One of the biggest losses we had when the site disappeared over Christmas 2009 was possibly our most popular forum thread ever; affectionately know simply as ‘The Picolax Thread’.
We were actually talking to blu-tone, the thread’s main contributor about running it as a feature in the magazine, but at over 5000 words for his postings alone, it would have made an enormous article that some readers might have seen to be a bit of a waste of space. Others, meanwhile, consider it the best piece of off-topic posting ever.
Fortunately, Chipps kept a trimmed down copy of the thread, but also the full original, with reader comments added and so, here we present, for your reading pleasure:
The Complete Picolax thread…
makecoldplayhistory – 2007-07-18 00:42:24
On Thurs some Docs are looking at my insides from the wrong end if you know what I mean…I’ve got to take two laxative potions; one at 0800 and one at 2000 tomorrow, but I’ve got an offer to go riding on Dartmoor. Will I s**t my brains out in the morning and then be fine for the day, or do I need to stay within sprinting distance of a loo?
Agency_Scum – 2007-07-18 00:48:23
Picolax is the pimp daddy of laxatives and you better be sitting ON the toilet when you take them. Have plenty of moidsturised bog roll standing by.
makecoldplayhistory – 2007-07-18 00:56:13
🙁 Although I live 20 or so miles from D. Moor, I only get to go 3 or 4 times a year!
On your advice I’ve just sent a ‘won’t be able to make it’ email to my potential lift… Hope there are some entertaining threads tomorrow!
FredDibnah – 2007-07-18 00:57:59
“I only get to go 3 or 4 times a year! “Fecking hell, I bet that hurts when you do get the urge…
You wanna try eating more fruit, surely?
Agency_Scum – 2007-07-18 00:59:48
I’ve seen nurses administer that to patients with a stopwatch whilst the patient’s on a commode. If you’re not losing serious body weight 20 minute after taking it YOU’RE ILL OR ANOREXIC.
makecoldplayhistory – 2007-07-18 01:02:19
That’s why I’ve got the Picolax 😉 Although I can see Dartmoor from my bedroom window, not many of my friends drive, and the ones who ride certainly can’t afford a car… In fact, my best buddy just sold his car to buy some Crossmax SLRs. Well worth it, IMO, but his GF didn’t agree!
Agency_Scum – 2007-07-18 01:06:23
Also, please don’t try drinking 2 pints of real ale an hour before the 8pm dose ( oh go on ). You’ll fart so hard and loud you’ll terrify yourself, mind you you will be projectile sh1tting at the time so that might take the edge off the fun.
makecoldplayhistory – 2007-07-18 01:11:18
PMSL A_C. I’m so tempted…Is it really that ‘pimp daddy’? It sounds like you know what you’re talking about.
Agency_Scum – 2007-07-18 01:26:10
Speak to any general nurse about it.
stratobiker_ – 2007-07-18 06:11:47
After the first whoosh you’ll be clear 🙂 Just go on the ride. Explain the situation to your friend, he’ll understand, and take his camera.
Might be a good Idea to take plenty of water so that you don’t dehydrate.
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 07:47:36
Picolax turned my bum from it’s usual semi-dormant state…
A bit like Vesuvius; an impressive and majestic sight with occasional noxious whiffs, regular minor expulsions of dangerous matter and a very rare display of awesome ferocity worthy of international news into…
…a portal from another collapsing largely aqueous universe via which all compressed matter emerged at trans light speeds, expanding exponentially as it emerges from the “wormhole“.If you think the widespread deluges of precipitation experienced this “summer“ in any way approach “Biblical Proportions“, then rest assured by 09:00 tomorrow you will have ample personal evidence to entirely revise your delusion.I will add three pieces of advice, two very useful, the other certainly very serious.
- Wear tracksuit bottoms or other baggy style garment with elasticated waist, this might give you an outside chance. PLEASE READ THE NEXT ITEM VERY CAREFULLY BEFORE TAKING “AGENT” PICOLAX
- Have a TRUSTED friend verify your reading of the details in ITEM 2
WCA, If you are looking for an INTERESTING thread tomorrow then I’ll try to explain from personal experience why ITEM 2 above is so vital.
To those about to take Picolax, we salute you… (TBC)
suntannedexile – 2007-07-18 08:22:20
Gold! PMSL @ Blu-tone
plant – 2007-07-18 08:24:38
Blu-tone – please don’t leave the thread until tomorrow.
Stoner – 2007-07-18 08:27:43
PMSLThis thread has the potential to “run and run” :)Toilet humour is the funniest humour. 🙂
anokdale – 2007-07-18 08:29:04
I dont know about everyone else but i am worried for Makecoldplayhistory, with Blu-tones story half finnished what does he do, he must be #hitting himself, manner of speaking, no pun intended honest !!!Blu-tone – Speak up up now mate, what happened.
makecoldplayhistory – 2007-07-18 08:58:07
Luckily I find it all funny, but the last half hour’s been, well, interesting.The date’s correct.
PMSL @ Blu-tone. Time to finish your story. Oh, and your discription was perfect 😉
Yossarian_ – 2007-07-18 09:02:14
salutes Blu-tone
tyke – 2007-07-18 09:51:44
You should follow Blu-tone’s advice.Make sure that you’re in 10 seconds reach of the loo. The good thing is it shouldn’t be painful just fast and furious and possibly noisy!
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 09:57:47
At popular request, please be seated.I’d had some disturbing “signs” during daily “evacuation procedures”. In the past I’d also had Farmer Giles & Family surgically evicted from my arrrse, so wasn’t about to wait years to have any future “squatters” invade me via the back door.
Doctor took a look and with only “Breathe out” for warning, proceeded to instantly put an expression on my face more commonly associated with riders of “The Big One” at Alton towers. And believe me I FELT like I was riding a VERY BIG one. the only word I could manage was “HOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFF !!!”Weeks later I got letter from hospital plus two sachets of “Agent” Picolax.In true blokey fashion I then “Man Read” the letter (ie opened it scanned it and took out the “Free Gifts”) re: appointment and pre-op procedure
(WARNING: mistake alert).
Right so on “Monday the 10th I was to have an “Investigative Procedure”.And so from 36 hours prior I would be RESTRICTED TO CLEAR FLUIDS ONLY.
So no real food from 8pm Saturday night. Slap up meal Saturday teatime, then orange juice or tea without milk, or “Clear soup” (sod that), a couple of lagers can’t do any harm (Erm, wrong d*ckhead but sadly that’s not yer main problem, sadly no)Sunday evening I’ve been on clear fluids only for a whole day. Family sit down to roast beef, yorkshire pud, gravy roasties, peas carrots followed by trifle. Never mind I’ll tuck into a glass of orange juice. (TW*TTT !!)Whilst they sit back in post scoff bliss I prepare for my first meeting with “Agent” Picolax. (cue Music from Jaws)
Read instruction on “Free Gift Number 1”.
I tear the strip off the sachet
Remember in those stories how insignificant it seems when the cork is removed from the bottle found on the shore, and an affable Genie trapped for a thousand years pops out?
Well hold that thought
And a few minutes later . . . .
“Agent” Picolax has entered the building (orally).
Not too unpleasant, tasted a bit “lemony”, to be fair if most energy drinks tasted like this they’d be more popluar.
As these foolish thoughts are noodling around in my head a butterfly in the Amazon flaps it’s wings. . . . .
A storm of geological cataclysmic ferocity fuelled by an apopleptic “Agent” Picolax is gathering pace, mass and will reveal itself too late upon the unwary. Oh Yes.
Seeing as I like the odd beer I’m pretty used to the occasional “rumbly in my tumbly”, so surely nothing to worry about there then?
tick follows tick follows tock…
Cheesyfeet – 2007-07-18 09:58:24
PMSL!!!!People are looking at me funnily in the office and wondering why I am bobbing up and down with tears running down my face.
I salute you sir, but please, just for once I implore you – NO PICS!!!!!
makecoldplayhistory – 2007-07-18 10:07:04
I haven’t laughed so much in a long time Blu-tone 😉 Thank you so much!!!
Yossarian_ – 2007-07-18 10:13:38
excellent work blu-tonehow much weight did you lose?
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 10:15:54
The air was still.The usual background drone of distant traffic had recently gone,
I did’nt notice it get quieter
it didn’t happen suddenly, and
I had not gone deafEven the barking dogs and twittering birds had fallen confusing silent.I was alone in my own home but suddenly felt the eyes of entire nations focussed upon one single point.The epicentre . . .I turned to see what it was . . .
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 10:22:11
I realised too late what it was that they already knew only too well, the epicentre was behind me.
But this was no pantomime villain – it was KRAKATOA’S BIG DRUNK ANGRY BROTHERAnd he’d come to kick the living sh*t out of me…
Stoner – 2007-07-18 10:23:51
Im going to get fired in a minute.Can’t focus through the tears…
wackoak – 2007-07-18 10:24:07
one of the funniest things I’ve read on here, I’m getting strange looks from everyone in the office. Please continue!
JONV – 2007-07-18 10:29:41
i’m pummelling the refresh button through tears of laughter. This is even better than <someone’s> description of his vasectomy.Do continue.
noteeth – 2007-07-18 10:34:10
lol – it’s like a book at bedtime in here. (nursing observation: makecoldplayhistory, I’ve seen people faint due to the combination of not eating and, er, repeated evacuations. Not great for trail riding.)
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 10:38:37
I read that Lake Baikal in Siberia is the largest body of fresh water on the planet.
So large that, if empty, then it would take every river upon planet earth flowing into the space a full year to refill.ORThe contents of my arrse would do the same job in 15 minutes flat . . .Eventually that Sunday night, as it says in the bible, the waters receded and peace returned.Once the aftershocks (not the highly coloured alcoholic stuff) had finally diminished and ceased.I showered my skin (there was nothing inside, not even skeltal remains) and went to bed. Setting the alarm for 06:00 in order to rise and steel myself for 08:00 Monday morning.08:00 was my next appointment with “Agent” Picolax.It would be an appointment that I would NEVER forget.
noteeth – 2007-07-18 10:40:09
(there was nothing inside, not even skeltal remains) Glorious. One new keyboard please.
anokdale – 2007-07-18 10:51:25
Outstanding effort blu-tone
plant – 2007-07-18 10:54:47
OMG!!! I need a pic of makecoldplayhistory’s face while he is reading the Blu-tone experience!
Where can you get this stuff from – I want to add some to my mates camelbak!
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 10:59:14
I awoke at almost the exact moment the alarm went off, all in all a good nights sleep. I felt warm, safe, and happy.Lying in my comfy bed in that delicious half sleep world where Debbie Harry is still 23 and I’m at the height of my prowess as a rock GOD and Debbie really wants me sooooooooo baddd. She’s wearing that red shirt with red over knee stiletto books and…
The Rabbit from Donnie Darko taps me on the shoulder and says “Your appointment with “Agent” Picolax, Mr Blu-tone”…
[Music from Lee Van Cleef’s musical stopwatch]
[Music from shower scene in Psycho]
Feeling like I’m in the lift of The Empire State Building and it’s dropping unchecked.
Sound of a very fat moggy desperately clawing for traction on an old school blackboard.
Oh sweet Lord in Heaven, no pleeeeeeeeeeease not that, anything but not that.
Cheesyfeet – 2007-07-18 11:15:10
Noooo. Don’t stop. Actually a pause is good, allows me to calm down and start breathing again….
This has to be one of the all time best threads.
A legend has been born
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 11:16:43
My feet are moving with all the alacrity of continental drift in the direction of AWAY.
Like in all nightmares, the harder you struggle, the faster you run away the closer the MONSTER gets. So you break, become a quivering mess and submit to THE HORRORR Hating yourself for being weak, “One more effort and I’d have been free!”. TOO LATE NOW Stand before the bathroom mirror, the EVENT the night before must have sucked the very eyes from my socket, because I can’t see properly. In the mirror isn’t the reflection of 5’10” 15st me, it’s a huge used femidom. I find “Free Gift number 2” (oh the irony) and like the beaten drone that I am tear open the sachet (release the Genie pent up these last 10,000 years) mix the “Magic Potion”. Then the condemned man (deprived of even a blindfold, last cigarette, Debbie in thigh boots and light years away from a hearty breakfast) raises the glass to his lips and swallows. I’m ready for you this time though “C’mon, C’mon, Come and have a go!!!”
I spin, and park my arrrse (now deeply grooved, and splintered from the previous nights multiple megaton detonations).
I wait and very time itself pauses…
plant – 2007-07-18 11:19:25
I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this is going to be worth it but the suspense is killing me!
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 11:21:08
I wait…
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 11:22:42
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 11:23:55
Nope, not even the faintest pixies fart of a tremor…
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 11:26:26
But I’m not gonna fall for that, if “Agent” Picolax can wait then so can I. I’m ready for ya like a spring coiled by bhuddist ninja fellers
plant – 2007-07-18 11:27:15
So where does the ‘check and double check the appointment time’ come into this? Yeah, I know patience is a virtue I did away with years ago!
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 11:30:56
Distracted for the fraction of one second he’s on me wringing me dry. I wondered just where he’d been and he’s about to let me know
He’s dancing on my head as from my “Ring of Bright Water” emerges the Pacific Ocean and it’s family, and they’re in a rush.
Yossarian_ – 2007-07-18 11:33:30
oh god we’re off again.
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 11:36:22
After a period of time that could have been less than a nanosecond or longer than a Genies internment, I KNOW he’s gone.
I am dust.
…and not much of it at that.
Time sort meself out for the day hospital, complete change of spare clothes plus 5 spare pairs of boxies (if necessary I’ll wear ’em ALL, simultaneously, plus two pair of jeans, that’ll minimise the death toll).
Buckminster_Fuller – 2007-07-18 11:37:39
can you hurry up I’ve got work to do.
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 11:42:14
Right just before I leave on last quick check.No food 36 hours, Check
Clear fluids only, Check (ish) (few lagers can’t have hurt)
Free Gift No1 at T minus 27 hours, Check (yep 20:00 hrs Sunday Night)
Free Gift No2 at T minus 3 hours, Check (Yep 08:00 Monday morn)
FredDibnah – 2007-07-18 11:45:58
Pure Genius!That’s me rendered utterly useless for the rest of the day!
(Bows down to one Greater than He)
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 11:46:12
Report to day hospital
plant – 2007-07-18 11:48:44
LOL! 2 days early!
Did you have to go through it all again?
mike-b – 2007-07-18 11:53:35
Absolute quality in a glad-it-wasn’t-me kind of way. Please tell us what happened on Wednesday.
Yossarian_ – 2007-07-18 12:00:21
ha ha ha you idiot
: )
makecoldplayhistory – 2007-07-18 12:07:14
mrhallorann – 2007-07-18 12:09:54
Fantastic :’Dgotta get me some of this stuff!!
dick hallorann
plant – 2007-07-18 12:09:57
Why’re you laughing – you have all this to come! Sorry, didn’t mean to laugh.
JonR – 2007-07-18 12:15:07
Very good.
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 12:24:16
“Hello, Day Hospital, erm I’ve got an appointment for Wednesday. Yes, that’s right (gulp) the 10th. I was wondering, is there ANY chance you could see me today?”
“I’m afraid not, is there a problem, only if you cancel you may go to the bottom of the list.”
“Oh NO NO NO, I don’t want to cancel, I wan’t to be seen today”
“HAVE YOU TAKEN YOUR PICOLAX YET?” (stifled sounds, the unnerving feeling that nearby extensions are being lifted)
(small voice) ” . . . . . . yes . . . . .”
“I’M SORRY I CAN’T HEAR YOU, DID YOU SAY YOU’D TAKEN BOTH SACHETS OF AGENT erm SORRY BOTH SACHETS OF PICOLAX?” (multiple stifled sounds, presence of numerous 3rd parties confirmed)
(small voice)” . . . . .Yes, both sachets . . . . . . Can I get some more . . . “
No tossing about this time, they didn’t even try to stifle their laughter, all women, about 10 of them.
“No, I asked if I could get some more, I definitely did not say I’d like some more”
“If you can drop by after 13:00 today we’ll issue you with a repeat prescription which you can take to the pharmacy, OK?”
” . . .Yes, thank you”
makecoldplayhistory – 2007-07-18 13:04:54

poor you!
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 13:06:29
Later on Monday the 8th “Hi I’ve come to collect a prescription?”
“What Name is it please ?” (says a good looking red head nurse with twinkle in her eye)
Simultaneously, she’s making some secret *SIGN* for EVERY good looking female nurse to emerge from various hidey holes. TBH I didn’t think the NHS employed so many NATIONALLY never mind at the local BUM CLINIC!
Sirens, alarms, party poppers and flashing lights
Then the killer question,
“Do you know how to take it ?”
Blu-tone exits the Bum Factory for the day and the workers roll about the floor. Still it’s not every bloke that can induce damp knickers in so many foxy nurses simultaneously.
Now any of you that are familiar with even Primary School arithmetic will be aware that a 36 hour count-back from 08:00 Wednesday is 20:00 Monday.
By the time I got home it was almost 18:00. 2 hours to eat, then back, once again, into the hands of “Agent” Picolax.
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 13:10:33
But even I with my double dose of “Agent” Picolax was not prepared for the delights of . . .“THE PROCEDURE”
Van-Halen – 2007-07-18 13:12:35
anokdale – 2007-07-18 13:18:10
Mate, I have achieved the Square root of nothing today, we are just in bits here, and the procedure, more to come and two more doses of the agent.Kettles on.
makecoldplayhistory – 2007-07-18 13:37:13
“THE PROCEDURE” Now I’m worried!Just tell me it doesn’t hurt….
timothy – 2007-07-18 13:42:45
It’s now been half an hour and no update from Blu-tone. Is he on the loo?
plant – 2007-07-18 14:28:27
maybe the mods have decided the procedure is not suitable for print?Makecoldplayhistory – be afraid, be very afraid!
Yossarian_ – 2007-07-18 14:58:13
blu-tone is currently inside outmch – you should considering your alternatives mate : )
PeterPoddy – 2007-07-18 15:05:15
Utter, utter genius. Thread of the YEAR without any shadow of a doubt.THIS is why I love STW so much.Arise, SIR Blu-tone, we salute you.
mrsmw – 2007-07-18 15:18:41
Apparently they’re developing an alternative Sounds worse!
mrmichaelwright – 2007-07-18 15:21:50
Fletchers’ long tube phosphate enemasnigger
PeterPoddy – 2007-07-18 15:23:50
Oh s**t!;)
richc – 2007-07-18 15:34:06
plant – 2007-07-18 15:40:46
Now that has to be a worth a fivers entertainment. 😉
johni – 2007-07-18 16:48:46
Just make sure you are ahead of the victim if out biking!True quality thread definitely my favourite of all time. 10/10
JONV – 2007-07-18 22:19:24
mcph;so – did it meet expectations. If you’re in tomorrow you must be double dosed by now?
Hope it goes OK, will be clenching in sympathy all day.
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 22:50:24
Right. Home I go with 2 replacements. And for those who enjoy cheap, ritual, humiliation it felt as though every worker that I passed in Fazakerley Hospital began polishing the floors with their backs as they writhed and contorted about.
Every other chancer wants “Temazzies” but Blu-tone, the only man with the addiction to “Bum-Explosives”.
This next statement may be the least surprising ever reading from the book of “Revelations” but I DID NOT RIDE MY BIKE THAT NIGHT.
Truth is I just can’t remember ‘zackly what I did eat during my 2 hours I was granted beyond the unfailing grasp of “Agent” Picolax.
Rest assured small balls of cotton wool, economy portions of candyfloss and undersize clouds were VERY VERY high on the very short menu.
Items NOT REQUIRED on the voyage included:
- Pineapples (the spiny oversize handgrenade of the fruit world)
- Beans
- Chips
- Infact ANYTHING which MAYproduce a “Propellant” (yeah like “Agent” Picolax needs an enthusiastic assistant FFS).
By 20:00 Monday, the “Safe Food Fest” was over and the waiting game had recommenced!
So had the internal dialogue [Music From “Rocky” as the plucky contender runs up the steps]
“Fluids Tone. Ya jass think fluids”
“Erm, right d*ckhead like I can think of ANYTHING else !!!”
May as well try to go to sleep, (lets face it a night down the pub and a Tandoori can never measure up to a “session” with “Agent” Picolax).
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 23:24:48
LOOKThere’s no easy way ’round this, so why not make a game of it ?
a) surprise me with it’s gentle playng of the flute ?
b) treat me like an old friend not seen these many years and soothed my pain with the stories of childhood ?
c) Treat my arrrse/ears/NEIGHBOURS to a display of 4 dimensional pyrotechnics unseen since Stephen Hawkings wheelchair accidentally knocked the switch marked…
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 23:33:08
Sorry the correct answer is,Infact “Agent” Picolax worked Blu-tone over completely TWICE before he presented his sorry arrrse for DEEPER inspection.
FredDibnah – 2007-07-18 23:47:21
Deary me, it goes from worse to worserer….You’re rambling now, btw. Not surprising, really….
I can honestly say; I never read someone talk about sh1t in quite such an eloquent, lucid and entertaining way…
Carry on…
blu-tone – 2007-07-18 23:53:44
And so having survived “Agent” Picolax ( not once, nor twice, not even thrice, No ‘King Dickkhead had to ride “The BIGGEST One” FOUR FUGGIN TIMES), I presented the wolds cleanest EVER alimentary canal for DEEPER inspection.But first they made me take of ALL my grown up mens clothes and put on a childs dress . . .
suntannedexile – 2007-07-19 01:03:06
Keep going…
blu-tone – 2007-07-19 09:39:45
Then I was summonned into a room and asked to lie on the bed lying on my left hand side.So I do, and in front of me is a tv screen with some wierd picture on it, like the inside of a bike mechanics toolbox. But it was something to look at and try to distract myself from the fact that I was lying on a bed in the presence of 4 women with my (impresssive and majestic) bare arrrse hanging out of a childs dress.
Nurse “Now draw your knees up towards your chest”
PULSE rate definitely quickening now!
Next came a phrase that no matter how softly said, how far away would have grabbed my attention, as surely as the fist of the school bully grabbed a tie in search of “Spare dinner money”.
Nurse “Right we’re just going to apply some lubricant…”
Dear God, if it takes more than one of them (and there are three in the room that I can’t actually see from this position) just to apply the lubricant how big is the bloody “DEVICE” they are planning on sticking up my arrrse ??
The size of a human fist?
A Football?
(now I’ve never been a Rugby fan but all of a sudden it seemed to have ONE ENORMOUS advantage).
A suitcase?
Dear God not a suitcase…
Then I hear the sound of big machinery, and I mean BIG MACHINERY…
Sweet Babby Jehoosus they’re going to drive a bloody Chieftain tank up my arrrse while I’m asleep.
Then whilst I am still reeling at the prospect of armour plated catterpillar tracks and gun turret taking me by storm . . .
Current Dignity Rating for Subject Blu-tone = MINUS Eight Million and falling
“OK Mr Blutone, we’re just preparing the ENDOSCOPE…” (Did she say, she did ?? I’m sure she said HMS ENDOSCOPE)
At least I’ll be out of it whilst my uncharted waters are being searched for intruders by this HUGE vessel.
“OK Mr Blu-tone, on the screen in front of you is the picture from the camera on HMS ENDOSCOPE, you’ll be able to follow the entire procedure…”
WHOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Lady jusss a blooody minute, where’s Jeremy FIKKIN Beadle??
I’ve got a bare arse with about 10 gallons of KY-Jelly in, on, and UP it.
I’m wearing a kids dress. (Backwards)
HMS Endoscope, is about “To boldly go . . .”
YOU want to show it live on TV!
HA! HA! HA! That’s NOT the best bit, is it? NO!
Look I may be daft enough to live on just yummy orange juice for a week, whilst suffering 4 YES F O U R !!! bouts of bowel movements big enough for Steven Hawking to test out his theories on. But AWAKE ???
How blooody daft DO you think I am ?
Well that’s what I thought, but obviously being a BRITISH BLOKE what I actually said was.
The picture on the tv screen then started to go all blurry, just diffuse blobs of coloured light.
Then it went dark and a distant object began to emerge from the gloom…
blu-tone – 2007-07-19 10:07:50
The camera was showing some pretty poor qualtiy black & white footage of2001 a Space Odyssey
And up ahead is the orbitting space station, hey yess! I love this movie, at least I’ll have something to do whilst they (Nah best not think about that).
In the distance there’s the familiar form of Planet Earths lonely sattelite, The Moon.
Except in this version the part of the Moon is being taken by MY ARRRSE !! AAAAAAAAHHHHH !!!
Nursey then kindly gives me the most impossible instruction, “OK Mr Blu-tone, just relax for me “.
When what she means is “My mates about to launch HMS ENDOSCOPE, and YOU are the target acquired”.
Suddenly “The Moon” fills the screen and it’s topography becomes crystal sharp. There are craters and hills. And up ahead is a deep gorge with sparsely wooded steep sides.
Then like something off Tracey Island or GoldFinger (please don’t say finger like that) or Moonraper (could’t we just stick with Tracey Island, after all I could be wearing Tracey’s dress) the steep sides of “The Gorge” slide apart to reveal…
BULLSEYE; Sheriff Rusty’s Badge; The Chocolate Starfish.
“The Lunar Podule” is gonna crash if it tries to land at this rate of descent. Blooody Hell if it doesn’t slow down it’s going to embed itself.
Precisely, embed itself
At the same time as the crew of “Podule Number Two” perished, I was suddenly treated to a simultaneous experience at BOTH ends.
What I saw was:
“Podule Number Two” suddenly suffered temporary blackout whilst entering a narrow cave (very narrow).
What I felt was:
Air. Rushing from my lungs like a desert storm.
Eyes out on stalks like Arnie at the end of “Total Recall”.
A muscle (which I will NEVER EVER take for granted again) expand at astronomical rates
She stuck a camera (complete with its own lights) on a “Rope”, in me. Right up my bum
And then, she played the Ace.
wwaswas – 2007-07-19 10:22:39
Do you do after dinner speaking to doctors?if not, you should.
pmsl (almost).
mike-b – 2007-07-19 10:56:19
And then..?
blu-tone – 2007-07-19 11:09:39
The AceShe served it like a Grand Slam Champ. I did’nt see it coming (well no shame there after all I had things on my mind, and an anaconda up my arrrse).
“OK Mr Blu-tone, so that we can see the walls of your bowel as clearly as posible we’re just going to inflate you”
Yep, inflate me.
Now, for everything that I had experienced up to this point I’d had some point of reference, some previous experience from which to draw upon, some vaguely transferrable skill via which to cope or rationalise my situation.
She was going to inflate me.
Judging by the size of HMS Endoscope’s engines it would be delivering just a bit more puff (yes, I know it has connotations) than required to make one of those things you get out of a christmas cracker unroll and bleat.
She was going to inflate me.
The mind is most often a wonderful thing, but, it can be a fearsome enemy.
She was going to inflate me.
Just like the computer in 2001 my mind chose this precise moment to reveal that it had turned bandit.
At some point during “The Great Deluge” my guard had dropped (probably out of my arrrse).
Seizing the moment “Agent” Picolax had waved his fingers in my minds face and in the calming tones of Ben Obi Wan Kenobi whispered “These are not the drones you’re looking for”.
“Agent” Picolax had effortlessly “turned” his opponent, taken him over to the opposition.
Now she was going to inflate me,
My mind was suddenly supplying images, no soundtrack, no dialogue. IMAGES.
millions of ’em.
LARGE, small, B&W, colour, still, video, real, CGI, cartoon, sketch, millions of ’em.
- An Elephant
- The Montgolfier Brothers (pioneers of the Hot Air Balloon)
- Great gouts of fire spouting forth from a distant and angry sun
- Mushroom cloud from H Bomb tests on Bikini Atoll
- An erupting volcano
- A beach babes playing volleyball
- An american footballer kicking a field goal
- A zeppellin
- Two zeppellins
- A pan of popcorn, popping
- Bomb disposal Engineers detonating a “Suspect Device”
- A Track pump test in STW
- Compressors on display at B&Q
A childs face the instant after a birthday balloon disappears
Then antique footage with sound of Hattie Jacques as the Matron in the Carry On Films
“Hello? Mrs Bl-tone ? Yes he did have “The Procedure” today. Well I’m sorry to say we exploded him. No he won’t be home for tea I’m afraid.”
She was going to INFLATE me!
wwaswas – 2007-07-19 11:15:20
“Well I’m sorry to say we exploded him. No he won’t be home for tea I’m afraid”Stop, please, it hurts (and that’s just reading about it).
actually, don’t.
blu-tone – 2007-07-19 12:08:20
And BOY she INFLATED me. She INFLATED my brains out. BIG time.I don’t know if any of you have been inflated.
I mean fully inflated.
To about 120psi inflated.My belly was the size of a family dome tent.So, I lay there, an anaconda slithering off up trap 2, gradually expanding, watching my bowels live on TV gently rocking on the bed, as you do on a Wednesday off work.The remainder of the procedure was (by the exciting standards of recent days) just a mundane question of HMS Endoscope lazering away a few “squatters” from my exhaust pipe and generally giving a spit & polish valetting to me giblets.Job done.Erm no.You see the sphincter muscle of the human anus is generally a pretty effective non-return valve. Mainly in the direction of out.
Being fully inflated in the presence of 4 female nurses avails the non-return valve an opportunity to display it’s true vocation.
Rapid, Voluminous and Gaseous (a small blessing I suppose).
The human bum (to give it it’s correct term) is capable of an astounding array of sounds, a whole orchestra of noises, both musical and percussive. But mainly a badly played trombone.
Not Over, because having successfully engaged and defeated the enemy HMS Endoscope was withdrawing from active service.
And at the very instant it was decomissioned (accompanied by facial expression suggesting you have suddenly achieved X-Ray vision) the commencement of it’s passing out parade was signalled with a 20 bum salute from the “tail guns” of the badly holed HMS Blu-tone.
Later followed by a selection of marching tunes keeping strict tempo with the defeated ships company as I retreated to the recovery room. Each step triggered off a postern blast heard across the free world.
Imagine a creaky bottom bracket, which issues forth each revolution, now substitute the creak for the sound of your best ever fart, multiply by 10. Now we’re getting close.
Upon reaching the recovery room I noted with great interest that someone had already had the presence of mind to open the windows, all of ’em. Like the thinking young feller me monkey, like the cut o’ yer jib.
After a suitable recovery period, I was judged best giant marrow in show. And free to leave. I was still the size of some prehistoric land mammal in the later stages of multiple pregnancy. But free nevertheless.
I made my way to the lifts. Each step now a masterpiece in self control as I hold back a mighty tempest desperate to play his new baritone sax.
Lifts. What is it about lifts and flatulation ?
Just like fish and chips, just go together no question.
Exerting enough pressure to snap an iron bar with my “unseeing brown eye” I struggle the 20 metres from ward to lift. Displaying a walking style that would allow me to pass over landmines without detonation and with just one minor (reasonably) quiet escape party.
e-v-e-r s-o g-e-n-t-l-y… I press the call lift button.
After an age it arrives.
or the first time in days Lady Luck manages a tiny wink in my direction. Not only is the corridor empty, but, so is the lift. BONUS!
I leap in, like a jet propelled panther. (OK Jet propelled walrus).
I’m in, and my figer has hit Ground floor before I have settled back to earth. Please close, please close. Finally the doors are closed. Success, a lift all to my self.
BOOM, a sonic boom, think Cape Canaveral. I’m farting for the Solar System.
The blooody relief is ecstatic I can see my body actually shrinking. Eyes closed and I’m loving it. My arrrse (still heavily lubricated) is singing out high praise to “The Mayor of TRUMPton”. This is borderline as good as a cold beer in afrosted glass on a scorching day (abroad obviously, unless it’s April UK).
The noise is glorious and I’ve got a silly great grin spread Wiiiiiiiiide across my face.
IHateNettles – 2007-07-19 12:23:56
Stop it, I’m crying…
Cheesyfeet – 2007-07-19 12:24:45
I’m getting those funny looks in the office again.Don’t tell me, some buxom crumpet enters the lift….
plant – 2007-07-19 13:15:44
People are asking if I am OK, as I wipe the tears from my face.But then I look around the office and see others in a similar predicament – even if they have no interst in cycling, they are addicted to this thread!
maxray – 2007-07-19 13:37:31
so what happenend!! 😀
mmmcurry – 2007-07-19 14:04:01
C’mon, there are people round the world hitting refresh waiting to know what happened in the lift.Steve.
plant – 2007-07-19 14:11:22
If it’s anything like yesterday, Blu-tone has to take a nap in the afternoon.:-(
lebaldy – 2007-07-19 14:13:14
Once again I’m crying at work, much to the amusement of everyone else!Has anyone heard from makecoldplayhistory since blu-tone went into details?
mmmcurry – 2007-07-19 14:15:57
Plant, are you sure its a nap he’s taking?Steve.
labrat – 2007-07-19 14:18:13
Stop, please, it hurts… actually, don’t.
Crikey, though that was a quote from Blu-tone for a moment then ;o)
Yossarian_ – 2007-07-19 14:18:52
makecoldplayhistory is hiding in tree i would imagine
crispys_here – 2007-07-19 15:01:52
I suspect he’s waiting for a grand re-entry (as it were) for the 100th post…
johni – 2007-07-19 15:09:54
My better half works in the Mersey health trust and says that Blu-tone is one of many. She did have a good laugh at his writings though!Much worse things happen in hospitals, however most are not quite so well documented as to that of blu-tone.
Priceless piece of literature. Where do we sign people up for the Booker prize? :o)
noteeth – 2007-07-19 15:50:52
Outstanding work, Blu-tone.
wwaswas – 2007-07-19 16:26:58
Just in case you’re waiting to be post 100 blu-tone…
MrNice – 2007-07-19 16:49:49
I’m still waiting to hear from makecoldplayhistory – he should be at the “hollow shell of a man” stage by now. Is he history?
MrOvershoot – 2007-07-19 16:58:03
I’ve got to drive home past Fazakerley Hospital and I fear I might crash from laughing so much 😮
Either that or it might be a good thing as my ribs feel like they are bust from so much laughing
grahamt1980 – 2007-07-19 17:49:56
Oh hell, i’m in tear reading that, come on we need the rest
blu-tone – 2007-07-20 04:20:24
Then, something . . . .Just how do you instinctively know these things ?
I open my eyes. Because some “other” voice gently nudges me.
The lift has only dropped from floor 6 to 5. The door is wiiiiiiiiiiide open. The entire population of Merseyside has been waiting for a lift. For years.
Whatever they do on this floor, the population is entirely women, teenage girls and kids.
Every last one (ZERO EXCEPTIONS) is staring aghast at the fat hovvering man in the lift.
Doors wide open. Thousands waiting, No-one moving. Eyes wide, jaws dropped.
Just me.
My feet are 18 inches above the floor of the waiting lift.
I touch no surface. I am in geostationary orbit.
A gradually shrinking moon.
My captive audience needs a lift. But not this one.
Maybe, if they could overcome the hurricane, they might. (Probably not)
I hang there.
In mid air, supplying my own live soundtrack, and then, begin to slowly rotate.
And for the first time in nearly a week,
By now, I have SHAT entire continents through a part of my own body less familiar to me than the far reaches of the Amazon.
(There are villages, in countries plane flights away from my home requiring visas, that I knew better, before this week) (to tell the truth, I still couldn’t pick my own arrrrse in an identity parade (now that’s a phrase my old english teacher/probation officer never taught me) and still can’t)
So, here I am, my bum smeared in expensive, high quality fork grease, gently bobbing up and down before an audience of female strangers. And as the stainless steel doors gently close, there’s only one phrase in my head.
PS If you are concerned about the current performance of your OEM installed bum, PLEASE consult your GP. NOT the voodoo witchdoctor just to save a few quid.
Even being inflated and floating on your own farts in a lift in front of a bunch of kids is far less of a concern to ALL the people who love you than the consequences of ignoring it.
So remember, wherever you are, no matter how silent, how still. . . . . .
“AGENT” Picolax…
He’s waiting…
The EYE that NEVER blinks.
blu-tone – 2007-07-20 04:23:42
Author: makecoldplayhistory
Date: 18/07/07 00:42On Thurs some Docs are looking at my insides from the wrong end if you know what I mean… I’ve got to take two laxative potions; one at 0800 and one at 2000 tomorrow, but I’ve got an offer to go riding on Dartmoor. Will I s**t my brains out in the morning and then be fine for the day, or do I need to stay within sprinting distance of a loo?
farm-boy – 2007-07-20 06:07:11
Made my week. Altough possibly not yours, and certainly not Mr coldplayhistory’s. Chapeau!
bigtom – 2007-07-20 08:01:36
superb! one of the few times that typing LOL has been true
MickArms – 2007-07-20 08:31:25
My god, have only just read this thread! My jaws are aching from the laughter….
crispys_here – 2007-07-20 08:59:30
wwaswas – 2007-07-20 09:09:46
So how did makecoldplayhistory’s experience yesterday match up then?Blu-ray, I salute you 🙂
PaulP – 2007-07-20 09:49:22
A classic thread… top marks Blu-ray.
mrsmw – 2007-07-20 09:59:41
My life is more empty without the next instalment to look forward to… ;o)
Van-Halen – 2007-07-20 10:04:20
but mr MCPH will be along soon with his tale soon i should expect.
plant – 2007-07-21 09:54:18
Mr MCPH must be away licking his wounds.Oh, not quite the image I intended. If he can, lucky man!
barnoid – 2007-08-17 17:32:29
This thread has made the B3TA newsletterCongratulations, everyone 🙂
FredDibnah – 2007-08-17 17:38:15
Yay!I’m still hurting from all that laughing, several weeks ago1 Why oh why did you have to bring it up again?
PS. I’ve been suffering from terrible wind this week. A proper nice kebab t’other night seems to have sorted it, mind…
MountainMutant – 2007-08-17 17:38:36
I am now very nervous as I have been told I need this procedure. GULP!
richpips – 2007-08-17 17:59:01
Thanks for resurrecting this thread, I’d missed it whilst away.blu-tone 10/10
hugin – 2007-08-17 21:47:28
I never saw this the first time – pure comedy gold.My hat off to the inestimable mr blu-tone, floating free, gently bobbing over the horizon…he hit rock bottom but came up smelling of roses.
bomberesque – 2007-08-19 10:52:02
Blue Note you are a geniusI’ve had this procedure although my experience was much less dramatic than Bn’s. All I can say is;
thank **** I went private, at least they sedate you on Harley Street
Chipps – 2007-08-19 23:52:17
Top work. I salute you. 🙂
bionickev – 2007-08-20 00:02:06
Ha! yeah, I get the B3ta newsletter… and what’s this? some mountain bike forum thingy? Lolled when I saw it. Classic:)
glasgowdan – 2007-08-28 11:27:11
How on earth did I miss this? Good to see a happy ending though and victim turn victor!
lowey – 2007-09-14 22:58:27
*clap clap clap*Comedy Gold. I thank you Blu-tone.
steve-austin – 2007-09-14 23:07:35
dregs of the thread……
samuri – 2007-09-14 23:42:48
that was very funny, well done.
polarisandy – 2007-09-15 21:00:22
just read for the first time.very funny.
seriously, give up the day job.
bionickev – 2007-09-15 21:26:18
still running?
ShandyDrinker – 2007-09-16 18:05:22
Top quality thread – this’ll be linked and sent to many a mate of mine….LOL
caleb – 2007-09-20 12:57:10
Quality, I am drinking lots of hot water at the moment as feeling abit off so tomorrow i’ll be releasing ship hulls down the slipway of the shipyard.Me want some Picolax though, just for a laugh!
ambrosen – 2007-10-03 19:51:43
Hmmm, I suppose it’s this thread that means when I search for picolax I get given this ad:Picolax
Great prices on cycling equipment
Feed your passion on! Undergoing an evacuation currently.
bionickev – 2007-10-03 19:54:37
Nope, this is the one, with the above serious medical advice. Does any of the above sound familiar then?
NathanMoulds – 2007-11-01 23:38:54
potdog – 2007-11-15 14:40:42
I can’t believe that I missed this. What a classic, was late leaving the shop last night because I was laughing so much. Just finished it off and my sides are aching again!That has made my week!
PeterPoddy – 2007-11-15 15:16:29
This thread should be bumped up at least once a month, IMO….:o)
one_happy_hippy – 2007-11-23 17:10:07
I have just been linked to this thread and have consequently very nearly been fired due to my uncontrolled laughter drawing attention to my internet use during working hours.However my boss read the thread and subsequently forgave me.
Best thread ever? Probably.
**First Published on 2008**
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Replies (46)
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Amazing. Man has poo. Who’d have thunk it?
You weren’t there, maaaaan!
*stiffles laughter*
this tale should never ever die, it needs to be passed down to the next generation and beyond…
This thread made me weep with laughter.
It even made it to the medical press…
I haven’t laughed that hard in ages. Thanks for digging that one up.
Quite made my afternoon.
That was pure genius. I was sitting at my desk, red in the face, crying with laughter. I did get some odd looks.
Thanks for preserving it. 🙂
who is blutone on the new site?
he is a fantastic writer,
Arise Sir STW!
I’ve found the original thread with all of its postings. I’ll stick it up on Monday if anyone’s keen.
if you would please. ta.
beautiful, utterly beautiful! 😆
late for baby sitting, and crying with laughter.
best thread evar
Its been done already, but a tidier version would be great for prosperity.
As far as I’m aware blu-tone is one of the casualties of the christmas crash. I will forward this to him to hopefully he can find his way back to us!
Actually I’ll buy him a pint tonight and tell him to get back on!
Fantastic story. Poignant as I have been trying (in a half arsed (sic) stylee) to get my GP to send me for this treatment. Not convinced that there is anything too worrying going on but I would like to know for peace of mind.
utterly brilliant.
i just spat out half a glass of leffe brun onto the screen of my laptop-sticky stuff.
genius, thank you blutone made my night
Pure genius, a great bit of prose. Blu-tone certainly knows how to tell a story. Hilarious! Reading that was a great start to the weekend!
chipps – how about serialising this? Just one page per issue to minimize complaints from the moaning minis? Maybe add some of the more memorable reply posts along with it too? I’m sure a LOT of readers would get a kick out of it? There’ll always be may Sayers, but stuff em. Free satchet of the ‘agent’ to the biggest gob whites I say!
That is excellent. I have tears streaming down my face.
Thanks for publishing.
my sides hurt
some not so great memories 🙂
I think hilarious, gf just read first few lines declared “boys” and “crude”
fantastic writing too
Have read this a few times in the past, and haveing been refered for a colononoscope in the past, and refused, now, i think ill accept the kind offer of my DR, next time he asks/ tells me its in my best intrests, as it may develop my sence of humour better, wonders if it makes you like George Michael, and did they play Frankie goes to Holywood`s track, RELAX,
Someone really should look to get blu-tone writing comedy for them.
If you search Picolax on the interweb, there are thousands of people who have laughed at this thread. Utterly hilarious.
I am so pleased that this was not lost. I missed it first time and so appreciative of the reincarnation. I have tears streaming down my face, my sides hurt and my glasses are need drying off.
Many thanks
Had my meeting with the ‘agent’ last night and my ‘procedure’ today….blu-tone’s description of it all is the funniest thread i have EVER read. Utterly hilarious! I had tears running down my cheeks reading it. Pure comedy gold!
Just had a customer plonk her shopping on the counter in my shop. Picolax on top of her shopping bag.
Have directed her to this thread.
Worth rerunning a great read
Fabulous! Thank you for making me hurt myself from laughing.