Gift Giveaway: Christmas Countdown Day 2

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Yaba Dabba Doo! The weekend just got better, as it is Day 2 of our HUGE gift guide Christmas countdown giveaway!

Today YOU have the chance to WIN this:

Litelok Gold

Sold Secure Gold Standard security

Flexible and lighter than many locks of the same security standard, the Litelok Gold started life as a Kickstarter project. Made in the UK, the ‘Boaflexicore’ material makes it resistant to attack by common theft tools. The lock comes with Velcro straps so you can attach it to your frame, making it easy to transport.

We’ve previously reviewed this lock here, and our reviewer found it very useful indeed, so hop on over here if you’re interested in finding out more about the lock and its day to day applications. Or if you want to have a go at winning this Litelok Gold, read on…

All you need to do is watch this Facebook Live video carefully, and answer this question:

  • Which ‘traditional’ Christmas animal is sharing the sofa with Hannah?

Good Luck!

If you can’t see the video, check out our Facebook page.

Once you have your answer, enter it in the box below. If you can’t see a big green box then you are not logged in. You must be a registered user of our site to enter our competitions. Registering is quick and free. Click here to sign up. Please note we can only send prizes to a UK postal address. If you can’t provide a UK postal address for your prize then we will unfortunately be unable to send it to you.

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Simple! Do that, and not only will we enter you in the draw to win today’s gift giveaway, but we’ll also give you one entry into the Mega Box Of Joy giveaway – this is a box containing one of everything we give away each day. It’s a big box! As a bonus prize, whoever wins the Mega Box Of Joy will have the option of joining us here for a day of coffee, riding, coffee, tea, fish and chips, and maybe even a cheeky beer. Because the Mega Box Of Joy is going to be such a monster, we’re going to have to restrict the entries to this to those with a UK delivery address, or to anyone who is prepared to come along to Singletrack Towers and visit us for the day and collect it. Today’s daily prize is open to those who can provide a UK postal address.

Want to be notified when we’re live so you can get entering straight away? Click here:

Author Profile Picture
Hannah Dobson

Managing Editor

I came to Singletrack having decided there must be more to life than meetings. I like all bikes, but especially unusual ones. More than bikes, I like what bikes do. I think that they link people and places; that cycling creates a connection between us and our environment; bikes create communities; deliver freedom; bring joy; and improve fitness. They're environmentally friendly and create friendly environments. I try to write about all these things in the hope that others might discover the joy of bikes too.

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