Incredible XC Racing in Lenzerheide | Race Report

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The UCI has come up with the goods and summarised what was yet again another incredible XC race. Lenzerheide delivered some tight XC racing and all-out action. Missed it? Watch the replay on Red Bull TV. Hereā€™s an overview of the race.

The press release reads:

Lenzerheide delivered cross-country racing action of the highest calibre once again. With extremely tight racing in both the menā€™s and the womenā€™s field, gathered spectators witnessed close battles, strategic riding and edge of your seat speed.

Evie Richards (GBR) wins her first Elite World Cup, Loana Lecomte (FRA) wins Overall

Evie Richards (GBR), Loana Lecomte (FRA) Anne Terpstra (NED) and Jenny Rissveds (SWE) lead the charge early, but it took them a while to separate themselves from the pack, with Sina Frei (SUI), Anne Tauber (NED) and Rebecca McConnel (AUS) in hot pursuit. Rissveds and Lecomte would lead the pack and heading into the first full lap, only the Swede would be able to hang on to the pace of the French phenom. Profiting of two small mistakes by Lecomte, Rissveds and Frei were able to move past her quite handily, with Richards and McConnell throwing their hat in the mix for the top three early on in the race.

Richards, powered on by the rainbow stripes on her back, would hang on in the lead pack for the first three laps of the race before making her move. The Brit would separate herself from the rest of that leading pack thanks to a strategic attack on one of Lenzerheideā€™s big climbs. Richards would make a few risky line choices in order to build up more of a gap to the chasing pack. The current World Champion crossed the finish line in 1:19:16, winning her first World Cup race in the Elite division.

Lenzerheide XC

McConnell, who put in the fastest lap of the day, would have to settle for second place, but she was only a few seconds off a win. Starting in the second row after slipping a pedal in Fridayā€™s Short Track and also slipping a pedal in todayā€™s race, she would find herself having to work her way back to the front. Riding strong throughout the entire race and putting in a valiant effort, the Australian even looked to threaten Richardsā€™ leading position in the final lap, creeping closer and closer, but not quite able to close the gap, giving her a finish time of 1:19:35.

Rissveds was also one of the riders who found themselves in the front early on in the race and would ride in the lead position for a long time. Despite a very strong first half of the race, she was forced to slow down in the second part and she would see Richards and McConnell pass her. The Swede would have to dig deep towards the end of the race. Crashing in the penultimate lap, she got back on her bike quick enough to hold off an attacking Lecomte, finishing the race in third, with a time of 1:20:14.

Lecomte showed signs of struggle throughout the race and wasnā€™t as dominant as she has been during the rest of the season. Midway through the third lap, the French rider was able to ride out from a mistake that could have easily ended her race as she slid sideways off a boulder and was forced to get off the bike. Nevertheless, Lecomte would push through her struggles and benefited from Freiā€™s mishap, finishing in 4th place with a time of 1:20:28, giving her the Overall World Cup title. Riding comfortably in the lead pack for the majority of the race, Frei had a smile on her face throughout the race, largely thanks to the gathered Swiss crowds, but disaster struck in the final lap, as Frei suffered a rear flat, which forced her to stop in the tech zone for a fresh wheel.

Lenzerheide Xc women's podium

I just cant believe it. It was like, holding back the whole race, no one wanted to commit and I had to be really patient. Itā€™s just fallen into place at the end of the season, so Iā€™m so shocked. Thereā€™s loads of pressure when you have the jersey, so I didnā€™t think it would come that quick. Every race, we set a different plan, which is something new and even if itā€™s not to win, I learn. I didnā€™t feel strong on that first lap, it went so fast, but luckily that front group backed off and it gave me enough time to recover and then I was able to attack.

Evie Richards

Freshly crowned as the Overall World Cup winner, Lecomte had a smile on her face in her post-race interview; ā€œIā€™m very happy and at the beginning of the season, it wasnā€™t my goal. I never imagined I could do it, but today I did it. For me, it was one of the hardest races of my short career. The last few weeks have been very hard for me, both mentally and physically. I just want to have fun on my bike and enjoy the rest of the season. Iā€™m very happy with my fourth place.ā€

Results Top 5

  1. Evie Richards (GBR) 1:19:16
  2. Rebecca McConnell (AUS) 1:19:35
  3. Jenny Rissveds (SWE) 1:20:14
  4. Loana Lecomte (FRA) 1:20:28
  5. Sina Frei (SUI) 1:20:36

Tactical battles shake up Overall World Cup standings

Hot on the heels of the womenā€™s race, the likes of Nino Schurter (SUI), Victor Koretzky (FRA), Mathias Flueckiger (SUI), Henrique Avancini (BRA) and Milan Vader (NED) took to the track. With tight racing from the start, the menā€™s race was a battlefield with numerous lead changes throughout. Schurter would open up early and played with the lead position for a while, but he was quickly caught by the chasers, before moving up again. Current Overall World Cup leader Flueckiger didnā€™t have the best start but quickly moved into the lead pack as well, hanging right on the back of Alan Hatherlyā€™s (RSA) wheel heading into the second lap and would find his race pace in the third lap.

Koretzky, who was in the front pack throughout the race and found himself in the lead multiple times, played the long game and saved his attack for the final part of the race. While he overtook both Schurter and Flueckiger multiple times throughout the race, neither of the three riders at the front were able to hold onto their lead for long. In a three-way sprint in the final tech and feed zone, the French rider showed how incredibly strong he is, both when it comes to technique and power. Attacking at exactly the right moment, Koretzky gained the edge he needed and held on all the way until the finish line. Crossing the line in 1:18:23, the Frenchman travels home with his second Elite World Cup win ever.

Lenzerheide XC

In his 100th World Cup start, Schurter, riding in front of his home crowd, had to pull out all the stops in order to secure his second-place finish. Attacking hard on the climbs and pushing the pace from the get-go, both Flueckiger and Koretzky would pull up beside him during the race and even passing him, before Schurter would battle back to the front of the pack. Schurter, knowing that the overall world cup title was within Flueckigerā€™s reach with a win today, pushed his Swiss competitor to the edge today. Schurter snatched second place with a time of 1:18:25 and overtook Flueckiger a few hundred meters ahead of the finish, meaning that the battle for the Overall World Cup heads to Snowshoe in the United States.

Flueckiger, with a score to settle following the World Championships, toyed with the lead position a few times before unleashing a devastating attack during the fifth lap, which would see him pass Koretzky and Schurter in one fell swoop and putting him in a position to win. Feeling the breath of the chasing pack on his neck all throughout the last lap and while he was able to push the pace until the very last part of the race, both Schurter and Koretzky pulled out all the stops to prevent Flueckiger from winning in Lenzerheide. Crossing the line in 1:18:32 and a third place, Flueckiger will have his work cut out for him in Snowshoe, with Koretzky picking up valuable points in the chase for the Overall World Cup.

While Alan Hatherlyā€™s consistent performance today was enough to put him into fourth with a time of 1:18:41, Tituouan Carod (FRA) had to stave off an advancing Avancini late in the race. Thanks to a strong opening lap and good times in laps four and five, the French rider would cross the finish line in 1:18:54.

Iā€™m super happy. My legs have been feeling super good. Itā€™s a little late for World Champs, but a World Cup win here in Lenzerheide is amazing. The crowd here is insane and if youā€™re full gas during the race, the crowd really gives you an extra gear and you donā€™t feel your legs. I know Nino and Fluecki wanted to win here because itā€™s a Swiss World Cup. Iā€™m completely tired and kaputt right now.

Victor Koretzky

Results Top 5

  1. Victor Koretzky (FRA) 1:18:23
  2. Nino Schurter (SUI) 1:18:25
  3. Mathias FlĆ¼ckiger (SUI) 1:18:32
  4. Alan Hatherly (RSA) 1:18:41
  5. Titouan Carod (FRA) 1:18:54
Lenzerheide XC

U23 Action provides warm-up for Lenzerheide spectators

Before the Elite Men and Women took to the track, the U23 divisions put their best foot forward on the challenging Cross-Country track. Austriaā€™s Mona Mitterwallner continued to showcase her incredible form, winning the race by over 01:45, making it five-for-five on the season. In the menā€™s race, Chilean Martin Vidaurre Kossmann took the win, holding off Juri Zanotti (ITA) and Joel Roth (SUI).

To check out the overall world cup standings following the action in Lenzerheide, click here.

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Not too good about writing about myself, but not so bad at writing about other things. There was a time that I hated bikes, but then they became my life. Wouldn't be the person I am if I hadn't been on this journey. Here's to bikes, drinking tea and everything that comes with life on two wheels. I'm Lauren, I like bikes and writing about them. Always trying my best and up for adventures.

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  • Incredible XC Racing in Lenzerheide | Race Report
  • thegeneralist
    Free Member

    What tense is this written in? Why does the word ā€œwouldā€ appear dozens of times as if what youā€™re writing about isnā€™t actually fact that happened.

    Makes it really jarring it read.


    ā€œIt would make it really jarring to readā€

    Free Member

    Wow, coverage of mountain bike racing, thatā€™s new šŸ¤Ŗ

    Good to see womenā€™s racing getting coverage it deserves to. And that they look pretty normal (as opposed to pro road men alien).

    That Evieā€™s Richards seems to be doing all right. World champ shirt used to be a curse, not for Evie!

    And with the increased technicality of the XC course canā€™t denigrate their talent either.

    Thanks for the coverage.

    Full Member

    Well done Evie. Interested to see the Mens and Womens times were very similar ā€“ did they race the same number of laps?

    Free Member

    Excellent course & coverage. Really enjoyed that.

    Go Evie!!!

    Full Member

    World champ shirt used to be a curse, not for Evie!

    Makes note to come back and abuse you when Evie has a disaster in the next outing! ;-)

    Free Member


    Makes note to come back and abuse you when Evie has a disaster in the next outing! šŸ˜‰

    Look, if you think Iā€™m a ****, and want to call me a ****, just call me a ****. Letā€™s not drag Evie into thisā€¦ šŸ¤Ŗ

    Free Member

    Isnā€™t the ā€˜curse of the rainbow jerseyā€™ mainly a road racing thing?

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