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  • Watches N+1…
  • Kato
    Full Member

    Yeah I had a Save The Ocean Turtle the Manta Ray one.   Lovely watch, I’d have another.   Don’t be put off by the case size as they wear smaller than the figures would have you believe.

    If you get one with a bezel that lines up and a cyclops that isn’t wonky then you’ve won the lottery!

    Full Member

    Kryton, that Seiko Lagoon looks 👌

    Full Member

    @kato I think that’s why I’m drawn to the Prospex. I like the larger case with the machined bezel.

    I’ve always had a soft spot for a Seiko after lusting for an Arctura and luckily getting one for my 30th.

    23 years later and I’m slowly moving from having a smart watch to wanting another Seiko. This thread is to blame as there’s been some stunning watches.

    Full Member

    Steer clear of the “black sand” dial versions.  The Super Compressor texted is infamously off centre.   I sent mine back for that reason but never replaced it.  Once you see it you can’t unsee it.

    you say that, but I have a black sand and it bothers me not one bit that the text I can barely see is slightly off centre.

    Full Member

    it bothers me not one bit

    I’m not sure I would have noticed this issue if Kato hadn’t mentioned it. I can imagine that I might have bought one and never realised :o)

    Full Member

    I have a king Samurai

    I also have the King Samurai – I’m a sucker for Seiko. The bezel is perfectly aligned and the cyclops looks fine.

    I think that Seiko Prospex watches provide great value for money and look very pretty.

    Full Member

    The bezel is perfectly aligned and the cyclops looks fine.

    Mine too, I’m happy to provide an out of focus pic if needed.

    Full Member

    A screen shot from the Watchgecko review, the new Chris Ward 12X:


    Full Member

    Not sure about that to be honest. The thing I liked about the twelves was the dials. £4k too, oof that’s a hefty jump

    Free Member

    That’s an absolute horror of a thing.

    Or to put it more accurately, it’s not really to my personal taste. These things are subjective after all!

    Full Member

    I actually quite like it, but I’m never going to be paying 4 grand for a CW.

    Full Member

    Yeah, it’s definitely from the more is more school of design, which ain’t my bag.

    In a slight question resurrection, any recommendations for replacement leather straps for a dress watch?

    Free Member

    No.  Its like a cheap looking take on an (ugly) Zenith defy.

    I don’t mind cw homaging/ taking inspiration from others designs.  I like the numerous c60 that look very seamaster.  I don’t like the defy and like that cw even less.

    If you like it,  they will be available for around £2k used,  maybe less,  worlds would be my guess.

    Full Member


    Hirsch for replacement straps.

    Free Member

    The cw is cheap by comparison….but tbf the wireless quality in the zenith would be several levels above even though cw are very very good these days.

    Full Member

    So I spent the change from a recent bathroom renovation on the appropriate CW bracelet for the C65.  Thoughts?   I like it, but thing the mix of radial brushing on the watch and linear on the bracelet can look at odds in the wrong light:


    Full Member

    I redid the lume on the black G-Shock, with some white, and instead of using the little applicator spatula thing, I very carefully painted the indices with a very fine brush. Much better results, it’s smoother, and being white matches the hands better. Still glows green, but it’s brighter and more even glow.

    Full Member


    i thinks it’s a beauty and it looks good whether it’s on a strap or a bracelet.

    i personally prefer the bracelet but YMMV :o)

    Free Member

    I’m rather taken with the new Bulova Surveyor:

    Full Member

    Happy NWD to me. As I said somewhere up there ^, I was on the lookout for a watch for my 50th, ideally from 1974. Well, a bit of eBay patience found this NOS beauty, which has the kind of unusualness and retro vibe that I love.


    Free Member

    Happy 50th and congratulations on your acquisition. I think that’s very nice.

    The style of watch your dad’s cool mate had back in the day. I’m 55 BTW.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    If you like it and can afford it,  treat yourself.

    Free Member

    Seiko have been making concerted efforts to move their prices up so the listing at £510 is very optimistic IMO. It’s not really my cup of tea but it looks like reasonable value at the reduced price so if you like it crack on!

    Full Member

    I had a sudden inspiration. Falling out of love for the Citizen, I thought I’d try a leather strap.  So, I’ve only got a 20mm so it was for looks only, so this pic is representative with a Barton silicone strap:


    I’ve realised the OEM Ti bracelet dullness detracted massively from the watch itself.  black leather turned it into a really nice and better GADA “smart casual” look.

    I’ve order a 22mm QR strap (will work on other watches too) for day wear and can put this Barton QR in a bag for holiday pool time.

    Free Member

    I’ve order a 22mm QR strap (will work on other watches too) for day wear and can put this Barton QR in a bag for holiday pool time.

    The watch is a touch big for my taste but it looks good on the Barton, I’m not sure I’d bother with the leather unless for comfort reasons. Though if you’ve not got a 22mm black leather it’d be handy to have I suppose.

    It must be nice and light off the bracelet, even if it was Ti.

    Full Member

    Its a fair point, but the leather is a better look for my line of work ;)

    I weighed it at 64g on the kitchen scales.   I was kind of inspired by Jody’s review of the Tuyosa Small Seconds this morning, I desperately wanted to buy one, knew I couldn’t/shouldnt and picked up this in empathy and 20 mins later voila, I have a new look.

    Full Member

    Caught up with my uncle recently who passed this on to me. My grandfather’s Longines. Had a bit of a tear in my eye I must admit.


    Full Member

    Thats bloody lovely!   You may want to loosen the strap?

    Full Member

    😂 I think I will treat it to a new one. The existing one isn’t the nicest. Had something similar on my 1950s chronograph and a new Hirsch made it look so much better.

    Free Member

    It’s a fair point, but the leather is a better look for my line of work

    True enough, it’s definitely a smarter look for those customer facing occasions!

    That Longines is the epitome of understated class, I love it.

    Full Member

    What’s peoples view on taking expensive watches on Hols?   About to go on a 5 day lads trip to a Southern Spain beach holiday (I say “lads “ but I’m the youngest at 52 so it won’t exactly be raucous), I’ve kinda settled on wearing the Arnie, but really wanted to take the SMP.

    Im going through a “why buy nice watches if you can’t wear them” thought process.   🤷‍♂️

    Full Member

    Take your every day watch then you don’t need to worry if it gets scratched

    Full Member

    It’s entirely up to you, if you’re not comfortable taking your good watch then leave it at home.

    I don’t worry about it personally. No concerns about them getting scratched etc. I tend to take at least two watches on holiday. Dressy watch for dinner (Rolex / Panerai) and my everyday watch for the daytime (Tudor bb or Sinn).

    Free Member

    What are you actually worried about @Kryton57 – Getting it stolen? damaged? lost?

    From my personal opinion (and youve kinda said yourself) – the watch is for wearing – and ive worn my nice watches while working/living/holidaying in other countries before (some good, some not so good) and never experienced any issues with damage or theft.

    I wear mine on Nato straps, and maybe takes attention away from them.
    However the key is to be sensible out and about. You’ll be in a group, and unlikely to be raucous too with the self professed group age.

    Only drugs youll be looking for is Voltarol by the sounds of it…..

    Full Member

    I’d wear my good watch in Southern Spain much as I would in London – so if I was going to end up completely smashed on a nightbus I wouldn’t but for sensible drinking I would.

    Generally if I’m going to be ok wearing it once or twice on a trip and have somewhere to store it I take a good watch. I think the last time I didn’t was biking in Canada when there was a lot of leaving kit in cars.

    I usually take a beater as well as per above.

    Full Member

    I’m wearing my BB58 on holiday in the Canaries right now. Leaving it on my wrist whilst out on the bike and biggest worry is scratching it if I fall off. It’s a summertime watch so it’d be daft not to wear it.

    Free Member

    I don’t have any expensive watches but if I did I’d wear them, otherwise what’s the point?

    Full Member

    I happily wear any of mine no matter where I am.  I bought them to be worn and they’re insured so don’t see any reason not to.

    Full Member

    What are you actually worried about @Kryton57 – Getting it stolen? damaged? lost?

    After some thought yes, constantly throughout the trip therefore putting a dampener on it. Hence, the Arnie on a stealth NATO is what I shall take.

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