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  • What is a woman ?
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    Full Member

    Who cares. Live and let live.

    Free Member

    As far as I can make out, a good way of winding up both sides of this unfortunately polarised issue is to say “it depends on the context in which the question is being asked”. So I won’t say that.

    Free Member

    It depends on the context in which the question is being asked.

    Full Member

    colournoise Full Member

    According to Bob Marley, a woman is a person who doesn’t cry.

    Nope, pretty sure that’s Boys according to Robert Smith…

    Frankie Valli was a bit more specific – big boys don’t cry.

    Full Member

    Someone who will happily shop for curtains.

    Full Member

    Someone who will happily shop for curtains.

    There are only two genders – those who enjoy shopping for soft furnishings and those don’t.


    I’m not sure I know these days, but when you find out could you tell her I’d like a sandwich. Shouldn’t need telling twice. Goodo!

    Free Member

    This is actually a pretty difficult question to answer.  Often, people want to think of things in terms of the language we use – but in reality it needs to be the other way round: the language should be reflecting things that exist.  For example, English only has two personal (i.e. not grammatical) gender words, leading to endless arguments.  Some languages have three or more genders for people.  If we were all speaking one of those, then the debate would pretty much disappear.  Doggedly trying to fit everything you see in the world into the confines of the language you happen to speak is foolish.  That’s why we can add new words or redefine existing ones.

    Full Member

    I can understand that sex is biological, and gender is a concept and as such people can and should be whatever they want.

    I don’t understand though, why a biological male who identifies as woman wants to dress like a biological female typically dresses – when does a woman have to dress a certain way. And if sex is irrelevant (ask my wife) because gender is a concept, why does it matter what bits you have?

    Just live your life however you want, with the bits you were given as we’re told they don’t define anything anyway.  Unless of course your body does define your gender and the concept stuff is just bollocks (sorry), in which you can’t change it really.

    I’m almost certainly not articulating this well, but I don’t know how to. The quicker we get away from labels and just let people live however they want without prejudice the better. Then an any pointless and unhelpful questions I have, and the debates, stop.

    Full Member

    Your ma!

    Free Member

    I appreciate the irony in what I’m going to now post……if there’s one thing this ‘debate’ doesn’t need, it is yet more opinions (on any side) from straight white middle class blokes.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand though, why a biological male who identifies as woman wants to dress like a biological female typically dresses – when does a woman have to dress a certain way.

    Because we aren’t starting from scratch, we are still carrying millenia of baggage.

    if there’s one thing this ‘debate’ doesn’t need, it is yet more opinions (on any side) from straight white middle class blokes.

    Are you cancelling us Tom? 🙂

    Full Member

    If anyone identifies as female, male, haddock, cheese sandwich, or lawnmower, then the only way to address them / it is with kindness.

    Rule 2: Be kind.


    if there’s one thing this ‘debate’ doesn’t need, it is yet more opinions (on any side) from straight white middle class blokes.

    Give it a rest FFS.

    You could have chucked British in there just to add a bit more self loathing

    Unless it isn’t self loathing and you are none of the above and just don’t respect the opinions of any straight white middle class blokes of course, because they are all obviously evil and prejudiced.

    I’m not middle class btw


    If anyone identifies as female, male, haddock, cheese sandwich, or lawnmower, then the only way to address them / it is with kindness.

    Rule 2: Be kind.


    I’m kinda old-fashioned, I like to ask people their name then address them by it. People seem to like that.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    The quicker we get away from labels and just let people live however they want without prejudice the better. Then an any pointless and unhelpful questions I have, and the debates, stop.

    I don’t mean to come across as pompous, although I’m sure I will do…

    My basic fundamental philosophy for everything is really really simple… if you are not hurting anyone else, then crack on. It’s really that simple.

    If others take offence to that (whatever ‘that’ might be) then that’s a problem for them by definition.

    Free Member

    They’re a kind of capybara?

    Full Member

    Why not go talk to some young people (particularly young women) who have a far better handle on all this than most members of this forum

    But how do you know that you ARE talking to woman, if you need to talk to a young woman to find out what one is ? 🤔

    Free Member

    Also – they eat salad THROUGH THEIR EYES!!!!

    Full Member

    the woman who chose me is the boss.    end of.

    Free Member

    An adult human born with Y chromosomes and female reproductive organs.

    Full Member

    A woman, pronounced Woah man, is an irate or frightened gentleman that needs to be calmed down. Not unlike a startled horse. Gently stroking the head of the affected individual whilst quietly saying “whoa boy, whoa” or “whoa man, easy” in a soothing manner should return the gentleman to his former state.

    Free Member

    Unless it isn’t self loathing and you are none of the above and just don’t respect the opinions of any straight white middle class blokes of course

    It’s mainly the opinions of bigots for which I have no respect.

    Full Member

    The other half of the sky.

    Full Member

    I’m content to let those that are or want to be a woman figure it out for themselves whilst being given a bit of room to do so by me any everyone else.

    Free Member

    BIG ISSUES (the mag obvs)

    Free Member

    In need of tissues as on the rag.

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