5 Open (anything within the rules of the forum and decency)
I feel weirdly honoured to be excluded from a photo comp. @stwhannah - I think your latest five categories is a good mix, and another vote for allowing all cameras. You can take a terrible photo with a decent camera and a great one with a phone.
1 Just riding along (must include someone on or with a bike)
2 Gnarpooning (action/radness/racing/tricks type ‘rad’ shots)
3 Out there (scenes from out on rides, no bike included)
4 Bike life (The incidentals that sum up life as a rider. The muddy faces, the grimy hands, the sandwich on a hill. Atmospheric or humorous shots that make you think ‘yup, that’s what bikes make happen’.)
5 Open (anything within the rules of the forum and decency)
All the other faffing and rules - I think this was meant to be fun and inspiring in equal measure.
Not a pain the ass and a set of rules.
So submit a picture, have some integrity, enjoy the photos.
STWHannahs decisions are final.
– Palm it off on STW to do with their CMS
STW has a CMS? 😉
OK, I've had a quick chat with that there M.OAB and there will be 5 categories:
1 Just riding along (must include someone on or with a bike)
2 Gnarpooning (action/radness/racing/tricks type ‘rad’ shots)
3 Out there (scenes from out on rides, no bike included)
4 Bike life (The incidentals that sum up life as a rider. The muddy faces, the grimy hands, the sandwich on a hill. Atmospheric or humorous shots that make you think ‘yup, that’s what bikes make happen’.)
5 Open (anything within the rules of the forum and decency)
I'll publish a story a day per category from 18th December, which should give you time to dig through your pics, take your cameras out on a ride, and so on. You'll then upload your pics as comments, and subscribers can vote on their favourites by using the coin/token credit system. 3 top votes become finalists from each category, finalists will be voted on via a story on the front page of the website. Yes, there's a website. Rules will be few and far between, and I'll make them up as I go along if there are any arguments. Bribes will be accepted, but I don't have the tech knowhow to diddle the credits, so will be futile.
Looking forward to seeing all your snaps!
Happy days.
Sounds amazing, should be an awesome way to wrap up the year!
It's a shame you can't add a poll in the forum posts.
Taken by category too
Am I 'allowed' to enter?
(I possibly shouldn't if we're self- censoring but I do love a contest)
Not a pro by any means but I do teach photography...
Am I ‘allowed’ to enter?
Go for it, we need to up our 'game' to win and you are helping keep the lights on.
Speaking as some one who own an actual camera and then runs the pictures through Lightroom trust me that doesn’t give better pictures than my phone. The only benefits to the camera are longer focal lengths.
An iPhone 15 pro costs more than all my photographic gear
Is this competition photos taken this year or photos taken at any time?
How do you enter and where ?
Is this competition photos taken this year or photos taken at any time?
I think it should be...then it can run each year with fresh content
Speaking as some one who own an actual camera and then runs the pictures through Lightroom trust me that doesn’t give better pictures than my phone. The only benefits to the camera are longer focal lengths.
An iPhone 15 pro costs more than all my photographic gear
There's some debate as to whether iPhones are better than Samsung, but there's no way I could have taken this with my top end Samsung phone
[url= g" target="_blank"> g"/> [/img][/url][url= ]DSC00638-2[/url] by [url= ]davetheblade[/url], on Flickr
There are of course things a phone can’t do. That’s why I own a camera. But I think my phone could do that picture. Unless I got flare. My phone can hand hold a 10 second exposure.
There's an element of noise on that pic as it is, but it's bearable. I reckon on the tiny phone sensor it would be verging on unusable.
That was 2.5s @ f9
Are yes. Image quality would be worse on a phone. But in this competition I think the inferior image quality of the phone won’t be that visible. However the crowd pleasing colours will help
It's live! Thanks for getting this going Matt and Hannah, it's a lot of effort for no reward.
My entry for today is my favourite bike photo of the year - I love the stark line of the precipice in front of the rider, who's gamely dropping into it in full attack mode, fleeing the snow falling around them. It's not bright, but hopefully it looks like a real adventure. Taken on a little mirrorless digital SLR which I do almost all my riding photos on - I agree with STR, phones just aren't a match for a real camera (at least, not for the amount of money I'm willing to spend on a phone - but I'm happy for this competition to prove me wrong).
The current rules discriminate against us solo riders. I have hundreds of nice photos of my bike on rides, but none with me in them. We need a 'bike love' category 😀
Although the last one kind of has me in it (but no bike 😞 )
Boo hiss - it's bad enough having no mates but now I can't even prove I do go out on my bike 😀...
Actually, I'll start my own rival competition; a prize to whoever can identify the three locations above. 2 easy, one less so!
And for the record, I have done he-haw on this. It's been Hannah and the STW team...
Last photo – Achininver Beach?
Close but no cigar, Matt! (Prize isn't tobacco based 😀 )
Same place different view.