Gah! It’s a good job I am not normally at home during the day, as the way people park near the school on my road really boils my widdle.
There’s a sharp left corner (90 deg) then a sharp right corner (90 deg) on the approach to the school. The school is immediately round the right hand corner. Our house in on a short straight bit between the two bends.
The parents park on the approach to the left hander, all the way round the corner itself (so you have to negotiate it on the wrong side of the road) and on the straight bit before the right hander. They don’t park on the right hand bend on the same side of the road because of the zig zags (phew!), but instead just park on the opposite side of the road 🙄 .
I came home from work one day following a coach down the road with all the little darlings on it coming back from a school trip. They had parked so badly that the only way the coach could get to the school was on the wrong side of the road while half on the opposite pavement. Not safe at all.
I’ve had parent’s getting impatient with me, as I’ve slowed to park on my driveway.
A colleague of mine left his car outside my house once as I was giving him a lift. When we got back to my house (earlier than normal), the school run was in full swing and they had all still parked in their usual spots even though his car was on the opposite side of the road and parking in their usual spots made the road almost impassable to anything larger than a Golf. Even though his car had been there since about 7am, he got loads of dirty looks from the parent’s presumably due to his ‘irresponsible’ parking.
It’s a long road and there’s plenty of parking further away, but they seem to have to park as close as possible to the school.
Apparently it has been raised plenty of times in the past by the school but no one pays any attention. Last time it was mentioned, one of the parent’s threatened to punch the teacher delivering the mesasge, so I think the school have given up.