
#MakingUpTheNumbers | Ae-bandoned – SDA Round 1

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‘What’s your favourite season?’ MrsMakingUpTheNumbers asks.Every fibre of my being wants to respond with ‘race season’ but as I open my mouth, I think better of it. ‘Spring’. Tension has been building over the past few weeks. We’ve not talked about it but we both know it’s nearly time for me to go racing again; which means I’ll be away, on average, every other weekend for the next six months and she’ll be home alone…

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After taking a 17 year break from exercise, George rediscovered mountain bikes in 2008. Six years later, at 40 years of age he started racing Downhill and the following season somehow ended up on the Revolution Bike Park Race Team. As the other members of the team fought for podiums and National Series victories, George searched for mid-pack mediocrity. In a bit to add some value #makingupthenumbers was born; a blog about their race weekends and in particular life towards the back of the field.

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