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  • Watches N+1…
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    Free Member

    This has rekindled bad memories!

    In August 1992 I bought an Omega Constellation from WoS in Manchester. I was soooooo chuffed with it. Two weeks later I went to Provence with a mate for a road trip.

    And I wore the new watch. And I scuffed the case on a waterslide…take the Arnie!

    Free Member

    The Arnie is fine.  Not enough watch to get mugged for,  worry about a scratch at the beach or losing if the holiday place gets robbed, yet enough watch to be robust and give pleasure to the wearer.

    I reckon you’re concerned because you don’t know the location.  Just as you wouldn’t wear your smp to a dodgy bit of London you are Vincent’s m concerned as you don’t know the dodgy bits of your holiday location.  No shame in taking the Arnie into the unknown.

    Full Member

    No shame in taking the Arnie into the unknown.

    Surely you need an Explorer for the unknown?

    Full Member

    It’s quiet in this topic lately….so some pics….Today is Panerai day, GMT, about 20 years old so almost a vintage watch….on black leather also have the standard rubber that I may swap to. It is quite chunky and a nice heft to it.


    Free Member

    @w00dster: that’s gorgeous.

    Full Member

    That’s lovely Woodster and by coincidence I’m sitting across from a mate of mine in Spain, he’s wearing exactly the same watch.

    Even better IRL, has a certain “shine” to it.

    Free Member

    I give you a £600 Timex

    I saw that yesterday and actually really like it, just not that bothered about paying the James Brand tax

    Full Member

    I give you a £600 Timex

    I like that too. And if it’s not worth £600 because it’s Timex, that surely proves that people are mainly paying (or not) for the name on watch though, right?

    Full Member

    I don’t think it’s just about paying for the name, there is no doubt the luxury name tax. But there is genuine craftsmanship gone into making of expensive watches. I’m not going to go into a huge lecture here, but for me personally I’ll only wear certain brands and only those watches that I find interesting.

    I do get the point you’re making though. Again for me personally I’d have no issue with buying a Timex for £600 if it was interesting enough. But £600 would put it up against other watches that at least for me would be my preference.

    I have a fairly large collection of watches, I am just as happy with a really nice £150 watch as I am with my much more expensive watches.

    Full Member

    But there is genuine craftsmanship gone into making of expensive watches

    Well that’s definitely what their brand marketing is built on.

    But when you’re making tens of thousands of watches (a quick Google finds that Panerai make 26000 watches every year), I think the line between craftsmanship and mass production has been pretty much crossed.

    Full Member

    Finally decided to get the Seiko. Not the exact one I wanted as funds didn’t allow.

    The strap is a bit too stiff so will probably swap it out.


    Full Member

    Nice choice Flying Potatoes. I do like that series of watches, love the colours.

    Free Member

    What are people’s opinions on Baltany? My son wants a watch for his 16th birthday, he likes the look of some Seiko 5s and also some Baltanys, Seestern also do some nice homages, it’s more the case size that concerns me, the Seiko are 40mm and Baltany tend to be more like 36mm, which would suit his wrists a bit better.

    Any feedback or other suggestions for brands to look at around the £200 mark that are solid and not too enormous would be most welcome.

    Full Member

    the Seiko are 40mm and Baltany tend to be more like 36mm, which would suit his wrists a bit better.

    Really depends on the wrist diameter. 36mm will look a bit small on anything bigger than average, about 7.5 inch dia. 40mm most people can get away with especially Seikos as they tend to have short lug to lug measurements.

    Free Member

    There is a lot more said about watch size than it matters really.  Ime you get used to a big or small watch very quickly and then forget the size.

    I’ve a very average or smallish wrist at 6.75″ and wear 42mm a lot,  45mm happily and 36mm is fine too.

    Free Member


    Baltany are a good VFM brand. I have two and they have been very reliable. Build quality and specifications belie their pricing.

    I changed the supplied straps for Hirsch.

    The military field watch is manually wound.

    Free Member

    Ime you get used to a big or small watch very quickly and then forget the size.

    This. It just comes down to personal preference, I favour sub 39mm watches these days but I’ve still got a few around 42mm (including a couple of real chunkers like a Monster and a Khuraburi) which i’m perfectly happy to wear.

    Baltany are a solid value brand, a Seiko around the same price still be a lower spec and no better made. It’d still have the Seiko name though, which may count for something.

    Free Member

    Picked this up yesterday – Black Bay 41 Monocrome

    Thought I was sold on the five link jubilee style bracelet but after trying it on I just wasn’t convinced. Much preferred the three link. The new clasp is a marked improvement on the previous version.

    I was indifferent about it when it was launched but after seeing it in the flesh I just really liked it.

    I really like that Timex!

    Full Member

    IMG_2315Very nice Robz. Whats different about the clasp? I have a BB58 from about 5 years ago, didn’t notice anything wrong with it….

    (I do prefer the monochrome over mine)

    Free Member

    Just that it’s got on the fly micro adjust that my Black Bay GMT doesn’t have, and that there’s a nice Tudor logo machined into it. Very much like a Rolex Sub clasp.

    It’s also just a bit more dainty as the bracelet has more of taper than my GMT too so the whole clasp assembly is slimmer and more lightweight.

    Lovely BB58! A classic.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    It’s quiet in this topic lately….so some pics….Today is Panerai day, GMT, about 20 years old so almost a vintage watch….

    That’s lovely W00dster. And I believe the term you’re looking for is “neo-vintage” (as used by the more w*nky watch websites… ;))

    Full Member

    Anyone got a link / suggestion for a reputable person to mod my 5kx and Arnie with sapphire crystal please?

    Full Member

    On a cruise at the moment.  There’s a watch shop onboard.  At one end of the spectrum they’re asking 13500 for a no date Sub which is ridiculous, but at the other end they are asking 157 for a Promaster Fugu which is less than half retail price.

    was tempted to buy them all……

    Full Member

    @robz love that monochrome Black Bay

    Free Member

    @kato, that sounds like a bit of a steal to me. Quite a nice looking watch for the money

    Full Member

    Anyone want my Baltany for £103?   Comes with box and papers:


    Full Member

    Request to make please, I remember they’re are a few folk on here with Seamaster Pro’s. Could I also for some pics with them being worn? I’m in the market for one, trying to decide on Green on Green Rubber, White face on Black Rubber, Black Dial with Sedna gold and Black Rubber (I’m leaning very heavily towards this, but it’s a fair bit more expensive)

    Free Member

    I’m obviously a bit biased, but I think the white is ace. On steel mind so not quite what youre after.

    Full Member

    Thanks @boblo. That is nice. I already have an old Seamaster Pro on steel (blue on steel) from about 2000 so fancy the rubber strap.

    Free Member

    Aye, I have the old coax Jimmy Bond jobbie as well:

    Full Member

    White face on black rubber you say?

    Full Member

    I’ll get a better photo in the morning if you want but I think the rubber strap is the winner, I really didn’t care for the bracelet at all, so didn’t buy it.

    I love my white but the seaweed green on green looks killer to me as well.

    Free Member

    Shit a brick! £260 for a rubber strap. I do like it but not that bloody much…

    Free Member

    No the winner is a black sailcloth with white stitching.

    Not mine as I can’t be bothered to try and post my own photo but this does as good a job

    Full Member

    Aye Boblo, They’re obscene priced for sure. Doubt mine will be getting replaced with a genuine when it wears out!  I’m not keen on sailcloth’s for some reason, maybe I’ve just had cheap ones, but I’d look for other high quality rubber straps when the time comes, this one is incredibly comfy though, much softer than other rubber bands I’ve got on other stuff.

    Full Member

    Shit a brick! £260 for a rubber strap.

    It’s because of the genuine craftsmanship that went into it ;-)

    Full Member

    Nice contribution @IHN

    Full Member

    As if you needed another….  I’d comply with the white dial / black rubber:


    And despite the lack of focus I’ll add a bit of lume too, becuase for some reason I really love the depth and colour of it and it make a difference for me:


    As you can see, it also goes well with Birkenstocks 😉

    Full Member

    Thanks Kryton. And yeah that Lume looks really nice. The choice of footwear less so!

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