1. Do the online thing – you buy a lot less stuff you never even wanted in the first place. I think it’s supermarket.com allows you to pick what you want and it tells you which supermarket is cheapest for that basket – can save you 10%+ straight off
2. Meal plan for the week – turn it into a list and shop with that list – ignore all the offers and buy just the stuff you need
3. Never, ever shop hungry. Eat before you go out.
4. Go shopping on your own so it’s a functional errand
5. Reduce your meat intake – replace with fish or beans. From a health point of view we eat way too much anyway – look at our obesity rates.
6. Don’t buy a Porsche Macan or Mini Cooper or fancy VW camper – with the tens of thousands of pounds you save you can eat like a king for years 🙂