While they’ve quietly been gaining fans with their silent operation and near-instantaneous engagement, adoption of Onyx’s roller clutch hubs has been slowed by relatively high weights- thanks in part to a durable (but heavy) stainless freehub body.

Given the Minnesota brand’s focus on durability, a simple aluminium freehub body wouldn’t do. Neatly skirting competing patents, the brand is using a U-shaped wire insert to bear the brunt of the rider’s anger while preventing wear and the sort of notching that can occur on alloy freehubs.

The new Shimano freehub bodies shave 68g- taking rear hubs to a competitive 378g. XD drivers don’t require the metal inserts but save 42g with the switch to aluminium. With the material change US prices increase $25- about 5% depending on configuration. Singlespeed hubs are also available with the same upgrade and all hubs come stock with hybrid ceramic bearings.
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Now *that’s* a clever idea.
Didn’t shimano make a roller clutch, instant engagement, silent freehub back in the 90’s? I remember it was heavy at a time when weight was king.