What is the sound of shred? In the quiet of quarantine, you can hear it! This MTB video comes from the Croatian quarantine zone.
While many of us have been enjoying the sound of birdsong without the background hum of cars, or the buzzing of insects without the overhead drone of aircraft, two riders in Croatia have taken advantage of the quiet to make their own racket.
Inspired by the RAW series from Red Bull, Leo Gamboc and Sebastian Osmanović set out to capture the sounds of a quarantine ride.
100 seconds of pure RAW MTB Enduro riding from 20y old Sebastian Osmanović in front of the lenses of filmmaker Leo Gamboc/Bike Life Productions. We were inspired by Semenuk’s and Rupert Walker’s RAW100 series so we decided to make our own video with the same concept.
We filmed in Vintijan, Pula – Croatia during the Covid-19 quarantine period and wanted to show the quiet empty city in contrast to the RAW and loud bike sounds we recorded in the jungle-like woods.
It seems that sideways bike flying has caught on in Croatia too – does anyone just jump straight these days? Is whipping compulsory if you’re not doing a table or a can-can? We’d like to ride that trail – though perhaps with a little less speed and style than you see here. We might have to resort to sound effects and foley work to get the same effect. Pass me that box of cereal, I’ll do the berm ripping!
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Love it.
Name that hub.
I9 hub
Ive never understood the charm of scaring and annoying all the wildlife in the woods with buzzsaws for freewheels….