Eurobike 2011: Crank Brothers – new pedals, bars and multi tools…

by 7

We get shown the 2012 range from Crank Brothers, including the all-new Mallet caged clipless pedal, featuring redesigned springs, axles and bearings.

Also fresh for 2012 are the decently wide Sage 780mm riser bars (also available in a carbon fibre flavour) and some very neat looking multi tools.


Replies (7)

    Nice pedals.

    Can the cheap ones not fall apart please?


    A few highlights:

    – The wonderful juxtaposition between the ‘totally stoked’ accent of the CB dude, and the collision of Essex / Lancashire deadpan matter of factness that only persons from a country where the sky is grey 300 days a year can provide

    – The endlessly ‘errrrrring’ uncertainty of the the guy from CB. Was he lying, or did he just not know what he was talking about? 😉

    – Inconsistencies you could steer a barge through in the CB guy’s spiel, e.g.:

    “The entire range is shares totally the same… errrrr… mechanicals…. errr…. all the, erm, same bearings, everything…. they’re all totally interchangable”

    “So.., errr, here we have the, errr…. entry level pedal. This is a *bushing* bearing pedal, errrr… with carbonate (i.e. plastic) wings” … that aren’t interchangable with anything. At all.

    I still love Crank Bros. stuff though, it rocks!! 😀

    He said “seals” is this the californian interpretation of a seal (ie dust)? or a proper Blighty mud and moisture seal!

    Interesting that (I interpret) that according to that all the candys now run the same bushing/bearing combo. Is that coz the two cheapest models for this/last year still had a pants bearing/bushing life compared to the top model, despite a redesign? I got 3 months of mostly dry spring/summer commuting out of my Candy 2s now they’re gathering dust waiting for me to order spares. I do love owning orange pedals though

    My egg beaters are knacked. They lasted 1.5 years though, time for the big S I reckon after hearing Errr. Would you (if you were the marketing guy/gal at CB) let him be in front of a camera & blabber to joe public?

    I still have a pair of spd’s on my SS from 1995. Clean em out once a year, tweak bearing play if needed and Bob’s your Mum’s brother. Must admit though stepping in is getting tricky as the locating recesses on the clips have all but disappeared.

    I have 2 Crank Bros multi tools which are lovely. Everything else looks fab (except for the wheels IMO) but you do hear so many tales of them not quite living up to their promise.

    Everyone I know who went to w@nk bros has now come back to spuds and everything I have bought from them has lasted 5 mins. That new tool does look pretty though, maybe it won’t turn into a rusty limply this time.

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