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  • Wimbledon ..seriously obese line judges.
  • hodgynd
    Free Member

    What’s the craic ..?
    I’m watching the Konta match at the moment and in a sport that is full of athletic players there is the equivalent of a Sumo wrestler as one of the line judges ..there was also a similarly sized one in the previous ( Williams ) match ..
    It’s distracting ..

    Full Member

    Makes no difference to their job, what’s your problem with it?

    Free Member

    I`ll get the biscuits

    Free Member

    Are they taking up all the screen?

    Umpire biscuits I hope.

    Free Member

    I’ve already said ..

    Full Member

    I`ll get the biscuits

    I think they’ve all gone

    Full Member


    Free Member

    I know tennis is dull but if you are watching the line judges then you should probably turn the television off.

    Free Member

    Would have thought it was an advantage ….

    Fatties, after all, are well used to standing crouched over with their hands on their knees, after any kind of “brisk” exercise

    Free Member

    Sorry ..got that wrong..
    There’s actually two oversized line judges ..one at each end ..

    Free Member

    Mister P ..I’m not exactly watching the line judges..but to be fair they are taking up most of the screen whenever the cameras fix on them ..

    Free Member

    Ah I see, you’re a chubby chaser 😉

    Free Member

    Wait? Are differently shaped people a thing? I didn’t know this.

    Free Member

    Not really ..but hats off to the LTA ..they have obviously employed these ladies in case rain stops play and they can then provide a wrestling match to keep the crowd entertained ..

    Free Member

    Poor Jo ..just wasn’t on it today ..

    Free Member

    It’s distracting ..

    So you like fat chicks.

    Full Member

    Ah, fat shaming.

    Shall we have a casual racism thread too? Then we just need something about using disabled toilets when people don’t look sick and we’ve probably got a full set for today.

    Full Member

    Then we just need something about using disabled toilets when people don’t look sick

    What’s wrong with that?  If I’m desperate for a crap and no one disabled is waiting I’m in there.  If Premier Inn can put me in a room fitted out for disabled people because there isn’t a disabled person booked in to use it, the same applies to a toilet.

    And, should a disabled person wander up to the door while I’m using it, why should they receive positive discrimination and automatically assume to be first to the queue for the trap?

    Its not a law, its facility which offers extra assistance to those who need it.

    Free Member

    think you might be missing the point there

    Full Member

    What’s wrong with that?

    I’m assuming though that you’re unlikely to soil yourself. Someone with Chrones / IBS / bladder continence / many many other issues might not be so lucky. If you’re happy to open the door to someone sitting in a pool of their own piss then you go right ahead, it’s your conscience.

    think you might be missing the point there

    Indeed, I was talking about prejudice against “hidden” disabilities. It’s something I’ve had second-hand experience of, and it’s not pleasant.

    Free Member

    Fat shaming ..don’t think I’ve gone that far ..what I can’t understand is why there were two obviously obese judges in the same match ..it’s as if the LTA have responded to some sort of criticism that they never show fat people and in response have gone completely off the scale in the other direction ..at least that’s how it appeared to me ..
    There’s always someone though ( Cougar ) who wants to take the thread off in a different direction ..
    As for liking fat chicks ..I’ve never been with one ..ll the ladies in my life have been real ” lookers ”
    What’s it like then Philx1975?

    Full Member

    Indeed, I was talking about prejudice against “hidden” disabilities. It’s something I’ve had second-hand experience of, and it’s not pleasant.

    You should have made that clear yet if there’s no one at / near the toilet when I get to it with a snake out the cave/stomach issues of my own, what’s the odds of me having and accident vs someone with one of those illnesses suddenly turning up whilst I’m in there?

    I appreciate the issue, but your basically saying its an exclusive toilet and I should be prepared to shit myself on a slim chance that a disabled person rocks up whilst I’m in there.

    Its a toilet, of course I’d give preference to a disable person and of course I wouldn’t sit in their reading a mag for 20 mins, but its not forbidden to able bodied people per se.

    Free Member

    seriously obese?

    Surely you mean hilariously!

    Er, s’ok. I’m going.

    Free Member

    You’d think it’d be a health and safety issue, they present a larger surface area to be impacted by wayward shots.

    Full Member

    You’d think it’d be a health and safety issue, they present a larger surface area to be impacted by wayward shots.

    Aye, but less likely to sustain injury.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t this thread need moderating? I mean the OP has said oooh look at that fat bastard. People get jobs like this on merit, their weight has **** all to do with it. Why comment other than to reveal to the rest if us that you are a bit of a ****?

    Full Member

    what I can’t understand is why there were two obviously obese judges in the same match

    what I can’t understand is why you think there wouldn’t be. Should they have gone “hang one, we’ve got one obese person on court, we can’t have another as we’ve reached our quota!” I saw two brown people in the same place once but I didn’t feel the need to hit the Internet expressing my surprise.

    You should have made that clear

    I thought I had. If you misunderstood, that kinda just highlights that it’s a point worth raising.

    I appreciate the issue,

    I don’t think you do.

    By way of example, which I didn’t really want to get into but here we are: An ex of mine had a condition where she’d go from not needing to go to the toilet to being absolutely desperate to go in the time it takes to click your fingers. And when I say desperate, I’m talking the order of seconds before an accident. Even if you’ve got a bad case of the squits you generally get more notice than that.

    Planning trips we’d to know where the nearest throne was at all times, and we’d often get shitty looks and occasionally snide comments from people seeing an apparently able-bodied person using the loos (she wasn’t that either, but that’s another story). Some people were just utter shits, it was horrendous for her.

    but your basically saying its an exclusive toilet and I should be prepared to shit myself

    No, I’m saying that the likelihood of you shitting yourself is very low under normal circumstances. If you were genuinely in danger of soiling yourself and no other traps were available then it’s hard to argue against that, it is in essence a disability albeit temporary.

    Free Member

    There’s actually two oversized line judges ..one at each end ..

    Over what size? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy taking the piss out of fatties as much as anyone. I hope no-one ever does it to me, though.

    Full Member

    Also, if “it’s not against the law” was my only source of moral compass, I’d be having a hard look at myself.

    Free Member

    “it’s not against the law”

    That seems to be the basis for your average German’s moral compass….

    Yup, also noticed the number of obese/fat/big boned/low metabolism line judges.

    I wondered how they get into it (the line judging, not their uniform) and how they get chosen.

    And then there’s the idea that with the hawk eye ball tracking they aren’t needed anymore.

    Full Member

    I wondered how they get into it (the line judging, not their uniform) and how they get chosen.

    They have an interest in tennis, complete a course, probably cover a set number of matches then apply to work at Wimbledon.

    Free Member

    Op well done. You win Internet bell end of the month. Nice job.

    Free Member

    There’s a bloke in a pub I use who likes to fatshame various clientele.
    Turns out his wife left him and he has no real friends.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    To be fair hodgydndnydnnoggy whatever…. You have made me look out for the rotund people 🙂 I hate Wimbledon… And tennis anyway. Silly sport.

    Free Member

    hodgynd and pals down the pub earlier…

    Free Member

    Good for you doncornonmetoeend..like I give a shit for your opinion anyway ..
    but thanks for the nomination ..are you also in for the same award ?

    Free Member

    Maybe they’re on fat killing community service.

    By being forced to exercise

    Free Member

    That’s fine hogmydoggygyndoomogofatshaming turnip. Opinions make the world go round.

    Free Member

    And I thought it was just my planetary alignments that were making me a tad tetchy recently… Looks like we’re all in this together.

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