First I’ve heard about it! Great news indeed.
I’m not quite sure what consultation there would need to be – NRW like their steering groups and committees – but I’d imagine that it would take something like ~18 months to get enacted when passed. As for funding / access infrastructure / etc, it’d be simple enough to sort that out afterwards (replace stiles with wide kissing gates for example, and leaving surfaces unless really bad as is).
The only sticking point I see would be with potential damage to SSSI’s / rare species / etc, which could be mitigated by linear access around sensitive areas.
That Ceredigion notice is interesting; like Aidan says, to me it looks like there is a RoW across fairly dangerous / boggy land with no physical indication on the ground. As they can’t say “dangerous path ahead, route unclear” they cover themselves by saying words to the effect of “historic maps say there is a path here, the route on the ground isn’t clear, its dangerous, so use it at your own risk.”