I’ve been feeling the same to be honest over the last couple of years…
People always used to ask me how I was always so cheerful; particularly at work.
But, now I just seem to be constantly grumpy & annoyed with things. Sometimes it’s really stupid, irrational things.
I do think about going to the doctors and mentioning it, but then tell myself that I should just snap out of it myself.
I think in my situation it is a combination of trying to get things done and not feeling like I have enough time….
There’s always jobs around the house to be done as well as a list of DIY projects that never seem to get off the paper.
All my ‘hobbies’ seem to be slowly dying a death & I have no ‘me’ time to just fart ass about in the garage or go for a long ride without that constant niggling feeling that I should be at home doing some kind of necessary ‘chore’.
Funnily enough, I bought that Chimp Paradox book mentioned above, but haven’t had the time (ha ha) to read it……